As a mass spectrometry operator in a clinical laboratory, you are expected to perform routine testing techniques that quickly get the right results, within your first run. Your tasks lists include:
Scroll down to browse through our resources for users new to mass spectrometry as well as current mass spectrometry operators.
We’ve designed this content to equip you with the fundamentals to help you understand:
Click the links below to discover the resources available to help you grow your IVD LC-MS/MS knowledge base.
This workshop covers the fundamentals of LC-MS/MS as it becomes the instrument of choice in clinical labs across the globe.
동영상 길이
Featured SCIEX University™ Courses |
Introduction to HPLC |
Introduction to Mass Spectrometry |
Introduction to LC-MS/MS Operation Series - SCIEX Triple Quadrupole/QTRAP (IVD) |
At SCIEX, we have a portfolio of medical devices developed to ensure your time is focused on delivering patient results to clinicians. Our wide range medical device and tools are:
We also offer solutions to help your diagnostics laboratory:
Automation and Data Management: Integrating LC/MS/MS into the Clinical Research Laboratory
Low-Level Steroid Analysis How to Bring Mass Spec In-House to Enhance Patient Care Clinical Research by LC/MS/MS