
iMethod™ Application for Triazine Pesticides in Water Version 1.0 for Cliquid® Software

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Triazine pesticides are widely used in agriculture and subsequently can be found in ground and surface water. Members of this herbicide family include atrazine, hexazinone, metribuzin, prometon, prometryn, and simazine. Atrazine is widely used in corn farming and was estimated to have been the most often-used pesticide in the US during the late 1990s. The EPA has established a Lifetime Health Advisory Level for atrazine in drinking water of 3 µg/L. Water containing atrazine at or below this level is acceptable for everyday drinking and does not pose any risk to human health. Long-term consumption of high levels of atrazine has caused adverse health effects in animals that include tremors, changes in organ weight, and damage to the liver and heart.

To learn more, please view the flyer: iMethod™ Application for Triazine Pesticides (EPA Method 536) Version 1.0 for Cliquid®Software


iMethod Application for Triazine Pesticides in Water Version 1.0 for Cliquid Software



Reduce development time

ActivityUsing an iMethod™ ApplicationTraditional Method Development
Complete Test Protocol DocumentationIncludedWeeks–Months
Sample Prep TechniquesIncluded, with examples and referencesWeeks–Months
Optimized MS/MS Acquisition ParametersIncludedWeeks–Months
LC Instrument Parameters with Retention TimesIncludedDays–Weeks
Integration (Quantitation) ParametersIncludedDays
Reporting TemplatesIncludedDays
LC/MS/MS Library SpectraMay be included. Stand-alone libraries are also available.Weeks–Months
Staff Training – SoftwareSimple Cliquid® Software interface, no additional trainingTraditional MS Software and review procedures – Days
Method ValidationWeeks. Validation templates and support availableWeeks–Months
Complete Test Development and DeploymentWeeks6–12 months