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What Normalization Can I Use in MarkerView™ Software 1.3.1 when Processing My Peptide Data?

MarkerView™ software 1.3.1 software has a new Most Likely Ratio (MLR) normalization algorithm incorporated info this newest version of the software.

MarkerView™ 1.2.1 and 1.3 software and PeakView® 2.2 software can import T2D files generated on the TOF/TOF™ series of instruments.

02/26/2018    Academia Omics | MarkerView Software

Activating Markerview Software Requires an Activation Key Code, Not a License File

Installing Markerview requires an activation key code, not a license file. Software activation key codes can be obtained by emailing

11/14/2017    MarkerView Software

MarkerView 1.2.1 error Could not get method information for A1_MS_1.t2d when trying to download data

MarkerView 1.2.1 error Could not get method information for A1_MS_1.t2d when trying to download data

07/08/2016    Academia Omics | MarkerView Software

MarkerView Microsoft Office 2013 This method or property is not available because this command is not available for reading.

When Markerview 1.2.1 is used in conjunction with Microsoft Office 2013 report generation fails with the message This method or property is not available because this command is not available for reading.

10/01/2015    Academia Omics | MarkerView Software