Authenticity and profiling analysis are critical to ensure consumer safety and regulatory compliance throughout the food supply chain. Because the increased demand for high-quality, all-natural ingredients has outstripped the availability, there is a high risk of substitution to preserve profits. The real problem arises when the substitutions are not clearly declared on labels. In addition to the issue of misrepresentation, food mislabeling could lead to expensive food recalls for food manufacturers or, more importantly, deadly consequences for consumers.
Consumers rely on food labels to help them make informed choices. They should feel confident that the product is labeled accurately, and that they are getting the quality goods they intended to buy. For regulators, this means taking on the responsibility of enforcing policies and standards to protect consumers against false or misleading food labels.
Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 is the main law regulating food labeling in the European Union. It mandates clear and accurate food labels. The comprehensive law requires food labels to include full ingredients lists, nutrition information, food additives, and allergens, among other things. In the United States, similar food laws aim to prevent consumer deception and ensure fair trade practices and food safety:
Ingredient Profiling Analysis and the Science Behind Food
There are more than 370 ingredients identified as GRAS, or “Generally Recognized as Safe”, for use as food additives.1 But how many of its ingredients must be on the list before a product is considered potentially harmful or potentially healthful?
Whether you are looking at the food chemistry of natural or artificial products, SCIEX provides food scientists and technologists with ingredient analysis solutions that can quantify the compositional integrity and quality of both raw materials and finished products. The high level of accuracy SCIEX provides is needed to meet labeling requirements and to enable producers to protect their brand and the quality and consistency of the products they produce.
1 US FDA SCOGS (Select Committee on GRAS Substances)
LC-MS/MS systems can consistently achieve detection levels in part per million range and can go as low as several parts per billion. Experience increased selectivity and sensitivity by limiting the amount of measured data with Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM).
Leverage the power of the Turbo V™ source to customize your workflow with either electrospray ionization (ESI) or atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). Selectively filter samples to reveal the analyte-specific product ions you’re seeking.
Reduce matrix effects with the highly selective MRMHR quantification method. Easily detect multiple points of contamination in food to maximize your quantitative results using a direct analysis approach.
Achieve a high degree of repeatability and reproducibility even from complex mixtures. LC-MS/MS systems can generate consistent results every day by matching peptides across different LC-MS experiments using the retention time and parent mass to charge ratio (m/z).
Easy to use accurate mass spectrometer system that analyzes data faster, leveraging the power of SWATH® Acquisition.
The all-in-one software that lets you acquire, process, and analyze data and even generate reports.
Employ the MRM sensitivity of a triple quadrupole to get you even better identification, characterization, and quantification.
Learning Center | |
LC-(DMS)-MS/MS Analysis of Emerging Food Contaminants | Download |
Quantitative Analysis of Collagen in Meat Extracts using Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry | Download |
The Quantitation and Identification of Artificial Sweeteners in Food and Drink by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) | Download |
Simplified and Improved Food Testing Workflows Using Automated Sample Preparation Approaches | Watch |
Detection of Adulterant Seed Oils in Extra Virgin Olive Oils by LC-MS and Principal Components Analysis | Download |
Authenticity Testing of Liquor Samples using LC-MS/MS and Statistical Data Processing | Download |
Authenticity Assessment of Fruit Juices using LC-MS/MS and Metabolomic Data Processing | Download |
Meat Authentication Using LC/MS/MS: Identification and Detection of Biomarker Peptides Specific for Horse or Pork in Halal Beef | Watch |