The speed of new designer drugs flooding today’s market is alarming. These drugs are so volatile that a simple tweak of a molecule could create an entirely different substance altogether. For this reason, your laboratory needs tools that enable you to rapidly and accurately detect as well as identify these substances.
Enter SCIEX LC-MS/MS technology and software coupled with Wiley Libraries
To help you do just that, SCIEX has partnered with Wiley Libraries. With the Maurer / Meyer / Helfer / Weber (MMHW) LC-HR-MS/MS Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites or the Wiley Registry® of Tandem Mass Spectral Data: MS for ID you can detect novel psychoactive substances and confirm your results.
These comprehensive libraries will assist your investigation and help you identify the compounds in a sample. The spectral data contained within these SCIEX-Wiley libraries have been acquired by independent forensic experts. So, you can have the confidence you need to accelerate your analysis.
Wiley Science Solutions is home to the world’s largest spectroscopy collection, providing researchers with integrated software solutions and superior spectral and chemical data collections. We aim to improve the quality of analysis and identification, reduce errors, and increase productivity in the laboratory.
With over 50 years’ experience in publishing empirical, experimental, and validated data, Wiley Science Solutions is the most trusted partner in the publishing industry for laboratory data solutions. For more information visit us at https://sciencesolutions.wiley.com
LC-MS/MS delivers highly sensitive detection and quantification of your analytes of interest. SCIEX mass spectrometers can detect trace levels of designer drug residues in the most complex matrices. The Turbo V™ Ion Source enables your laboratory to screen blood, urine, oral fluids, hair, tissue and other swabbed samples from a crime scene. Once the data has been acquired, it needs to be reported with high degrees of certainty. This can be achieved by processing your results alongside a Wiley library.
These comprehensive libraries reduce the risk of not identifying a crucial analyte. The compounds and their metabolites are included in the library to help make sure your analysis shows you everything.
Keep your analysis up to up-to-date with a SCIEX-Wiley library. Sift through a comprehensive collection of emerging compounds that is supported by MS/MS spectra for confident compound identification.
Reduce cost inefficiencies and maximize your data quality in your analysis. Experience comprehensive screening with a SCIEX mass spectrometer and state-of-the-art Wiley Libraries.
Take your SCIEX mass spectrometry to the next level. When paired with the Maurer/Meyer/Helfer/Weber LC-HR-MS/MS Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, you will gain higher selectivity and confirmation to various drug classes using a broad metabolite-based screening approach.
Browse through a rich library that contains more than 10,000 positive and negative mode tandem MS/MS spectra of over 1200 compounds of interest.
The best way to process your data. Intelligent algorithms enable high degrees of accuracy and certainty without time-consuming manual data review.
Wiley Registry is a trademark of John Wiley and Sons, Inc