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Showing 431-440 of 1009
  • Date: December 09, 2022
Guía de piezas y equipos para fuentes de iones y espectrómetros de masas
  • Date: November 09, 2021
Provides procedures for performing multiplex gene expression analysis for the design and optimization of a custom multiplex or a standard gene expression protocol, using the GenomeLab GeXP Genetic Analysis System.
  • Date: October 13, 2021
Describes new enhancements and fixes to the 32 Karat software and firmware, and provides a summary of the software validation report. A summary of how the software supports the FDA regulation 21 CFR part 11 and summaries of previous releases of the software and firmware are also included.
  • Date: December 10, 2020
TOF/TOF� 5800 Systems Electromagnetic Environment Information
  • Date: December 10, 2020
  • Date: December 10, 2020
Qq-TOF-technology: breakthrough in clinical toxicological analytics
  • Date: December 10, 2020
Mass Spectator Newsletter focused on EMEA
  • Date: December 10, 2020
This document summarizes the results of method verification utilizing LC-MS/MS with MRM ratios and MS/MS library searching for pesticide identification in food samples.
  • Date: December 10, 2020
Understanding Protein Grouping
  • Date: December 10, 2020
TripleTOF� Systems Electromagnetic Environment Information
Showing 431-440 of 1009