SCIEX Now Feature Requests
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User can see who is defined as owner of an instrumentWhen you are defined as an user of an instrument in Sciex Now, you can not see who is defined as owner. Only the o... |
Remove inactive software from my profileSince I only access this space intermittently, I find it hard to navigate, including evaluating which software lic... |
Ability to remove software from my profileI can remove/modify instruments in my profile, but not software. It would be useful to add/remove software s... |
make 'Activate Software' available via 'My Software'it would be more intuitive to find the 'Activate Software' functionality via 'My Software' on the left sidebar.&nb... |
Additional Information when adding and InstrumentWhen adding an instrument, you only ask for the serial number. In addition to the serial number, a user-defi... |
Support case category "instrument support"Idea received from customer: I would appreciate an issue category called "instrument support". |
Assigning Deputy ContactsIn our group four peaple are looking for the wellbieng of our instrumentation. In cases when one person is opening... |
show serial number in list view when submitting a caseIt would be helpful to not only show the instrument (nick)name but the serial number also in the list when submitt... |
Instrument Nickname visible in CasesWould it be possible to see the Nickname of my Instrument also in a Software or Hardware Case, which I submit? |
Option to remove assets from my SCIEXNow inventoryRight now there is no way to remove an asset from my list of either instruments or license keys. |
Allow support cases to be opened by AIDpurchased licenses come with support independent of an instrument serial number it should be possible to open a ca... |
Activity Stream CreationHave an activity stream on the dashboard which shows all customer activities like: -Surveys Completed... |
instruction to find MAC address on windows 10Idea receved from customer: Give information how to find MAC adress on windows 10! |
option to search and filter casesIdea received from customer: I would like to be able to search and filter cases by for example: instrument,... |
improve MAC address directionsidea received from customer: directions for identifying MAC address could be clearer, more complete. I'm us... |
exit button when creating caseImprovement idea received from customer: "for a new case there is no "Exit"_button but only "Close Case"=it... |
Innovation Advisory Board Member Status - Indicated on Front DashboardShow that customer is part of the IAB on the SCIEX Now Dashboard |
Can we send periodic emails with updates?We are always adding new Knowledge Articles and Feature Requests to our portal to help our users. I think it would... |
Field Service Reports available through SciexNowAutomatic upload of FSR to SciexNow portal once case has been debriefed by Engineer. |
Manage licenses - change assigned user/instrumentAt the moment I have no option to assign a software license to a different instrument or a different user. I alway... |
Knowledge Articles should contain hashtags and recommndations for similar articelsWe have a growing number of knowledge base articels (KBA). It would be great, if they would contain ha... |
Instruments view as table with sort & filter optionIdea received from customer: I would like to be able to view my instruments as a table, and sort and filter... |
Newslatter or Portal Notification for new Software Hotfixes or Updatesautomatic email for something similar send out, if new Hotfix or and Upgrade is avaibale for an already registered... |
Increase Upload Limit for CustomersOne piece of feedback I have received from customers is that the service packages generated from Sciex OS are too ... |
Improvement to the Registered Software PageDisplay "My Software" in more comprehensive grid format (not so much scrolling and provide filting options). ... |
Create a new Software Details PageCreate a new Software Details page that links from the main Registered Software page. ... |
Course catalog OverviewIdea received from customer: A better overview would be good. For me it is quite difficult to find some overview... |