Acquire your proteomics data with confidence using our quality control and performance kits

SWATH Acquisition Performance Kit

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

SCIEX is pleased to offer the SWATH Acquisition Performance Kit to assess performance of your TripleTOF® LC-MS system. The kit contains a pooled mixture of 20 synthetic peptides (PepCalMix) which provide coverage over a wide range of masses and retention times, as well as a complex digested lysate for assessing protein quantitation performance using SWATH Acquisition. The synthetic peptides are also available for purchase separately for routine mass calibration or use as retention time calibration peptides. A detailed guide to running the tests is included for both microflow and nanoflow LC rates, along with an easy-to-use template for processing the data

  • Quickly assess performance of your SWATH Acquisition experiments
  • Ensure consistent performance of your instrument for maximum uptime
  • Easily transition your methods between libraries and flow rates

Status: Available


Proper controls are required for reliable, reproducible proteomics experiments to ensure consistent instrument performance across experiments, studies, and users. As workflows become industrialized and move to higher throughput, the requirement for good calibration and performance standards becomes even higher.

In order to assess system suitability of the LC-MS systems, four performance suitability tests can be performed. The suitability tests have been designed for both microflow and nanoflow regimes.

  • PepCalMix Infusion Test – Used to check MS performance and optimize the source positioning. Requires PeakView® Software.
  • PepCalMix LC-MS System Suitability Test – Used to check the LC-MS system is in basic working order, and used for routine mass calibration. Requires PeakView® Software.
  • Cell Lysate SWATH® Acquisition QC Test – Used to assess the performance of the SWATH® Acquisition. Requires SWATH® Acquisition MicroApp 2.0.1 in PeakView® Software and the SWATH® Replicate Analysis template.
  • Cell Lysate IDA QC Test – Used to assess protein identification performance. Requires ProteinPilot™ Software.

You can download free and trial versions of the required software packages from our Software Downloads page.




SWATH® Acquisition Performance KitPepCalMix
K562 Protein Extract Digest
Manual for use
5045757Cell Lysate SWATH® QC Test
Cell Lysate IDA QC Test
MS Synthetic Peptide Calibration KitPepCalMix
Manual for use
5045759PepCalMix Infusion Test
PepCalMix LC-MS System
Suitability Test
