We offer world-class training at our state-of-the-art application laboratory and training center at Gurgaon. Comprehensive, hands-on proficiency programs are offered in routine operations and advanced techniques enabled by AB SCIEX technology and instrumentation. Courses catering to different needs and applications for all fields like pharmaceutical testing, food testing, and proteomics research are provided. You will learn theory and troubleshooting procedures in these integrated courses, thus ensuring you derive maximum returns on your investment in AB SCIEX instrumentation. Our regularly-conducted, on-site workshops and demos routinely receive excellent attendee feedback.
Those of you who wish to attend the mass spectrometry training program and to acquire registration details, kindly send your queries to India.ApplicationSupport@sciex.com or call +91-(0124) 6734000 Ext. 110 or 190.
Please select the course title to see class dates.
Workflow-based customized training programs can be conducted on request, in areas such as: food analysis, metabolite ID, and high-resolution mass spectrometry.