이 자가 주도형 교육 세션에서는 Triple Quadrupole 과 QTRAP 장비 시스템의 분해능과 보정에 사용되는 Analyst 및 Analyst MD 소프트웨어 사용 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 중점으로 설명합니다. 주제는 다음과 같습니다.
- 분해능 최적화
- 분해능 피크 스펙트럼 검토
- 스펙트럼에서 질량 보정
- 질량 보정 보고서 및 질량 보정 결과
인증: 없음 PACE 승인: 없음
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간단히 표시
이 자가 주도형 교육 세션에서는
새 사용자를 위한 Analyst 소프트웨어 기본 작동 방법을 설명합니다. 주제에는 사용자 인터페이스, 프로젝트 폴더 및 구조, 시스템 상태 아이콘,
소프트웨어의 5가지 모드, 도움말 파일을 찾는 방법, 하드웨어 프로필, 감사 추적 및 기본 컴퓨터 유지관리 등이 포함되어 있으나 이에 국한되지
않습니다. 이 강좌 이수에 대한 PACE 인증서와 PACE 승인 획득(PACE 크레딧 한 개(1)와 동일)에 관심 있는 학습자는 학습 모듈과 간단한
온라인 평가 조사를 성공적으로 완료해야 합니다.
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간단히 표시
이 교육 강좌에서는 Analyst 및 Analyst MD 소프트웨어를 사용한 분석법 만들기와 데이터 수집을 집중적으로 설명합니다. 다음 주제로 구성되어 있습니다. - 예약 이온화, Scheduled MRM (sMRM), 여러 기간 및 IDA 실험과 같은 기본 및 고급 수집 방법 만들기 - 수집 배치 만들기 - 배치를 대기열에 제출 - 데이터 수집 시작
기간: 15분 학습자 수준: 기초 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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간단히 표시
이 자가 주도형 교육 세션에서는 Triple Quadrupole과 QTRAP 장비 시스템의 화합물 및 소스/가스를 최적화할 수 있는 Analyst 및 Analyst MD 소프트웨어 사용 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 중점으로 설명합니다. 수동 화합물 및 소스/가스 최적화를 설명합니다. 또한 화합물 최적화 기능을 사용하여 주입을 통한 자동 화합물 최적화 및 플로 인젝션 분석을 통한 자동 소스/가스 최적화를 설명합니다.
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간단히 표시
이 e러닝 시리즈는 기본 정량 분석 워크플로우용 Echo MS® 시스템을 사용하는 방법을 설명하기 위해 설계되었습니다. 이 시리즈는 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 이동상 및 표준물 전처리, 데이터 수집 및 데이터 분석 등 4가지 모듈로 구성되어 있습니다. - 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항과 이동상 및 표준물 전처리에서는 적절한 실험실 안전 절차와 시스템, 이동상, 시료를 전처리하는 방법을 설명합니다.
- 데이터 수집은 MS 및 AE 분석법 만들기 및 데이터 수집 방법을 설명합니다.
- 데이터 분석에서는 처리 분석법 만들기, 데이터 처리 및 검토, 보고서 생성 및 데이터 처리 자동 트리거 방법을 설명합니다.
필요한 경우 왼쪽의 리소스 섹션에서 예제 데이터를 찾아 데이터 처리 실습에 사용할 수 있습니다.
장: 4 인증 유형: 완료
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간단히 표시
이 과정은 AB SCIEX QTRAP® 시스템 기술을 활용하여 LC-MS 기반 확인 화합물 스크리닝을 소개합니다. 이 과정을 이수하면 수집 방법을 만들고 배치를 제출하고 데이터를 처리하며 보고서를 만들 수 있습니다.
이 과정은 다음 주제로 구성되어 있습니다. - 화합물 스크리닝 프로세스 소개 - LC-MS/MS 시스템 개요 - IDA (Information Dependent Acquisition) 워크플로우 개요 - 수동으로 MRM-IDA 수집 방법 구축 및 IDA 마법사 사용 방법 - 배치 제출, 데이터 처리 및 화합물 스크리닝 보고서 생성 방법
장: 1 기간: 25~30 분 학습자 수준: 기초 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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간단히 표시
이 교육과정은 "LC-MS/MS 작동 시리즈 소개 – 4. 데이터 처리"의 기본 과정을 성공적으로 마친 교육생을 위한 중급 교육과정입니다. MultiQuant 소프트웨어는 SCIEX의 MultiQuant 소프트웨어 인터페이스에 대한 각 학습자의 지식을 확장하고 플랫폼의 견고한 분석 기능을 익히기 위한 기초로서, 앞에서 말한 LC-MS/MS 과정에서 소개 된 것과 동일한 워크 플로우를 따릅니다. 이 학습 모듈을 성공적으로 완료하면 학습자는 다음을 수행 할 수 있습니다. - MultiQuant 소프트웨어 통합 알고리즘 선택 - MultiQuant Wizard를 사용하여 데이터를 처리하고 결과 테이블 생성 - 피크 검토 및 통합 매개 변수 변경 - 교정 곡선 생성, 플롯 메트릭스 작성 및 통계 분석 - Reporter Tool을 사용하여 보고서 작성하기 자기주도학습 모듈 중에는 학습자가 지시에 따라 코스 자료와 상호 작용할 준비를 해야하는 수많은 포인트가 있습니다.
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간단히 표시
이 강좌에서는 다음 주제를 설명합니다.
•MultiQuant소프트웨어 쿼리 개요 •사전 정의된 쿼리 사용 •간단 쿼리 생성 •쿼리 내보내기
장: 1 인증: 없음 PACE 승인: 없음
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간단히 표시
SCIEX Korea에서 진행되는 “PA800 plus 기초 사용자 교육: CE-SDS”입니다. 교육 일정은 1일로 구성되어 있으며, CE 기초 이론 및 Biologics 주요 응용 원리와 함께 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 실습 중심으로 이루어집니다. PA800 plus 장비 운용법과 단백질의 Purity를 비롯한 다양한 characterization 응용, user troubleshooting 등 을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육으로 진행되며 연 2회 진행될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원은 6명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 내용 상세자료 다운로드 > 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000)
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간단히 표시
SCIEX Korea에서 진행되는 “PA800 plus 기초 사용자 교육: cIEF”입니다. 교육 일정은 1일로 구성되어 있으며, CE 기초 이론 및 Biologics 주요 응용 원리와 함께 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 실습 중심으로 이루어집니다. PA800 plus 장비 운용법과 단백질의 Charge variants analysis를 비롯한 다양한 Characterization 응용, user troubleshooting 등 을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육으로 진행되며 연 2회 진행될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원은 6명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 내용 상세자료 다운로드 > 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000)
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간단히 표시
SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “QTRAP 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 1일로 구성되어 있으며, QTRAP 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 운용 실습까지 구성되어 있습니다. QTRAP 장비를 이용한 Library Matching 등의 다양한 기능을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 분기당 2회 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 내용 상세자료 다운로드 > 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000)
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간단히 표시
이 과정에서는 SCIEX Triple Quad 및 QTRAP 시스템을 위한 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어에서 MS Tune 작업 공간을 사용하는 방법에 대해 다룹니다. 이 과정에서는 다음 주제를 배우게 될 것입니다: - SCIEX OS 소프트웨어에서의 장치 구성
- 튜닝 솔루션
- 튜닝 시스템 데이터 파일
- SCIEX OS 소프트웨어를 사용하여 SCIEX 시스템 성능을 확인하고 조정하는 방법
- 기기 성능 확인
- 튜닝 및 보정
- 포지티브 검출기 최적화
관련 기기: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 아니요
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간단히 표시
이 강좌에서는 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어를 사용하여 데이터를 수집하는 방법을 보여주며 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어에서 지원되는 모든 Triple Quad, QTRAP, X500 및 ZenoTOF 시스템에 적용됩니다. 다음과 같은 주제가 포함되어 있습니다. - SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 개요
- 시료 및 분석법 정보 입력
- 성분 농도 입력
- 배치 제출
- Queue(대기열) 작업 영역
- Status(상태) 및 Data acquisition(데이터 수집) 패널
- 자동 검량
- 결정 규칙
관련 장비: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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간단히 표시
이 입문자용 e러닝 강좌에서는 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어의 기능을 간략하게 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 이수한 후에는 다음을 할 수 있어야 합니다. - 편리하게 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 탐색
- SCIEX OS 소프트웨어의 각 작업 공간 기본 기능 이해
- 각 작업 공간에서 기본 작업 수행
장: 1 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
이 과정은 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어와 함께 ZenoTOF 7600, X500R 및 X500B QTOF 시스템을 사용하는 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 다루며 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 이동상 및 표준 준비, 최적화 및 데이터 분석의 4개 모듈로 구성됩니다. - 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 이동상 및 표준 준비에서는 적절한 실험실 안전 절차, 시스템 준비 방법, 이동상 및 샘플을 다룹니다.
- LC-MS/MS는 질량 분석기의 조정 및 교정, acquisition 방법 생성, 배치 생성 및 제출을 다룹니다.
- 데이터 분석은 TOF MS 및 IDA 데이터를 처리하고 검토하는 방법을 보여줍니다.
필요한 경우 왼쪽의 리소스 섹션에서 데이터 처리 연습으로 사용할 예제 데이터를 찾을 수 있습니다. 관련 장비: X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS software 인증서 유형: 완료 PACE 인증: 없음
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간단히 표시
이 프리젠테이션의 목적은 SCIEX QTRAP 장비 초보자가 Linear Ion Trap 시험법을 만드는 방법을 소개하기 위함입니다. 사용자가 시험법 개발 중에 알아야 하는 사항도 소개합니다.
이 자가 주도형 교육 세션은 질량 분석법, 이온 형성, 질량 분석기 및 검출기 사용을 포함한 새로운 사용자의 질량 분석법 기초를 설명합니다. 이 과정의 PACE 인증과 PACE 승인(1 PACE 그레딧과 동일)을 얻고자 하는 학습자는 반드시 학습 모듈을 이수하고 간단한 온라인 평가 질문을 통과해야 합니다.
장: 1 인증 유형: 완료 Pace 승인: 있음
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간단히 표시
이 강좌는 SCIEX
Triple Quadrupole 및 QTRAP 시스템의 일반적인 유지관리 및 문제해결을 사용자에게 설명하기 위해 계획되었으며, 다음 주제로 구성되어
- MS 데이터 분석, 이온 소스, ESI 프로브 및 APCI 프로브 등의 시스템 숙련도 - SCIEX 기술 지원 및 서비스(Technical Support and Service) 그룹에 보고된 가장 많이 발생한 최상위 문제 10개 - 가장 많이 발생하는 공통 신호 관련 문제 및 컴퓨터와 통신 관련 문제와 이를 해결하는 방법을 설명하는 문제 및 문제해결 섹션 - 권장 유지관리 작업 및 모범 사례를 설명하는 유지관리
시간: 30분 학습자 수준: 중급 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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간단히 표시
이 e 러닝시리즈는기본정량워크플로우를위해 SCIEX triple quadrupole 및 QTRAP 시스템 (연구목적시스템만해당)을사용하는방법을사용자에게가르쳐주기위한과정입니다.안전및실험실요구사항, 이동상및시료준비, 최적화및데이터수집및데이터분석의네가지모듈로구성됩니다. 안전및실험실요구사항, 이동상및시료준비에는적절한실험실안전절차, 시스템준비방법, 이동상및샘플이포함됩니다. 최적화및데이터수집은수집방법을생성하기위한컴파운드및소스최적화그리고와데이터수집방법을다룹니다.데이터분석은데이터처리방법작성, 데이터처리및검토, MultiQuant 또는 SCIEX OS-MQ 소프트웨어를사용하여보고서를생성하는방법을보여줍니다.필요한경우왼쪽의리소스섹션에서데이터처리를위한실습으로사용할예제데이터를찾을수있습니다.
챕터: Four (4) 인증 유형 : 완료 PACE 인증 : 아니오
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이 강좌는 SCIEX TripleTOF® 시스템 사용 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 설명하고 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 준비, 최적화 및 데이터 분석 등 4가지 모듈로 구성되어 있습니다. 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항과 준비에서는 적절한 실험실 안전 절차와 시스템, 이동상, 시료 준비 방법을 설명합니다. 최적화 및 데이터 수집에서는 SCIEX TripleTOF 시스템을 조정 및 보정하고, 실험법을 만들고, 배치를 생성/제출하는 방법을 설명합니다. 데이터 분석에서는 Analyst® TF, PeakViewTM 및 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어를 사용하여 TOF MS, 생성물 이온 및 IDA 데이터를 검토하는 방법을 상세하게 설명합니다.
필요한 경우 왼쪽의 리소스 섹션에서 예제 데이터를 찾아 데이터 처리 실습에 사용할 수 있습니다.
장: 총 4장 기간: 각 온라인 강좌마다 20분 강좌 수준: 기초 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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이 교육에서는 SCIEX의 triple quadrupole과 QTRAP 질량분석 시스템의 프론트 엔드 클리닝 방법을 학습하실 수 있습니다. - 이 코스에서 다루는 주제:
- 프론트엔드 구성품 개요
- 청소 팁
- 커튼과 오리피스 플레이트, 스키머와 이온 가이드 클리닝 방법
관련 시스템: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems 관련 소프트웨어: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software 코스 종료: 완성
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이 강좌에서는 TOF (Time of Flight) 질량 분석법의 이론과 응용 분야를 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 이수하면 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다. (한국어 자막은 왼쪽 플레이어의 메뉴 옆 메모 섹션에 있습니다) - TOF (Time of Flight) 질량 분석법의 응용 분야와 이점을 식별할 수 있습니다.
- TOF 질량 분석법 원리를 자세하게 설명할 수 있습니다.
- Accurate Mass의 정의와 응용 분야를 파악할 수 있습니다.
장: 1 인증 유형: 완료
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이 교육 세션에서는 Triple Quadrupole 및 Linear Ion Trap 이론, SCIEX 질량 분석기에서의 스캔과 작동을 설명합니다. 이 강좌 이수에 대한 PACE 인증서와 PACE 승인 획득(PACE 크레딧 한 개(1)와 동일)에 관심 있는 학습자는 학습 모듈과 간단한 온라인 평가 조사를 성공적으로 완료해야 합니다.
기간: 약 40
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SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 2일로 구성되어 있으며, Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 Analyst Software 를 이용한 장비 운용 교육 및 실습으로 구성되어 있습니다. Triple quadrupole 장비를 이용한 MRM method building, Quantitation 등의 다양한 내용을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 분기당 4회 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 내용 상세자료 다운로드 > 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000)
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SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 2일로 구성되어 있으며, Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 SCIEX OS Software 를 이용한 장비 운용 교육 및 실습으로 구성되어 있습니다. Triple quadrupole 장비를 이용한 MRM method building, Quantitation 등의 다양한 내용을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 연 2회 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 내용 상세자료 다운로드 > 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000)
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SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “X500 QTOF 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 2일로 구성되어 있으며, QTOF 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 운용 실습까지 구성되어 있습니다. X500 장비를 이용하여 뛰어난 Mass accuracy와 함께 Targeted, Non-targeted 데이터를 확보하는 다양한 기능을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 분기당 한번씩 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 내용 상세자료 다운로드 > 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000)
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이 교육 과정은 액체 크로마토그래피에 익숙하지 않은 사용자에게 HPLC 기본 지식을 이해하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 고안되었습니다. 본 과정에서는 다음과 같은 주제를 다룹니다.
-기본 HPLC 시스템 구성 요소 및 그 기능 -공통 분리 모드 및 그 적용 PACE 인증서 및 PACE 인증을 받고자 하는 학습자는 본 교육 과정에 참여하기 위해 (PACE 크레딧과 동일) 학습 모듈 및 간단한 온라인 평가인 퀴즈 문제를 성공적으로 이수해야 합니다.
인증서 발급: 가능 PACE 인증서: 가능
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이 과정은 MasterView 소프트웨어를 사용하여 QTRAP 데이터를 처리하는 방법을 설명합니다. 이 과정을 이수하면 성공적으로 수집 및 프로세싱 방법을 만들고 MasterView에서 프로세싱 결과를 검토할 수 있습니다. 이 교육 과정을 수강한 후 사용자는 다음을 할 수 있습니다. - Analyst 소프트웨어에서 Scheduled MRM-IDA-MS/MS 수집 방법 생성 - MS/MS 라이브러리를 MasterView 소프트웨어에 가져오기 - MasterView 소프트웨어에서 QTRAP MS/MS 라이브러리 검색을 위한 프로세싱 방법 생성 - MasterView 소프트웨어에서 Scheduled MRM-IDA-MS/MS 데이터 처리 - 결과 보고 및 필터링 - MultiQuant 소프트웨어에서 좀 더 처리하기 위해 결과 보고 및 프로세싱 매개변수 내보내기
장: 1 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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이 강좌에서는 분석법 개발에 사용할 수 있는 여러 가지 유형의 컬럼 선택성을 중점으로 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 수강한 후 학습자는 다음을 할 수 있습니다. - 컬럼 선택성에 영향을 미치는 여러 가지 요인 파악 - C18, C8, C4, 페닐 및 PFP 유형 역상 컬럼 간 차이점 이해 - 순상, 극성 기능군 및 HILIC 선택성을 비롯한 극성 분석물 선택성 이해
장: 1 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음
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This course introduces the subject of reverse phase mobile phases in method development. In this module, we will be focusing on the choice of solvents, mobile phase pH and buffers, isocratic vs. gradient systems and column temperature.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: No
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이 강좌 모듈에서는 고성능 액체 크로마토그래피(HPLC) 시스템을 사용하는 분석 작업을 토대로 이동상 준비와 질량 분석기(MS)용 LC 펌프 설치에 대한 기본 사항을 검토합니다. 여기에서는 HPLC 시스템의 구성 요소에 대한 간략한 개요와 프라이밍 LC 펌프의 일반적인 팁을 설명합니다. MS 등급 시약과 측정 장비의 올바른 사용을 중점으로 설명합니다. 이 강좌 모듈 끝에는 사용자의 이해 정도를 테스트하기 위한 짧은 퀴즈가 있습니다.
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이 강좌에서는 신규 사용자에게 질량 분석법 응용 분야, 이온 형성, mass analyzer 및 검출기를 포함하여 질량 분석법 기초를 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 수강한 후에는 다음을 할 수 있어야 합니다. - 질량 분석기에서 다양한 분자를 구별하는 데 분자 질량을 사용하는 이유를 설명합니다.
- 질량 분석기의 주요 구성 요소를 식별하고 해당 기능을 설명합니다.
- 질량 스펙트럼 데이터 유형에 제공되는 정보를 지정합니다.
- 질량 분석법에서 가장 중요한 매개변수를 정의합니다.
- 질량 분석기 유형 간의 차이점과 이상적인 사용 방법을 설명합니다.
- 질량 분석법에서 발생할 수 있는 문제 설명 및 이를 해결하는 방법에 대한 예시 제공
관련 장비: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 4600+, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R, X500B 및 ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF 및 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료
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이 과정에서는 질량 분석에 의한 정량의 기본을 소개할 것입니다. 이 과정에서는 다음 항목을 다룰 것입니다: - 왜 질량 분석기를 사용합니까?
- 보정 곡선은 어떻게 수행합니까?
- 어떤 품질 매개변수를 고려해야 합니까?
관련 기기 : 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF및 ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: MultiQuant, Analyst, Analyst MD 및 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증서 유형: 가능 PACE 인증: 없음
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이 자가주도형, 온라인 교육 과정은Triple Quadrupole시스템과 QTRAP® 시스템 사용자에게 실험 감도를 향상시킬 수있는 실질적인 제안을 제공합니다.
과정 레벨 : 기초 교육 시간 : 약 20분
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide new users with the knowledge necessary to successfully troubleshoot and fix common CE issues. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing basic and advanced CE maintenance, troubleshooting methods and electropherogram problems, and troubleshooting common CE system problems. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a Q&A session. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use Quick Reference Guides or application guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to troubleshoot and fix common CE issues and proactively maintain CE systems to increase system uptime and reduce the need for service call outs or remote assistance.
- Pre-requisites: None
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included)
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide beginners with the knowledge necessary to successfully perform fast glycan analysis for biologics on the PA 800 Plus system. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with theoretical background, sample preparation, method and instrument setup as well as data analysis. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a troubleshooting challenge/Q&A session. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use Quick Reference Guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to perform fast glycan analysis for biologics on the PA 800 Plus system.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included)
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- 608201 1 day personalized CE application support at customer site
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide users with the knowledge necessary to successfully perform gene therapy for DNA/RNA CE analysis. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with theoretical background, sample preparation, method and instrument setup as well as data analysis. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a Q&A session. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use Quick Reference Guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to perform gene therapy for DNA/RNA CE analysis.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included)
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- 608201 1 day personalized CE application support at customer site
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide users with the knowledge necessary to successfully perform gene therapy for virus protein CE analysis. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with theoretical background, sample preparation, method and instrument setup as well as data analysis. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a Q&A session. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use Quick Reference Guides or application guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to perform gene therapy for virus protein CE analysis.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included)
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- 608201 1 day personalized CE application support at customer site
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course provides a variety of hands-on LC-MS maintenance with a focus on your LC system, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use quick reference guides. You will learn how to recognize LC issues on your LC-MS system, recommended maintenance, troubleshoot various chromatography issues, and how to exchange various consumable parts to keep your system running properly. The training process provides a unique blend of self-paced eLearning, instructor led and hands-on training provided at the customer site.
- Who should attend: Intermediate level learners who want to gain a deeper understanding of LC troubleshooting and maintenance to increase LC-MS system uptime and reduce the need for service call outs or remote assistance.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Service Professional.
- Consumables required to complete the training.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 6 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Complimentary follow-up virtual session with an Applications Support Scientist to ensure your success.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- LC systems: All SCIEX ExionLC systems, Shimadzu (LC-20AD, LC-20ADXR, LC-20AT, LC-30AD), Agilent (1200, 1260 Infinity and Infinity II, 1290 Infinity and Infinity II).
- Training location: Customer site
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course provides a variety of hands-on LC-MS Maintenance with a focus on your MS system, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use quick reference guides. You will learn how to perform basic and advanced MS maintenance tasks, and tune and calibrate the MS system. The training process provides a unique blend of self-paced eLearning, instructor led and hands-on training provided at the customer site.
- Who should attend: Intermediate level learners who want to gain a deeper understanding of MS troubleshooting and maintenance to increase LC-MS system uptime and reduce the need for service call outs or remote assistance.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Service Professional.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 6 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Complimentary follow-up virtual session with an Applications Support Scientist to ensure your success.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- MS instruments: All versions of SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO), all versions of TripleTOF and all versions of X500 series.
- Training location: Customer site
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU150 1 day introduction to LC maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
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간단히 표시
- Overview: Personalized training and support from SCIEX applications support scientists can help you save time on application development and implementation as well as give you confidence in troubleshooting and maintenance. An applications support scientist, who is an expert in your field, will contact you ahead of time to discuss training goals and to tailor a visit focused on your specific needs. We recommend a minimum of 2 days for better results.
- Who should attend: Learners who need personalized CE training for specific goals. The training can by fully customized as basic or advanced application, troubleshooting and/or 32 Karat training.
- Pre-requisites: None
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX applications support scientist
- Hands-on training focused on 3 primary learners. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online Support tools available for up to 3 learners
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
- Training location: Customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: Personalized training and support from SCIEX service engineers can help you save time on how to recognize CE related issues on your system, recommended maintenance, and how to exchange various consumable parts to keep your system running properly. You have the option to learn from a variety of topics including: new operator training, CE theory, advanced 32 Karat software, refresher training, maintenance with operations troubleshooting and others.
- Who should attend: Learners who need personalized CE training for specific goals
- Pre-requisites: None
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX service engineer
- Hands-on training focused on 3 primary learners. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: Customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: Personalized training and support from SCIEX applications support scientists can help you save time on application development and implementation as well as give you confidence in troubleshooting and maintenance. This training is for one learner at one of SCIEX training facilities. An applications support scientist, who is an expert in your field, will contact you ahead of time to discuss training goals and to tailor a visit focused on your specific needs.
- Who should attend: Learners who need personalized training for specific goals.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
- Overview: Personalized training and support from SCIEX applications support scientists can help you save time on application development and implementation as well as give you confidence in troubleshooting and maintenance. An applications support scientist, who is an expert in your field, will contact you ahead of time to discuss training goals and to tailor a visit focused on your specific needs. We recommend a minimum of 2 days for better results.
- Who should attend: Learners who need personalized training for specific goals.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online Support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: Customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is intended to provide you with the necessary knowledge to transition to using SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with creating and optimizing SCIEX OS acquisition methods, performing data acquisition and quantitative data processing, and maintaining and troubleshooting your system. The training process provides a unique blend of self-paced eLearning, instructor led and hands-on training provided at the customer site.
- Who should attend: Learners who want to gain knowledge about how to use SCIEX OS software on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who are experienced with the operation of SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 1 day of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Consumables required to complete the training.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 6 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Complimentary follow-up virtual session with an Applications Support Scientist to ensure your success.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- MS instruments: All versions of SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO versions) that support acquisition using SCIEX OS software.
- Training location: Customer site
- Follow on courses:
- N020-0514 1 day personalized application support at customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide intermediate to advanced learners with the knowledge necessary to successfully validate an LC-MS/MS assay on SCIEX systems. Upon completion of the course, you should have a clear understanding of validation principles and parameters, be able to perform sample preparation, review data, and troubleshoot some common issues encountered during method validation. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to learn how to validate LC-MS/MS assays on SCIEX systems or non-SCIEX users who need an overview of method validation principles and best practices.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have significant operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 12 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day
advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day
advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day
advanced LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- N020-0514 1 day personalized application support at customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide beginners with the knowledge necessary to successfully perform biopharmaceutical analysis by CE-SDS on the PA 800 Plus system. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with theoretical background, sample preparation, method and instrument setup as well as data analysis. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a Q&A session. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use Quick Reference Guides or application guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to perform biopharmaceutical analysis by CE-SDS on the PA 800 Plus system
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- 608201 1 day personalized CE application support at customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide experienced users with the knowledge necessary to successfully perform biopharmaceutical charge analysis by cIEF and CZE on the PA 800 Plus system. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with theoretical background, sample preparation, method and instrument setup as well as data analysis. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a Q&A session. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use Quick Reference Guides or application guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to perform biopharmaceutical charge analysis by cIEF and CZE on the PA 800 Plus system.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- 608201 1 day personalized CE application support at customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is intended to seamlessly implement a vMethod purchased from SCIEX. It ensures a solid groundwork for robustness, throughput and quality data generation. This course is intended to provide an experienced user with the knowledge necessary to successfully implement a SCIEX vMethod and execute analyses from sample preparation to data processing. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with preparing samples and calibration standards for analysis, setting up the instrument, creating an acquisition batch, running samples and reviewing data.
- Who should attend: Learners who want to learn how to seamlessly implement a vMethod.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have significant operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Complimentary follow-up virtual session with an Applications Support Scientist to ensure your success.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- LC systems: All SCIEX compatible LC systems.
- MS instruments: All versions of SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO), all versions of TripleTOF and all versions of X500 series.
- Training location: Customer site
- Follow on courses:
- N020-0514 1 day personalized application support at customer site
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is intended to bring your knowledge and skill of method development to the next level. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with optimizing compound and source method parameters in both ESI and APCI modes, using advanced MS method parameters, understanding quantitation parameters, using outlier settings, metric plots, reports and queries, and developing an LC method. The training process provides a unique blend of self-paced eLearning, instructor led and hands-on training provided at the customer site.
- Who should attend: Learners who want to gain knowledge necessary to successfully perform LC-MS method development. The knowledge learned can help you save time when faced with new compounds that do not work well with your existing methods or fully optimize your existing methods for the highest sensitivity.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have significant operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Consumables required to complete the training.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 12 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Complimentary follow-up virtual session with an Applications Support Scientist to ensure your success.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- LC systems: SCIEX ExionLC and Jasper LC systems as well as Shimadzu (LC-20AD, LC-20ADXR, LC-20AT, LC-30AD) and Agilent (1260, 1260 Infinity II, 1290, 1290 Infinity II).
- MS instruments: All versions of SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO and MD versions).
- Related workflows: Quantitation of small molecules in clinical diagnostics, clinical research, forensics, food or environmental testing.
- Training location: Customer site
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course provides you with the knowledge necessary to successfully troubleshoot and fix common HPLC and MS issues, and includes a variety of hands-on troubleshooting exercises, best practices and finishes with a troubleshooting challenge for the learner. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with tuning and calibrating the instrument, performing HPLC and MS maintenance, troubleshooting common HPLC and MS issues, understanding quantitation parameters, and using outlier settings and metric plots to identify issues with the data results. The training process provides a unique blend of self-paced eLearning, instructor led and hands-on training provided at the customer site.
- Who should attend: Learners who want to gain advanced knowledge of LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting, especially troubleshooting in quantitation workflows.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have significant operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at the customer site by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Consumables required to complete the training.
- Hands-on training focused on 1 primary learner. 2 additional learners can join for observation and content.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 12 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools available for up to 3 learners.
- Complimentary follow-up virtual session with an Applications Support Scientist to ensure your success.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- LC systems: All SCIEX ExionLC systems, Shimadzu (LC-20AD, LC-20ADXR, LC-20AT, LC-30AD), and Agilent (1260, 1260 Infinity II, 1290 and 1290 Infinity II).
- MS instruments: All versions of SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO and MD versions).
- Related workflows: Quantitation of small molecules in clinical diagnostics, clinical research, forensics, food or environmental testing.
- Training location: Customer site
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is an introductory 32 Karat software course designed to provide new users with a solid foundation to acquire and analyze data effectively using the 32 Karat software. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with configuring the instrument, setting up direct control, methods and sequences, analyzing data, summarizing and custom reporting, performing qualitative analysis, and trace subtraction. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to the 32 Karat software and will be using the software to acquire and analyze data.
- Pre-requisites: None
- What’s included:
- 2 Day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included)
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- 608201 1 day personalized CE application support at customer site
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide beginner to intermediate users with the knowledge necessary to successfully use their QTRAP system for qualitative and quantitative analysis with a focus on small molecule applications. Upon completion of the course, you should have a clear understanding of LC-MS/MS and linear ion trap (LIT) theory as it relates to operating your QTRAP in an Information Dependent Acquisition (IDA) manner for compound identification, and you will be comfortable with transferring the principles and practices learned throughout the course and apply them to your specific workflows. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to use QTRAP system for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have at least one year of operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 2 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 12 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day
LC-MS method validation virtual
- TRNSU211 1 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems at customer site
- TRNVT211 3 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems virtual
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide experienced users with the knowledge necessary to successfully troubleshoot and fix common MS and HPLC issues. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing basic and advanced HPLC and MS maintenance, tuning and calibrating the mass spectrometer, troubleshooting common HPLC and MS issues, understanding quantitation parameters, and using outlier settings and metric plots to identify issues with the data results. This course provides a variety of hands-on troubleshooting and maintenance exercises, best practices and finished with a troubleshooting challenge. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor, and is supported by a series of easy-to-use quick reference guides.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to troubleshoot and fix common MS and HPLC issues and proactively maintain LC-MS systems to increase LC-MS system uptime and reduce the need for service call outs or remote assistance.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have significant operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 2.5 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 15 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- LC systems: Demonstrations will be performed on Shimadzu systems. Content will be provided for SCIEX ExionLC and Jasper LC systems as well as Shimadzu (LC-20AD, LC-20ADXR, LC-20AT, LC-30AD).
- MS instruments: ALL SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO and MD versions). Please note your exact model may not be available at all locations but the procedures will be same or similar and will include content relevant for all.
- Related workflows: Quantitation of small molecules in clinical diagnostics, clinical research, forensics, food or environmental testing and pharma/CRO.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
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간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide new users with an overview of the main quantitative and qualitative workflows for small molecule analysis on TripleTOF systems. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing instrument tuning and calibration, optimizing compound and source parameters, creating MRMHR, IDA and SWATH methods, performing data acquisition and processing for both targeted and non-targeted workflows, and maintaining your instrument. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to SCIEX TripleTOF systems and need an overview of the main quantitative and qualitative workflows for small molecule analysis on TripleTOF systems.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 3 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 18 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide experienced users with the knowledge necessary to successfully perform LC-MS method dvelopment with a focus on small molecule quantitation and troubleshoot common MS and HPLC issues. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing instrument tuning and calibrating, optimizing a compound in ESI and APCI mode, understanding how to build a robust LC-MS method, troubleshooting common issues with method development and your LC-MS system, understanding quantitation parameters, and identifying issues with your processed results. This course provides a variety of hands-on exercises, best practices and finished with a troubleshooting challenge. It is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to gain knowledge necessary to successfully perform LC-MS method development and to troubleshoot and fix common MS and HPLC issues.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have at least one year of operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 3 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 18 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- LC systems: Demonstrations will be performed on Shimadzu systems. Content will be provided for SCIEX ExionLC and Jasper LC systems as well as Shimadzu (LC-20AD, LC-20ADXR, LC-20AT, LC-30AD) and Agilent (1260, 1260 Infinity II, 1290, 1290 Infinity II).
- MS instruments: ALL SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO and MD versions). Please note that your exact model may not be available at all locations but the procedures will be same or similar and will include content relevant for all.
- Related workflows: Quantitation of small molecules in clinical diagnostics, clinical research, forensics, food or environmental testing and pharma/CRO.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is an introductory mass spectrometry course designed for new users who are working on small molecule quantitation through MRM or scheduled MRM acquisition using all SCIEX triple quadrupole systems with Analyst software for acquisition. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing instrument tuning and calibration, optimizing compound and source parameters, creating MRM and scheduled MRM methods, performing data acquisition and quantitative processing and maintaining your instrument. You will also learn the basics of QTRAP technology. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises. The instrument model used during training may be different from your instrument model.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to SCIEX triple quadrupole systems and will be working on small molecule quantitation using SCIEX triple quadrupole systems with Analyst software for acquisition.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 3 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 18 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced
LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced
LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced
LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
- TRNSU211 1 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems at customer site
- TRNVT211 3 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems virtual
Learners interested in obtaining a P.A.C.E.® certificate and P.A.C.E.® accreditation for taking this course (equal to 18 P.A.C.E.® credits) must attend the entire training session and complete an evaluation survey and on-site course roster at the time of training. You must notify the training coordinator 3 weeks prior to the training to arrange for necessary documentation.
자세히 읽기
간단히 표시
- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is an introductory mass spectrometry course designed for new users who are working on small molecule quantitation through MRM or scheduled MRM acquisition using all SCIEX triple quadrupole systems with SCIEX OS software for acquisition.
- Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing instrument tuning and calibration, optimizing compound and source parameters, creating MRM and scheduled MRM methods, performing data acquisition and quantitative processing and maintaining your instrument. You will also learn the basics of QTRAP technology. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises. The instrument model used during training may be different from your instrument model.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to SCIEX triple quadrupole systems and will be working on small molecule quantitation using SCIEX triple quadrupole systems with SCIEX OS software for acquisition.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 3 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 18 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced
LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced
LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced
LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
Learners interested in obtaining a P.A.C.E.® certificate and P.A.C.E.® accreditation for taking this course (equal to 18 P.A.C.E.® credits) must attend the entire training session and complete an evaluation survey and on-site course roster at the time of training. You must notify the training coordinator 3 weeks prior to the training to arrange for necessary documentation.
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is an introductory X500R QTOF course designed to provide new users with an overview of the main quantitative and qualitative workflows for small molecule analysis on the X500R QTOF system. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with navigating fluidly through the various workspaces in SCIEX OS software, creating MRMHR, IDA and SWATH acquisition methods and processing data from both quantitative and qualitative workflows. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to the X500R QTOF system and will be using SCIEX OS or small molecule quantitation (MRMHR) and/or small molecule screening workflows (IDA and SWATH) on the X500R QTOF system.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 3 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 18 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub Self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online Support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course focuses on quantitative pesticide analysis in cannabis products using SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing source and compound optimization, creating Scheduled MRM acquisition methods, performing quantitation, troubleshooting and maintaining your system. You should be able to transfer the principles and practices learned throughout the course and apply them to your specific workflow. This course is delivered at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX instructor using a combination of classroom-based lectures and hands-on lab exercises.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems working in the cannabis industry, or non-SCIEX users seeking a detailed overview of pesticide analysis in cannabis products.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 3 days of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced instructor.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included).
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 18 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: SCIEX training facility
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day Introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced LC-MS/MS Quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is intended to provide you with the necessary knowledge to transition to using SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with creating and optimizing SCIEX OS acquisition methods, performing data acquisition and quantitative data processing, and maintaining and troubleshooting your system. This training is a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous training delivered over 3 days. Daily video conferencing sessions will be conducted by an instructor to explain and demonstrate each topic. Exercises and data files are provided to allow you to practice the principles demonstrated during the instructor-led sessions at a later time at your own pace.
- Who should attend: Learners who want to gain knowledge about how to use SCIEX OS on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who are experienced with the operation of SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 9 hours of virtual instruction delivered over 3 days by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 8 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Related instruments: This course is currently offered for the following instruments –
- MS Instruments: All versions of SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems (RUO versions) that support acquisition using SCIEX OS software.
- Training location: Virtual
- Follow on courses:
- N020-0514 1 day personalized application support at customer site
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32karat软件是SCIEX毛细管电泳的核心部分之一,熟练掌握软件操作才能顺利进行毛细管电泳相关实验。完成本次培训后,用户将掌握 32karat软件的配置方法,熟练用软件进行数据采集和结果处理,同时还能掌握 32karat软件的权限设置和审计追踪等数据安全所需功能。本课程适合不熟悉32karat软件操作的新用户以及希望开启审计追踪的用户进一步了解 32karat软件功能。
√ 32karat软件配置;
√ 软件基本功能(仪器控制、采集数据);
√ 数据处理(积分、定量分析、报告);
√ 32karat软件权限设置和审计追踪;
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is designed to provide intermediate to advanced learners with the knowledge necessary to successfully validate an LC-MS/MS assay on SCIEX systems. Upon completion of the course, you should have a clear understanding of validation principles and parameters, be able to perform sample preparation, review data, and troubleshoot some common issues encountered during method validation. This training is a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous training delivered over 4 days. Daily video conferencing sessions will be conducted by an instructor to explain and demonstrate each topic. Exercises and data files are provided to allow you to practice the principles demonstrated during the instructor-led sessions at a later time at your own pace.
- Who should attend: Learners who need to learn how to validate LC-MS/MS assays on SCIEX systems or non-SCIEX users who need an overview of method validation principles and best practices.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have significant operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 12 hours of virtual instruction delivered over 4 days by an experienced Applications Support Scientist.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 10 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: Virtual
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- N020-0514 1 day personalized application support at customer site
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub course is an introductory mass spectrometry course designed for new users who are working on small molecule quantitation through MRM or scheduled MRM acquisition using all SCIEX triple quadrupole systems. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with performing instrument tuning and calibration, optimizing compound and source parameters, creating MRM and scheduled MRM methods, performing data acquisition and quantitative processing, and maintaining your instrument. This training is a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous training delivered over 4 days. Daily video conferencing sessions will be conducted by an instructor to explain and demonstrate each topic. Exercises and data files are provided to allow you to practice the principles demonstrated during the instructor-led sessions at a later time at your own pace.
- Who should attend: Learners who are new to SCIEX triple quadrupole systems and will be working on small molecule quantitation using SCIEX triple quadrupole systems.
- Pre-requisites: This course is intended for those who have completed a Success Program or have some operational experience with SCIEX LC-MS systems.
- What’s included:
- 16 hours of virtual instruction delivered over 4 days by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist.
- Tuition for 1 learner to participate.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: 14 credits upon completion of entire training session and a brief evaluation survey.
- Enrollment in related self-paced eLearning courses, lectures, reference material and lab exercises on the Learning Hub.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
- Training location: Virtual
- Follow on courses:
- TRNSU153 1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site
- TRNSU200KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site
- TRNSU201 2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU202KIT 2 day advanced LC-MS method development at customer site
- TRN00209 3 day advanced LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX
- TRNSU212 2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX
- TRNVT212 4 day LC-MS method validation virtual
- TRNSU211 1 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems at customer site
- TRNVT211 3 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems virtual
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This training session describes the maintenance procedures for the API 2000 and QTRAP systems TurboIonSpray source.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: No
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This training session describes the optimization procedures for the API 2000 and QTRAP systems TurboIonSpray source. The topics include but are not limited to: probe alignment, manual and automated source optimization.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: No
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This training session describes the maintenance procedures for the API 3000 system TurboIonSpray source.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: No
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This training session describes the optimization procedures for the API 3000 system TurboIonSpray source. The topics include but are not limited to: probe alignment, manual and automated source optimization.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: No
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This course will introduce you to the Agilent Lab Advisor software and give you an overview of the software and its functionality.
After taking this course, you should be able to: - Add and connect a system
- Configure your system
- Update the firmware
- View logs, messages and results for your system
- Perform Service and Diagnostics procedures
- Control your system using Lab Advisor software
- View and update EMF counters
- Create reports
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None
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This course explains essential topics regarding how to use the Analyst Administrator Console (AAC) and the following topics are included: - Overview of the Analyst Administrator Console (AAC).
- How to use the software to perform different functions
Related instruments: 3200, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+ systems Related software: Analyst software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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Сессия для самостоятельного изучения фокусируется на
основах использования программного обеспечения Analyst и Analyst MD для
оптимизации соединений и параметров источника ионизации/газов для тройных
квадруполей и систем QTRAP. Включает в себя демонстрацию ручной оптимизации
соединений и параметров источника ионизии/газов. Также во время сессии будет
рассмотрена автоматическая оптимизация соединений с помощью метода инфузии и
метода проточно-инжекционного анализа (ПИА).
Глава: 1
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本课程将向您介绍Analyst TF软件,并对该软件及其功能进行概述。
-创建TOF MS 和IDA方法
证书类别: 结课
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このコースでは、Analyst® TF ソフトウェアの概要とその機能についてご紹介します。
このコースを受講すると、以下のことができるようになります。: - Hardware Profileの作成
- Instrument Optimizationの実行
- SWATH AcquisitionによるMS/MSALLやIDA、MRMHRスキャンに関する理解
- Method Wizardを使ったMethodの作成
- TOF MS および IDA Methodの作成
- Batchの作成とSubmit
- データの表示・閲覧
チャプター数 : 1 コース修了認定証 : 有り P.A.C.E. 認定対象 : 対象外
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This course focuses on method creation and data acquisition using Analyst and Analyst MD software. It covers the following topics: - Creation of an acquisition method
- Creation of methods using scheduled ionization, the scheduled MRM algorithm and IDA criteria
- Creation of a batch for sample acquisition
- Viewing the progress of data acquisition in the Queue manager and managing the submitted samples and batches
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course shows you how to perform compound and source optimization using Analyst and Analyst MD software for SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRTAP systems. It covers the following topics: - Manual compound optimization using infusion
- Automated compound optimization using infusion in Compound Optimization mode
- Manual source optimization using split tee infusion
- Automated source optimization using flow injection analysis in Compound Optimization mode
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course shows you how to use the Explore mode of Analyst and Analyst MD software to process data. The course covers the following topics: - Explore mode overview
- Adding text
- Overlaying data and extracting spectra/XICs
- Examples of processing functions
- Fragment interpretation tool
- Using scripts
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This self-paced training session covers the basics of the Library Search function. Topics include but not limited to: where library databases are stored, how to connect to a library, how to add and edit compounds to a library, how to show the contents of a library, and how to search unknowns against a library.
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course explains how to use the Quantitate mode in Analyst and Analyst MD software and covers the following topics: - Software overview and integration algorithms
- Method creation
- Quantitation Wizard
- Peak review
- Review calibration curve
- Review statistics and metric plots
- Queries
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course shows you how to use the Tune and calibrate mode in Analyst and Analyst MD software to verify and update resolution and calibration for triple quadrupole and QTRAP instrument systems. Topics included are: - Resolution optimization
- Reviewing resolution peak spectra
- Mass calibration from spectrum
- Mass calibration report and the mass calibration result
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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本トレーニングコースはAnalystおよびAnalyst MDソフトウェアで制御する四重極およびQTRAP装置における基本的な化合物とイオンソース/ガスの最適化に焦点を当てた内容で、受講者のペースで進めていただけます。インフュージョンを用いて手動で行うこれらのパラメータの最適化について説明されており、加えてFIAモードで行う化合物パラメータ自動最適化のプロセスもカバーされています。
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This course will give you an overview of Analyst and Analyst MD software. After taking this course, you should be able to: - Describe the Analyst software structure
- Navigate through the six modes of the software
- Interpret the system status icons
- Identify data file types
- Locate Analyst software tools and help
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: Yes Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to 0.5 PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. SCIEX is approved (or has applied for approval) as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program.
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このコースは、セルフペース型のトレーニングプログラムです。トリプル四重極およびQTRAP装置の分解能と質量精度の調整を行うための基本的なAnalystおよびAnalyst MDソフトウェア操作に焦点を当てご説明しています。 含まれるトピックは次のとおりです。: 必要な試薬 手動による分解能と質量精度の確認 手動による分解能補正と質量精度補正 Instrument Optimization機能を用いた自動キャリブレーション 自動キャリブレーションの結果とそのレポートについて
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このコースは、セルフペース型のトレーニングプログラムです。操作にまだ慣れておられないユーザー様向けに、AnalystおよびAnalyst MDソフトウェアの基本的な操作方法をご紹介しています。トピックには以下の内容を含みますが、これらだけに限りません。:ソフトウェアインターフェースの概要、Projectフォルダとその構造、System Status(システムステータス)アイコン、ソフトウェアの5つのモード、Helpの位置、Hardware Profile(ハードウェアプロファイル)の設定、セキュリティー設定やAudit Trail(監査証跡)機能、基本的なコンピュータメンテナンス。このコースを受講してPACEの証明書・修了証とPACE認定(0.5 PACEクレジットに相当)を取得したい方は、モジュールの学習を終え、習得度を確認するクイズに合格してください。
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このトレーニングコースでは、AnalystとAnalyst MDソフトウェアを利用したAcquisition Methodの作成とデータ取得に焦点を当てご紹介します。以下のトピックを含みます。: - 基本的なAcquisition Methodの作成方法、Scheduled -ionization機能、Scheduled MRM(sMRM)、複数のPeriodやIDA Experimentを含む応用的なAcquisition Methodの作成方法 - Acquisition Batchの作成方法 - Batch のQueue(キュー)へのSubmit方法 - データ取得の開始方法
コース修了認定証: 有り P.A.C.E. 認定対象: 対象外
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このコースでは、Analyst および Analyst MD ソフトウェアの Explore モードでデータファイルを処理するための基本的な機能をご紹介します。このコースでは、データファイルの開き方、グラフを拡大する方法、バックグラウンドの減算、スペクトルの表示方法、抽出イオンクロマトグラムの表示方法、データのスムージング方法、グラフのラベリング、便利なスクリプト、Fragment Interpretation Toolなどの基本的な機能をご紹介します。
チャプター数:1 コース修了認定証: 有り P.A.C.E. 認定対象: 対象外
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该自学培训课程介绍了在Analyst和Analyst MD软件的Explore模块下处理数据文件的基本功能。主题包括但不限于: 打开数据文件、缩放谱图、设置背景区域、生成质谱图、生成提取离子色谱图、数据平滑、谱图标记、处理插件和片段解析工具。
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- Analyst用户界面概览 - 项目文件夹及其结构、系统状态图标
- Analyst软件模块功能介绍 - 硬件配置、调谐和校准、建立采集方法和批次、Explore、定量
- 计算机维护的注意事项
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This course covers how to perform antibody and protein characterization by peptide mass analysis and includes the following topics: - Characterization of post-translational and chemical modifications
- Qualitative peptide mass analysis
- Quantitative peptide mass analysis
Optionally, you can learn about proteases for peptide formation, protease digestion protocols and peptide mass spectra. After taking this training course, you should understand: - What needs to be done to characterize a protein by peptide mass analysis
- How to prevent artefactual chemical modifications during sample preparation
- Which aspects are important to make reliable quantitative statements
- How to modify sample preparation when performing disulfide mapping
- Know the concept of MAM (multi-attribute monitoring).
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course covers how to perform antibody characterization by intact and subunit mass analysis and covers the following topics: - General aspects of antibody mass analysis
- Intact mass analysis of mAbs
- Subunit mass analysis of mAbs
After taking this training course, you should: - Know why it is important to perform more experiments than intact mass analysis of the intact glycosylated antibody
- Know which experiments you should perform for detailed information of the structural integrity of all parts of the antibody
- Know how to prepare your samples for the different types of antibody mass analysis
- Understand what knowledge you can gain from each experiment
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course will provide tips and tricks on how to achieve optimal sensitivity for your applications. This course will cover the following topics: - LC considerations for mobile phase and buffers
- Compound dependent parameters
- Source and gas parameters
- General settings
After taking this training course, you should have a good understanding of how to optimize your sensitivity and understand the variables that influence the sensitivity of your system. Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course
covers an overview of the AutoPeak integration algorithm available in the
Analytics workspace of SCIEX OS software.
After taking this course, you should be able to: - understand the theory of the AutoPeak integration algorithm
- create a processing method using AutoPeak
- describe basic and advanced AutoPeak integration parameters
- explain how saturation correction is applied
- create results and review data using AutoPeak
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None
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本课程介绍了SCIEX OS软件Analytics工作空间中可用的AutoPeak积分算法的概述。 完成本课程后,学习者将能够: - 理解AutoPeak 积分算法理论 - 使用AutoPeak 新建处理方法 - 描述基础和高级的AutoPeak 积分参数 - 介绍饱和校正是如何应用的 - 使用AutoPeak新建结果和查看数据 证书类别: 结课
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This course will introduce you to the MPX 2.0 high throughput system and how automated carryover monitoring works.
After taking this course, you should be able to: - Describe how multiplexing works
- Explain the automated carryover monitoring process
- Create acquisition and quantitation methods
- Create and submit a batch
- Review the batch in the MPX software
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None
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This eLearning course will cover the basic operation and maintenance for the CESI 8000 Plus system. After completing this course, you should be able to: - Understand the different modes of operation for CESI-MS
- Understand the appropriate parameters and instrument settings for connecting the CESI 8000 Plus system to an MS System
- Be familiar with different capillary types
- Perform basic maintenance on your system
Related instruments: CESI 8000 Plus system Related software: 32 Karat software and CESI 8000 software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course explains what electron activated dissociation (EAD) is and its features and benefits for your workflows. It covers the following topics: - The basics of EAD
- How to tune and create EAD methods using SCIEX OS software
- The advantages and benefits of using EAD for different types of workflows
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course is designed to help you to operate an LC system correctly and mainly discusses the use of LC when combined with a mass spectrometer (LC-MS). It covers the following topics: - Preparation of mobile phases and other solvents
- Appropriate tubing to use and connection to the MS and column
- Operation of the autosampler
- Checklist for system start up
- Checklist for system shutdown
Related instruments: ExionLC AE system Related software: Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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Dieser Kurs soll Ihnen helfen, ein LC-System korrekt zu bedienen. Er erläutert hauptsächlich die Verwendung von LC in Kombination mit einem Massenspektrometer (LC-MS). Folgende Themen werden behandelt: - Vorbereitung von mobilen Phasen und anderen Lösungsmitteln
- Verwendung geeigneter Schläuche und Anschlüsse an das MS und die Säule
- Betrieb des Autosamplers
- Checkliste für das Hochfahren des Systems
- Checkliste für das Herunterfahren des Systems
Zugehörige Instrumente: ExionLC AE system Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD und SCIEX OS software Zertifikatstyp: Abschluss PACE-Akkreditierung: Keine
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This course will show you how to process data for a structured Multiple
Attribute Methodology (MAM) workflow using BioPharmaView software 3.0.
This course covers the following topics: - Overview of BioPharmaView software 3.0
- What is MAM?
- Benefits of using a MAM approach
- Step by Step Data Processing for MAM workflow using BioPharmaView software
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: No
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This course gives you an introduction to the BioPhase 8800 system and discuss its features and benefits. The course covers the following topics:
- Overview of the BioPhase 8800 system
- Features and benefits of the system
- Examples of use such as CE-CDS analysis, cIEF analysis and AAV Capsid analysis
Chapters: 1 Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: No
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本课程为BioPhase 8800系统的基础介绍课程,课程将讨论系统的功能和优势。以下主题将在课程中讲解: - BioPhase 8800系统概览
- 系统的特点和优势
- 应用实例,如CE-SDS 分析,cIEF分析和AAV衣壳分析
章节数:1 证书类型:结课
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本课程为Biologics Explorer软件的介绍课程,课程内容涵盖以下主题: - Biologics Explorer 软件概述
- 运行工作流程(workflows)
- 管理工流程
- 帮助和工具
完成本课程后,学习者将能够理解: - 通过 Biologics Explorer 软件进行数据处理的基本原理
- 在软件中如何开始
- 如何使用 Biologics Explorer 软件的工作流程
- 从哪里获得帮助
相关仪器:TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 6600+、 X500R QTOF、X500B QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 7600系统 相关软件:Biologics Explorer 软件 证书类型:结课证书
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- Overview: This SCIEX Now Learning Hub program is a self-paced eLearning path for biologics characterization on X500B QTOF systems. It is designed for learners with limited operational experience with LC-MS systems and delivered in a dynamic format that significantly improves retention. Upon completion of the course, you will be comfortable with:
- Understanding the fundamentals of LC and MS as well as time of flight technology
- Performing instrument tuning and calibration
- Creating and optimizing LC-MS/MS methods
- Performing data acquisition and processing for intact biologics and peptide mapping analysis
- Maintaining your instrument
- Who should attend: Learners with limited operational experience with LC-MS systems who want to learn how to use the X500B QTOF system for biologics characterization.
- Pre-requisites: None.
- What’s included:
- 3 hours of introductory eLearning.
- 3 hours of software and workflow related eLearning.
- 1 hour of advanced eLearning.
- Enrollment for 1 learner.
- Online workflow certificate upon successful completion of final exam.
- P.A.C.E.® Continuing Education Credits: up to 1.5 credits for selected modules.
- Permanent access to all course materials for reference.
- Access to > 100 SCIEX Now Learning Hub self-paced eLearning, lectures, demonstrations as well as SCIEX Now online support tools.
- Training location: Virtual (eLearning path)
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CE-LIF用于糖基分析时可选择NCHO糖基分析和Fast Glycan快速糖基分析两种试剂盒方法,用户可选择其中一种,并在培训前与培训讲师确认。
√ CE-LIF糖基分析原理及操作流程介绍;
√ NCHO糖基分析实验操作;
√ LIF检测器校准;
√ 32 karat™软件基本操作,数据分析流程;
√ 毛细管卡盒安装及仪器维护保养;
√ 常见问题分析。
Fast Glycan糖基分析培训内容具体包括:
√ CE-LIF糖基分析原理及操作流程介绍;
√ Fast Glycan糖基分析实验操作;
√ LIF检测器校准;
√ 32 karat™软件基本操作,数据分析流程;
√ 毛细管卡盒安装及仪器维护保养;
√ 常见问题分析。
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本在线学习课程将介绍CESI 8000 Plus系统的基本操作和维护。 完成本课程后,学习者将能够: - 了解CESI-MS的不同操作方式
- 了解CESI 8000 Plus系统连接到MS系统的适当参数和仪器设置
- 熟悉不同的毛细管类型
- 对系统进行基本维护
单元数:1 证书类型:结课
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√ CE技术原理及应用介绍;
√ CE方法开发及优化技巧介绍;
√ 蛋白分析实验条件的设计和优化,操作练习,结果分析;
√ 小分子分析实验条件的设计和优化,操作练习,结果分析;
√ 32 karat软件基本操作,数据分析流程;
√ 毛细管卡盒安装,仪器维护保养 ;
√ 常见问题分析。
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√ CE-LIF生物药糖基分析原理及应用介绍;
√ NCHO糖基分析实验:样品处理及上机操作;
√ Fast Glycan糖基分析实验:样品前处理及上机操作;
√ 32 karat软件基本操作,数据分析流程;
√ 毛细管卡盒安装,LIF检测器校准及仪器维护保养;
√ LIF检测器校准;
√ CE-LIF糖基分析常见问题分析。
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√ CE-SDS原理及应用,还原/非还原实验操作,常见问题分析;
√ CIEF原理及应用,CIEF等电点及电荷异质性分析实验操作,常见问题分析;
√ CZE原理及应用,CZE电荷异质性分析实验操作,常见问题分析;
√ 32 karat软件基本操作,数据分析流程;
√ 毛细管卡盒安装,仪器维护保养 。
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This course demonstrates how to change the roughing pump oil for your SCIEX mass spectrometer and covers the following topics: - Importance of changing the roughing pump oil
- Tools and materials needed
- Video tutorials on how to replace the roughing pump oil
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, Citrine, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This video will demonstrate how PTMs can be characterized and monitored using a dedicated multi attribute methodology solution in SCIEX OS.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: None
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This course is an overview of charge heterogeneity based analysis
using cIEF and CZE. It is a two part course, and covers the theory of the two assays,
sample analysis using the methods, kits and PA 800 Plus system, and finally how
to troubleshoot common issues. You must complete Part A before continuing onto
Part B.
After taking this course, you should be able to: - Understand the importance of charge heterogeneity characterization
- Describe the relationship between pH and protein charge
- Perform sample analysis using High Performance Capillary Isoelectric Focusing
- Perform sample analysis using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
- Troubleshoot common issues
Chapters: 2 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None
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This eLearning course will cover several examples of how to create flagging rules and custom columns in SCIEX OS software.
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Create custom columns
- Create flagging rules using default and custom columns
- Perform data review using flagging rules and custom columns
- Import and export flagging rules into a method.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None
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This course is comprised of 4 chapters that cover the data acquisition and processing workflow on the Lipidyzer TM Platform. It is intended that you view each of these chapters in the following sequence shown.
You will achieve a certificate once you have successfully completed all four chapters of this course.
Chapter 1: Performance Tests teaches you how to run the performance tests for the Lipidyzer Platform in order to ensure that settings for each lipid class are correct and to verify that the instrument is performing to specification. Chapter 2: Batch Generation teaches you how to register an internal kit and then create a Lipidyzer Workflow. Chapter 3: Sample Extraction tells you how to create an internal standard superpool mix and complete a successful Bligh & Dyer Lipid extraction. Chapter 4: Results shows you how to view and report your results from your samples using the projects and batches functions in the Lipidomics software.
Chapters: Four (4) Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: No
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This course covers how to perform acquire icIEF-UV/MS data using Intabio software and covers the following topics: - Prepare the autosampler and samples
- Create a batch
- Run samples
- MS auto-calibration
- Perform system shutdown
After completing the course, you should be able to: - Prepare the samples and autosampler
- Setup and start a batch in Intabio software and SCIEX OS software
- Explain which method parameters are important for successful analysis
- Acquire data
- Shut down the system
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 and Intabio ZT systems Related software: SCIEX OS and Intabio software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course introduces you to the SWATH workflow and data processing using the SWATH Acquisition MicroApp. After taking this training course, you should be able to: - Understand the SWATH workflow
- Generate ion libraries from discovery data
- Use the SWATH Acquisition MicroApp for comprehensive XIC generation
- Use the SWATH Acquisition MicroApp for data export for further statistical analysis.
Related instruments: 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+ systems Related software: Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This course explains how to perform data review using Biologics Explorer software and includes the following topics: - What is an ion map?
- Review of peptide mapping related data
- Review of intact protein related data
After taking this course, you should know: - How an ion map is built
- How to customize your view
- How to review results within the various nodes along the workflows
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Biologics Explorer software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
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This training module presents the new features and work flow of DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Analyze. The use of optimized parameters from the DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Database is described to build Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) acquisition methods. The procedures for DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Analyze sample batch template creation and sample analysis submission are presented. Data integration and final report generation are also covered.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: No
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This training module presents the new features and work flow of DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Optimize. Initial hardware and starter method setup are reviewed. Automatic compound optimization through Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) is described including the use of the new QuickTune and FineTune options. Compound review using the DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Database is also covered.
Chapters: 1 Certificate Type: None PACE Accreditation: No
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本在线课程是对Echo MS系统的概览介绍。课程将讲授以下内容:
- Echo MS 系统的部件和原理
- 如何通过 SCIEX OS 配置Echo MS 系统
- 建立方法
- 使用直接设备控制( Direct Device Control )
- 执行维护工作
单元数:1 证书类别:结课
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本在线学习系列旨在介绍如何使用Echo MS系统进行基本的定量工作流程。课程由四个单元组成:实验室安全须知、实验准备、数据采集和数据分析。
单元数:4 证书类型:结课
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