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SCIEX에서 제공하는 교육의 다양한 목록을 탐색, 필터링 또는 검색할 수 있습니다. 100가지가 넘는 자가 주도형 e러닝에서 선택하거나 가까운 곳에서 진행될 강사가 직접 강의하는 강좌를 검색합니다. 이수할 강좌를 선택하면 등록할 수 있도록 SCIEX University™로 이동합니다(로그인 필요).
Analyst 소프트웨어 - 조정 및 보정(Analyst Software - Tune and Calibrate) 과정 보기이 자가 주도형 교육 세션에서는 Triple Quadrupole 과 QTRAP 장비 시스템의 분해능과 보정에 사용되는 Analyst 및 Analyst MD 소프트웨어 사용 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 중점으로 설명합니다. 주제는 다음과 같습니다.
인증: 없음
Analyst 소프트웨어 개요(Analyst Software Overview) 과정 보기이 자가 주도형 교육 세션에서는 새 사용자를 위한 Analyst 소프트웨어 기본 작동 방법을 설명합니다. 주제에는 사용자 인터페이스, 프로젝트 폴더 및 구조, 시스템 상태 아이콘, 소프트웨어의 5가지 모드, 도움말 파일을 찾는 방법, 하드웨어 프로필, 감사 추적 및 기본 컴퓨터 유지관리 등이 포함되어 있으나 이에 국한되지 않습니다. 이 강좌 이수에 대한 PACE 인증서와 PACE 승인 획득(PACE 크레딧 한 개(1)와 동일)에 관심 있는 학습자는 학습 모듈과 간단한 온라인 평가 조사를 성공적으로 완료해야 합니다. |
Analyst 소프트웨어: 수집 모드(Analyst - Acquire) 과정 보기
이 교육 강좌에서는 Analyst 및 Analyst MD 소프트웨어를 사용한 분석법 만들기와 데이터 수집을 집중적으로 설명합니다. 다음 주제로 구성되어 있습니다.
기간: 15분
Analyst 소프트웨어화합물 및 소스 최적화(Compound and Source Optimization) 과정 보기이 자가 주도형 교육 세션에서는 Triple Quadrupole과 QTRAP 장비 시스템의 화합물 및 소스/가스를 최적화할 수 있는 Analyst 및 Analyst MD 소프트웨어 사용 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 중점으로 설명합니다. 수동 화합물 및 소스/가스 최적화를 설명합니다. 또한 화합물 최적화 기능을 사용하여 주입을 통한 자동 화합물 최적화 및 플로 인젝션 분석을 통한 자동 소스/가스 최적화를 설명합니다. |
Echo MS 시스템 작동 시리즈 소개(Introduction to the Operation Series for the Echo MS System) 과정 보기이 e러닝 시리즈는 기본 정량 분석 워크플로우용 Echo MS® 시스템을 사용하는 방법을 설명하기 위해 설계되었습니다. 이 시리즈는 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 이동상 및 표준물 전처리, 데이터 수집 및 데이터 분석 등 4가지 모듈로 구성되어 있습니다.
필요한 경우 왼쪽의 리소스 섹션에서 예제 데이터를 찾아 데이터 처리 실습에 사용할 수 있습니다. 장: 4 |
LC-MS/MS 화합물 스크리닝 소개 과정 보기
MultiQuant 소프트웨어 작동하기 과정 보기
이 교육과정은 "LC-MS/MS 작동 시리즈 소개 – 4. 데이터 처리"의 기본 과정을 성공적으로 마친 교육생을 위한 중급 교육과정입니다. |
MultiQuant 소프트웨어 쿼리 (MultiQuant Software Queries) 과정 보기
이 강좌에서는 다음 주제를 설명합니다. •MultiQuant소프트웨어 쿼리 개요
PA800 Plus 기초 사용자 교육 : CE-SDS 과정 보기SCIEX Korea에서 진행되는 “PA800 plus 기초 사용자 교육: CE-SDS”입니다. 교육 일정은 1일로 구성되어 있으며, CE 기초 이론 및 Biologics 주요 응용 원리와 함께 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 실습 중심으로 이루어집니다. PA800 plus 장비 운용법과 단백질의 Purity를 비롯한 다양한 characterization 응용, user troubleshooting 등 을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육으로 진행되며 연 2회 진행될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원은 6명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000) |
PA800 plus 기초 사용자 교육 : cIEF 과정 보기SCIEX Korea에서 진행되는 “PA800 plus 기초 사용자 교육: cIEF”입니다. 교육 일정은 1일로 구성되어 있으며, CE 기초 이론 및 Biologics 주요 응용 원리와 함께 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 실습 중심으로 이루어집니다. PA800 plus 장비 운용법과 단백질의 Charge variants analysis를 비롯한 다양한 Characterization 응용, user troubleshooting 등 을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육으로 진행되며 연 2회 진행될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원은 6명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000) |
QTRAP 질량분석기 사용자 교육 (Analyst software) 과정 보기SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “QTRAP 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 1일로 구성되어 있으며, QTRAP 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 운용 실습까지 구성되어 있습니다. QTRAP 장비를 이용한 Library Matching 등의 다양한 기능을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 분기당 2회 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000) |
SCIEX OS - SCIEX Triple Quad 및 QTRAP 시스템을 위한 MS 조정(SCIEX OS - MS Tune for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP) 과정 보기이 과정에서는 SCIEX Triple Quad 및 QTRAP 시스템을 위한 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어에서 MS Tune 작업 공간을 사용하는 방법에 대해 다룹니다. 이 과정에서는 다음 주제를 배우게 될 것입니다:
관련 기기: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 아니요 |
SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 - Explorer 작업 영역(SCIEX OS software - Explorer) 과정 보기이 강좌에서는 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어의 Explorer(탐색기) 작업 영역을 사용하여 데이터 파일을 정성 검토하는 방법을 설명합니다. 다음과 같은 주제를 설명합니다.
관련 장비: 3200, 4000, 3500, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF 및 ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료 |
SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 - 데이터 수집(SCIEX OS software - data acquisition) 과정 보기이 강좌에서는 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어를 사용하여 데이터를 수집하는 방법을 보여주며 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어에서 지원되는 모든 Triple Quad, QTRAP, X500 및 ZenoTOF 시스템에 적용됩니다. 다음과 같은 주제가 포함되어 있습니다.
관련 장비: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료 PACE 승인: 없음 |
SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 소개(Introduction to SCIEX OS software) 과정 보기이 입문자용 e러닝 강좌에서는 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어의 기능을 간략하게 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 이수한 후에는 다음을 할 수 있어야 합니다.
장: 1 |
SCIEX QTOF 및 ZenoTOF 시스템의 LC-MS/MS 작동 시리즈 소개 (Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems) 과정 보기이 과정은 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어와 함께 ZenoTOF 7600, X500R 및 X500B QTOF 시스템을 사용하는 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 다루며 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 이동상 및 표준 준비, 최적화 및 데이터 분석의 4개 모듈로 구성됩니다.
필요한 경우 왼쪽의 리소스 섹션에서 데이터 처리 연습으로 사용할 예제 데이터를 찾을 수 있습니다. 관련 장비: X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems 관련 소프트웨어: SCIEX OS software 인증서 유형: 완료 PACE 인증: 없음 |
SCIEX QTRAP 시스템을 사용하여 IDA 시험법 생성 과정 보기이 프리젠테이션의 목적은 SCIEX QTRAP 장비 초보자가 Linear Ion Trap 시험법을 만드는 방법을 소개하기 위함입니다. 사용자가 시험법 개발 중에 알아야 하는 사항도 소개합니다. 이 자가 주도형 교육 세션은 질량 분석법, 이온 형성, 질량 분석기 및 검출기 사용을 포함한 새로운 사용자의 질량 분석법 기초를 설명합니다. 이 과정의 PACE 인증과 PACE 승인(1 PACE 그레딧과 동일)을 얻고자 하는 학습자는 반드시 학습 모듈을 이수하고 간단한 온라인 평가 질문을 통과해야 합니다. 장: 1 |
SCIEX Triple Quadrupole 및 QTRAP 시스템 유지관리 및 문제해결 가이드(TQ and QTRAP Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide) 과정 보기이 강좌는 SCIEX
Triple Quadrupole 및 QTRAP 시스템의 일반적인 유지관리 및 문제해결을 사용자에게 설명하기 위해 계획되었으며, 다음 주제로 구성되어
시간: 30분 |
SCIEX Triple Quadrupole 및 QTRAP 시스템의 LC-MS/MS 작동 시리즈 소개(Introduction to LC-MS/MS Operation Series for SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP ) 과정 보기
이 e 러닝시리즈는기본정량워크플로우를위해 SCIEX triple quadrupole 및 QTRAP 시스템 (연구목적시스템만해당)을사용하는방법을사용자에게가르쳐주기위한과정입니다.안전및실험실요구사항, 이동상및시료준비, 최적화및데이터수집및데이터분석의네가지모듈로구성됩니다. 안전및실험실요구사항, 이동상및시료준비에는적절한실험실안전절차, 시스템준비방법, 이동상및샘플이포함됩니다. 최적화및데이터수집은수집방법을생성하기위한컴파운드및소스최적화그리고와데이터수집방법을다룹니다.데이터분석은데이터처리방법작성, 데이터처리및검토, MultiQuant 또는 SCIEX OS-MQ 소프트웨어를사용하여보고서를생성하는방법을보여줍니다.필요한경우왼쪽의리소스섹션에서데이터처리를위한실습으로사용할예제데이터를찾을수있습니다.
챕터: Four (4) |
SCIEX TripleTOF 시스템의 LC-MS/MS 작동 시리즈 소개(Introduction to LC-MS/MS Operation Series for SCIEX TripleTOF) 과정 보기이 강좌는 SCIEX TripleTOF® 시스템 사용 방법에 대한 기본 사항을 설명하고 안전 및 실험실 요구 사항, 준비, 최적화 및 데이터 분석 등 4가지 모듈로 구성되어 있습니다. 필요한 경우 왼쪽의 리소스 섹션에서 예제 데이터를 찾아 데이터 처리 실습에 사용할 수 있습니다.
장: 총 4장 |
SCIEX triple quadrupole과 QTRAP 시스템의 프론트 엔드 클리닝 (Front end cleaning of SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems) 과정 보기이 교육에서는 SCIEX의 triple quadrupole과 QTRAP 질량분석 시스템의 프론트 엔드 클리닝 방법을 학습하실 수 있습니다.
관련 시스템: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems 관련 소프트웨어: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software 코스 종료: 완성 |
TOF (Time of Flight) 소개(Introduction to time-of-flight MS) 과정 보기이 강좌에서는 TOF (Time of Flight) 질량 분석법의 이론과 응용 분야를 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 이수하면 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다. (한국어 자막은 왼쪽 플레이어의 메뉴 옆 메모 섹션에 있습니다)
장: 1 |
Triple Quadrupole 및 LIT MS 소개(Introduction to Triple Quadrupole and LIT) 과정 보기
이 교육 세션에서는 Triple Quadrupole 및 Linear Ion Trap 이론, SCIEX 질량 분석기에서의 스캔과 작동을 설명합니다. 이 강좌 이수에 대한 PACE 인증서와 PACE 승인 획득(PACE 크레딧 한 개(1)와 동일)에 관심 있는 학습자는 학습 모듈과 간단한 온라인 평가 조사를 성공적으로 완료해야 합니다. 기간: 약 40 |
Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 사용자 교육 (Analyst software) 과정 보기SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 2일로 구성되어 있으며, Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 Analyst Software 를 이용한 장비 운용 교육 및 실습으로 구성되어 있습니다. Triple quadrupole 장비를 이용한 MRM method building, Quantitation 등의 다양한 내용을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 분기당 4회 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000) |
Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 사용자 교육 (SCIEX OS software) 과정 보기SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 2일로 구성되어 있으며, Triple quadrupole 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 SCIEX OS Software 를 이용한 장비 운용 교육 및 실습으로 구성되어 있습니다. Triple quadrupole 장비를 이용한 MRM method building, Quantitation 등의 다양한 내용을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 연 2회 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000) |
X500 QTOF 질량분석기 사용자 교육 (SCIEX OS software) 과정 보기SCIEX KOREA 에서 진행되는 “X500 QTOF 질량분석기 사용자 교육” 입니다. 교육 일정은 2일로 구성되어 있으며, QTOF 질량분석기 기본이론에서부터 사용자 위주의 Software 교육 및 운용 실습까지 구성되어 있습니다. X500 장비를 이용하여 뛰어난 Mass accuracy와 함께 Targeted, Non-targeted 데이터를 확보하는 다양한 기능을 배우실 수 있습니다. 본 교육은 유료 교육 으로 진행되며, 분기당 한번씩 정기적으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 한 클래스당 정원 8명으로 한정되어 있습니다. 교육 문의 및 담당: SCIEX Now (Tel: 080-020-1000) |
고성능 액체 크로마토그래피(HPLC) 기본 이론(Introduction to HPLC) 과정 보기
이 교육 과정은 액체 크로마토그래피에 익숙하지 않은 사용자에게 HPLC 기본 지식을 이해하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 고안되었습니다. 본 과정에서는 다음과 같은 주제를 다룹니다. -기본 HPLC 시스템 구성 요소 및 그 기능 -공통 분리 모드 및 그 적용 인증서 발급: 가능
동정용 MasterView 소프트웨어에서 QTRAP MS/MS 데이터 처리(Processing of QTRAP MS/MS Data in MasterView) 과정 보기이 과정은 MasterView 소프트웨어를 사용하여 QTRAP 데이터를 처리하는 방법을 설명합니다. 이 과정을 이수하면 성공적으로 수집 및 프로세싱 방법을 만들고 MasterView에서 프로세싱 결과를 검토할 수 있습니다. 장: 1 |
분석법 개발 - 컬럼 선택성(Method Development - Column Selectivity) 과정 보기
이 강좌에서는 분석법 개발에 사용할 수 있는 여러 가지 유형의 컬럼 선택성을 중점으로 설명합니다. 장: 1 |
분석법개발- 이동상구성 요소 (Method Development - Mobile Phase) 과정 보기This course introduces the subject of reverse phase mobile phases in method development. In this module, we will be focusing on the choice of solvents, mobile phase pH and buffers, isocratic vs. gradient systems and column temperature. Chapters: 1 |
이동상 준비 및 HPLC 펌프 개요(Mobile Phase Preparation & LC Pumps Overview) 과정 보기
이 강좌 모듈에서는 고성능 액체 크로마토그래피(HPLC) 시스템을 사용하는 분석 작업을 토대로 이동상 준비와 질량 분석기(MS)용 LC 펌프 설치에 대한 기본 사항을 검토합니다. 여기에서는 HPLC 시스템의 구성 요소에 대한 간략한 개요와 프라이밍 LC 펌프의 일반적인 팁을 설명합니다. MS 등급 시약과 측정 장비의 올바른 사용을 중점으로 설명합니다. 이 강좌 모듈 끝에는 사용자의 이해 정도를 테스트하기 위한 짧은 퀴즈가 있습니다. |
질량 분석법 기본 이론(Introduction to mass spectrometry) 과정 보기이 강좌에서는 신규 사용자에게 질량 분석법 응용 분야, 이온 형성, mass analyzer 및 검출기를 포함하여 질량 분석법 기초를 설명합니다. 이 강좌를 수강한 후에는 다음을 할 수 있어야 합니다.
관련 장비: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 4600+, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R, X500B 및 ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 관련 소프트웨어: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF 및 SCIEX OS 소프트웨어 인증 유형: 완료 |
질량분석법에 의한 정량분석 입문 (Introduction to quantitation by MS) 과정 보기이 과정에서는 질량 분석에 의한 정량의 기본을 소개할 것입니다. 이 과정에서는 다음 항목을 다룰 것입니다:
관련 기기 : 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF및 ZenoTOF 7600 시스템 |
최적의 감도를 위한 애플리케이션 팁(Application Tips for Optimal Sensitivity) 과정 보기
이 자가주도형, 온라인 교육 과정은Triple Quadrupole시스템과 QTRAP® 시스템 사용자에게 실험 감도를 향상시킬 수있는 실질적인 제안을 제공합니다. 과정 레벨 : 기초 |
1 day CE maintenance and troubleshooting at SCIEX 과정 보기
1 day PA 800 Plus for fast glycan analysis for biologics at SCIEX 과정 보기
1 day gene therapy for nucleic acid CE analysis at SCIEX 과정 보기
1 day gene therapy for virus protein CE analysis at SCIEX 과정 보기
1 day introduction to LC maintenance at customer site 과정 보기
1 day introduction to MS maintenance at customer site 과정 보기
1 day personalized CE application support at customer site 과정 보기
1 day personalized CE service support at customer site 과정 보기
1 day personalized application support at SCIEX location 과정 보기
1 day personalized application support at customer site 과정 보기
1 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems at customer site 과정 보기
2 day LC-MS method validation at SCIEX 과정 보기
2 day SCIEX Labs vMethod implementation training at customer site 과정 보기
2 day advanced LC-MS method development training at customer site 과정 보기
2 day advanced LC-MS quantitation troubleshooting at customer site 과정 보기
2 day biopharmaceutical analysis by CE-SDS at SCIEX 과정 보기
2 day biopharmaceutical charge analysis by cIEF and CZE at SCIEX 과정 보기
2 day introduction to 32 Karat software at SCIEX 과정 보기
2 day introduction to QTRAP at SCIEX 과정 보기
2.5 day advanced LC-MS maintenance and troubleshooting training at SCIEX 과정 보기
3 day TripleTOF training for small molecule workflows at SCIEX 과정 보기
3 day advanced LC-MS/MS quantitation: method development and troubleshooting at SCIEX 과정 보기
3 day introduction to Triple Quad with Analyst at SCIEX 과정 보기
Learners interested in obtaining a P.A.C.E.® certificate and P.A.C.E.® accreditation for taking this course (equal to 18 P.A.C.E.® credits) must attend the entire training session and complete an evaluation survey and on-site course roster at the time of training. You must notify the training coordinator 3 weeks prior to the training to arrange for necessary documentation. |
3 day introduction to Triple Quad with SCIEX OS at SCIEX 과정 보기
Learners interested in obtaining a P.A.C.E.® certificate and P.A.C.E.® accreditation for taking this course (equal to 18 P.A.C.E.® credits) must attend the entire training session and complete an evaluation survey and on-site course roster at the time of training. You must notify the training coordinator 3 weeks prior to the training to arrange for necessary documentation. |
3 day introduction to the X500R QTOF system training at SCIEX location 과정 보기
3 day quantitative analysis of pesticides in cannabis products at SCIEX 과정 보기
3 day transition to SCIEX OS for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems virtual 과정 보기
32karat软件权限管理和审计追踪 32karat软件培训 (1天) 과정 보기本课程由资深应用工程师提供用户现场培训,并提供一份用户培训资料。 32karat软件是SCIEX毛细管电泳的核心部分之一,熟练掌握软件操作才能顺利进行毛细管电泳相关实验。完成本次培训后,用户将掌握 32karat软件的配置方法,熟练用软件进行数据采集和结果处理,同时还能掌握 32karat软件的权限设置和审计追踪等数据安全所需功能。本课程适合不熟悉32karat软件操作的新用户以及希望开启审计追踪的用户进一步了解 32karat软件功能。 32karat™软件培训内容包括: √ 32karat软件配置; √ 软件基本功能(仪器控制、采集数据); √ 数据处理(积分、定量分析、报告); √ 32karat软件权限设置和审计追踪; |
4 day LC-MS method validation virtual 과정 보기
4 day introduction to Triple Quad virtual 과정 보기
Agilent Lab Advisor software 과정 보기This course will introduce you to the Agilent Lab Advisor software and give you an overview of the software and its functionality. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Analyst Administrator Console 과정 보기This course explains essential topics regarding how to use the Analyst Administrator Console (AAC) and the following topics are included:
Related instruments: 3200, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+ systems Related software: Analyst software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst Software - Оптимизация соединений и параметров источника (Analyst Software - Compound and Source Optimization in Russian) 과정 보기Сессия для самостоятельного изучения фокусируется на основах использования программного обеспечения Analyst и Analyst MD для оптимизации соединений и параметров источника ионизации/газов для тройных квадруполей и систем QTRAP. Включает в себя демонстрацию ручной оптимизации соединений и параметров источника ионизии/газов. Также во время сессии будет рассмотрена автоматическая оптимизация соединений с помощью метода инфузии и метода проточно-инжекционного анализа (ПИА). Глава: 1 |
Analyst TF 软件介绍(introduction to Analyst TF software) 과정 보기
本课程将向您介绍Analyst TF软件,并对该软件及其功能进行概述。 完成课程后,将能够: -创建硬件配置文件 -优化仪器 -了解MS/MSALL SWATHTM、IDA和MRM HR扫描类型 -创建TOF MS 和IDA方法 -创建和提交批次 -浏览数据 证书类别: 结课
Analyst TFソフトウェア入門(introduction to Analyst TF software) 과정 보기このコースでは、Analyst® TF ソフトウェアの概要とその機能についてご紹介します。 このコースを受講すると、以下のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
Analyst software - acquire mode 과정 보기This course focuses on method creation and data acquisition using Analyst and Analyst MD software. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst software - compound and source optimization 과정 보기This course shows you how to perform compound and source optimization using Analyst and Analyst MD software for SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRTAP systems. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst software - explore mode 과정 보기This course shows you how to use the Explore mode of Analyst and Analyst MD software to process data. The course covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst software - library search 과정 보기This self-paced training session covers the basics of the Library Search function. Topics include but not limited to: where library databases are stored, how to connect to a library, how to add and edit compounds to a library, how to show the contents of a library, and how to search unknowns against a library. Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst software - quantitate mode 과정 보기This course explains how to use the Quantitate mode in Analyst and Analyst MD software and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst software - tune and calibrate 과정 보기This course shows you how to use the Tune and calibrate mode in Analyst and Analyst MD software to verify and update resolution and calibration for triple quadrupole and QTRAP instrument systems. Topics included are:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Analyst software - 化合物とイオンソースの最適化 (Analyst software - compound and source optimization) 과정 보기本トレーニングコースはAnalystおよびAnalyst MDソフトウェアで制御する四重極およびQTRAP装置における基本的な化合物とイオンソース/ガスの最適化に焦点を当てた内容で、受講者のペースで進めていただけます。インフュージョンを用いて手動で行うこれらのパラメータの最適化について説明されており、加えてFIAモードで行う化合物パラメータ自動最適化のプロセスもカバーされています。 |
Analyst software overview 과정 보기This course will give you an overview of Analyst and Analyst MD software. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: Yes Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to 0.5 PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. SCIEX is approved (or has applied for approval) as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. |
Analyst ソフトウェア- 検証とキャリブレーション (Analyst software - tune and calibrate) 과정 보기このコースは、セルフペース型のトレーニングプログラムです。トリプル四重極およびQTRAP装置の分解能と質量精度の調整を行うための基本的なAnalystおよびAnalyst MDソフトウェア操作に焦点を当てご説明しています。
Analyst ソフトウェアの概要 (Analyst software overview) 과정 보기このコースは、セルフペース型のトレーニングプログラムです。操作にまだ慣れておられないユーザー様向けに、AnalystおよびAnalyst MDソフトウェアの基本的な操作方法をご紹介しています。トピックには以下の内容を含みますが、これらだけに限りません。:ソフトウェアインターフェースの概要、Projectフォルダとその構造、System Status(システムステータス)アイコン、ソフトウェアの5つのモード、Helpの位置、Hardware Profile(ハードウェアプロファイル)の設定、セキュリティー設定やAudit Trail(監査証跡)機能、基本的なコンピュータメンテナンス。このコースを受講してPACEの証明書・修了証とPACE認定(0.5 PACEクレジットに相当)を取得したい方は、モジュールの学習を終え、習得度を確認するクイズに合格してください。 |
Analyst ソフトウェア-Acquireモード(Analyst software – acquire) 과정 보기このトレーニングコースでは、AnalystとAnalyst MDソフトウェアを利用したAcquisition Methodの作成とデータ取得に焦点を当てご紹介します。以下のトピックを含みます。: コース修了認定証: 有り |
Analyst ソフトウェア-Exploreモードの概要(Analyst Software – Explore) 과정 보기このコースでは、Analyst および Analyst MD ソフトウェアの Explore モードでデータファイルを処理するための基本的な機能をご紹介します。このコースでは、データファイルの開き方、グラフを拡大する方法、バックグラウンドの減算、スペクトルの表示方法、抽出イオンクロマトグラムの表示方法、データのスムージング方法、グラフのラベリング、便利なスクリプト、Fragment Interpretation Toolなどの基本的な機能をご紹介します。
Analyst 软件数据库搜索功能(Analyst software - library search) 과정 보기本在线学习课程主要介绍数据库搜索的基础功能。内容包含但不限于:数据库的储存位置、如何关联数据库、如何在数据库中添加和编辑化合物、如何展示数据库内容,以及如何在数据库中搜索未知物。 |
Analyst 软件数据浏览模块概览(Analyst software - explore mode) 과정 보기该自学培训课程介绍了在Analyst和Analyst MD软件的Explore模块下处理数据文件的基本功能。主题包括但不限于: 打开数据文件、缩放谱图、设置背景区域、生成质谱图、生成提取离子色谱图、数据平滑、谱图标记、处理插件和片段解析工具。 |
Analyst 软件概览 (Analyst software overview) 과정 보기本自助学习课程是针对新用户的Analyst软件的基础培训。课程内容包括以下内容的详细介绍:
Analyst 软件的调谐与校准 (Analyst software - tune and calibrate) 과정 보기本自控速培训的主要内容为使用Analyst软件为三重四极杆和线性离子阱系统进行验证和校准。包括根据指标验证和校准单位分辨率、质量数偏移、峰值强度,也介绍了如何检查校正结果。 |
Analyst软件化合物和离子源优化操作培训 (Analyst software - compound and source optimization) 과정 보기本自助学习课程主要讲解了在四极杆和线性离子阱仪器上使用Analyst软件进行source/gas优化的过程。手动化合物和source/gas优化都将介绍到。另外,课程还概况了使用针泵和流动注射分析的自动优化功能。 |
Analyst软件的采集功能 (Analyst software - acquire mode) 과정 보기本自助学习课程主要讲解如何新建基础的采集方法,包括新建采集批次、向序列中提交批次和运行采集等步骤。 |
Antibody and protein characterization by peptide mapping mass analysis 과정 보기This course covers how to perform antibody and protein characterization by peptide mass analysis and includes the following topics:
Optionally, you can learn about proteases for peptide formation, protease digestion protocols and peptide mass spectra. After taking this training course, you should understand:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Antibody characterization by intact and subunit mass analysis 과정 보기This course covers how to perform antibody characterization by intact and subunit mass analysis and covers the following topics:
After taking this training course, you should:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Application tips for optimal sensitivity 과정 보기This course will provide tips and tricks on how to achieve optimal sensitivity for your applications. This course will cover the following topics:
After taking this training course, you should have a good understanding of how to optimize your sensitivity and understand the variables that influence the sensitivity of your system. Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Arbeiten mit Umschalt- und manuellen Injektorventilen (Working with diverter and manual injector valves) 과정 보기Der Kurs führt in das Thema ein, wie und warum man Umschaltventile und manuelle Injektorventile verwendet. Der Kurs behandelt die folgenden Themen:
Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses sollten Sie verstehen, warum ein Umschaltventil die Kontamination von Instrumenten reduzieren kann. Sie sollten in der Lage sein, ein integriertes Ventil für die Verwendung in der Erfassungssoftware zu konfigurieren. Sie sollten sich sicher fühlen, ein integriertes Ventil so zu programmieren, dass es mithilfe der Erfassungssoftware umschaltet wird. Und schließlich sollten Sie wissen, wie die Ionisation in einer Erfassungsmethode geplant werden kann. Verwandte Instrumente: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, 7500+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 und 7600+-Systeme Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst MD, SCIEX OS-Software Zertifikatstyp: Abschluss PACE-Akkreditierung: Keine |
AutoPeak essentials 과정 보기This course
covers an overview of the AutoPeak integration algorithm available in the
Analytics workspace of SCIEX OS software.
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 3500, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 7500+, 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 and 7600+ systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
AutoPeak 必备知识 과정 보기本课程介绍了SCIEX OS软件Analytics工作空间中可用的AutoPeak积分算法的概述。 完成本课程后,学习者将能够: - 理解AutoPeak 积分算法理论 - 使用AutoPeak 新建处理方法
Automated carryover monitoring for the MPX 2.0 high throughput system 과정 보기This course will introduce you to the MPX 2.0 high throughput system and how automated carryover monitoring works. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None |
Basic operation and maintenance of the CESI 8000 Plus system 과정 보기This eLearning course will cover the basic operation and maintenance for the CESI 8000 Plus system. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: CESI 8000 Plus system Related software: 32 Karat software and CESI 8000 software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Basics of electron activated dissociation (EAD) 과정 보기This course explains what electron activated dissociation (EAD) is and its features and benefits for your workflows. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Best practices in liquid chromatography 과정 보기This course is designed to help you to operate an LC system correctly and mainly discusses the use of LC when combined with a mass spectrometer (LC-MS). It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: ExionLC AE system Related software: Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Bewährte Verfahren in der Flüssigkeitschromatographie (Best practices in liquid chromatography) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs soll Ihnen helfen, ein LC-System korrekt zu bedienen. Er erläutert hauptsächlich die Verwendung von LC in Kombination mit einem Massenspektrometer (LC-MS). Folgende Themen werden behandelt:
Zugehörige Instrumente: ExionLC AE system Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD und SCIEX OS software Zertifikatstyp: Abschluss PACE-Akkreditierung: Keine |
BioPharmaView software 3.0 for MAM workflow 과정 보기This course will show you how to process data for a structured Multiple Attribute Methodology (MAM) workflow using BioPharmaView software 3.0. This course covers the following topics:
Chapters: 1 |
BioPhase 8800 system overview 과정 보기This course gives you an introduction to the BioPhase 8800 system and discuss its features and benefits. The course covers the following topics:
Related instruments: BioPhase 8800 system Related software: BioPhase software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
BioPhase 8800 系统概述(BioPhase 8800 system overview) 과정 보기本课程为BioPhase 8800系统的基础介绍课程,课程将讨论系统的功能和优势。以下主题将在课程中讲解:
章节数:1 证书类型:结课 |
Biologics Explorer 软件介绍(Introduction to Biologics Explorer) 과정 보기本课程为Biologics Explorer软件的介绍课程,课程内容涵盖以下主题:
相关仪器:TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 6600+、 X500R QTOF、X500B QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 7600系统 相关软件:Biologics Explorer 软件 证书类型:结课证书 |
Biologics characterization on X500B QTOF system eLearning path 과정 보기
CE-LIF糖基分析培训:NCHO/fast glycan (1天) 과정 보기本课程由资深应用工程师提供用户现场培训,并提供一份用户培训资料。 完成本次培训后,用户将了解CE-LIF生物药糖基分析原理及应用;掌握毛细管电泳的基本操作,数据处理方法;仪器日常维护保养技巧及毛细管卡盒安装步骤等知识,并能对生物药糖基分析过程中常见的现象和问题进行分析和解决。 CE-LIF用于糖基分析时可选择NCHO糖基分析和Fast Glycan快速糖基分析两种试剂盒方法,用户可选择其中一种,并在培训前与培训讲师确认。 NCHO糖基分析培训内容具体包括: √ CE-LIF糖基分析原理及操作流程介绍; √ NCHO糖基分析实验操作; √ LIF检测器校准; √ 32 karat™软件基本操作,数据分析流程; √ 毛细管卡盒安装及仪器维护保养; √ 常见问题分析。 Fast Glycan糖基分析培训内容具体包括: √ CE-LIF糖基分析原理及操作流程介绍; √ Fast Glycan糖基分析实验操作; √ LIF检测器校准; √ 32 karat™软件基本操作,数据分析流程; √ 毛细管卡盒安装及仪器维护保养; √ 常见问题分析。 |
CESI 8000 Plus 的基本操作与维护(Basic operation and maintenance of the CESI 8000 Plus system) 과정 보기本在线学习课程将介绍CESI 8000 Plus系统的基本操作和维护。 完成本课程后,学习者将能够:
单元数:1 证书类型:结课 |
CE技术原理及方法开发培训 (2天) 과정 보기CE技术原理及方法开发培训课是毛细管电泳高级培训课之一,旨在提升用户利用毛细管电泳进行方法开发的能力。该培训课在SCIEX培训中心进行,在为期两天的培训中,用户将进一步了解CE的技术原理,CE在蛋白和小分子分析中的方法开发技巧,同时还能进一步巩固毛细管电泳的软、硬件操作和仪器维护保养技巧。本课程适合具有一定CE操作经验的科研用户进一步提升CE操作技能。 培训内容具体包括: √ CE技术原理及应用介绍; √ CE方法开发及优化技巧介绍; √ 蛋白分析实验条件的设计和优化,操作练习,结果分析; √ 小分子分析实验条件的设计和优化,操作练习,结果分析; √ 32 karat软件基本操作,数据分析流程; √ 毛细管卡盒安装,仪器维护保养 ; √ 常见问题分析。 |
CE生物药糖基分析培训 (2天) 과정 보기本培训课在SCIEX培训中心进行,为期两天。培训包含教室讲义授课及实验室实验操作。 糖基修饰是蛋白药物重要的翻译后修饰之一,糖基的种类、数量及连接位点均可能影响着药物的活性。因此,研究蛋白药物上糖基修饰对生物药的开发意义重大。CE生物药糖基分析方法已经完成公示将录入2020版《中国药典》。本培训课旨在让用户掌握SCIEX毛细管电泳生物药糖基分析方法。 培训内容具体包括: √ CE-LIF生物药糖基分析原理及应用介绍; √ NCHO糖基分析实验:样品处理及上机操作; √ Fast Glycan糖基分析实验:样品前处理及上机操作; √ 32 karat软件基本操作,数据分析流程; √ 毛细管卡盒安装,LIF检测器校准及仪器维护保养; √ LIF检测器校准; √ CE-LIF糖基分析常见问题分析。 |
CE生物药纯度和电荷异质性分析培训班(CE-SDS/CIEF/CZE) CE蛋白纯度和电荷异质性分析培训(CE-SDS/CIEF/CZE) (2天) 과정 보기本培训课在SCIEX培训中心进行,为期两天。培训包含教室讲义授课及实验室实验操作。 CE蛋白纯度和电荷异质性分析是毛细管电泳在蛋白药物分析中的核心应用,尤其是CE-SDS蛋白纯度分析为药典收录,是企业蛋白药物质控的标准方法。本培训课适合新用户快速熟练仪器及具备一定使用经验的仪器操作员进一步提高实验技能。 培训内容具体包括: √ CE-SDS原理及应用,还原/非还原实验操作,常见问题分析; √ CIEF原理及应用,CIEF等电点及电荷异质性分析实验操作,常见问题分析; √ CZE原理及应用,CZE电荷异质性分析实验操作,常见问题分析; √ 32 karat软件基本操作,数据分析流程; √ 毛细管卡盒安装,仪器维护保养 。 |
Changing the roughing pump oil 과정 보기This course demonstrates how to change the roughing pump oil for your SCIEX mass spectrometer and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, Citrine, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Characterization and Monitoring of PTMs Using Dedicated MAM Solution 과정 보기This video will demonstrate how PTMs can be characterized and monitored using a dedicated multi attribute methodology solution in SCIEX OS.
Chapters: 1 |
Charge heterogeneity analysis by cIEF and CZE 과정 보기This course is an overview of charge heterogeneity based analysis using cIEF and CZE. It is a two part course, and covers the theory of the two assays, sample analysis using the methods, kits and PA 800 Plus system, and finally how to troubleshoot common issues. You must complete Part A before continuing onto Part B. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 2 |
Creating flagging rules and custom columns in SCIEX OS software 과정 보기This eLearning course will cover several examples of how to create flagging rules and custom columns in SCIEX OS software. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Data acquisition and processing using the Lipidyzer Platform 과정 보기This course is comprised of 4 chapters that cover the data acquisition and processing workflow on the Lipidyzer Platform. It is intended that you view each of these chapters in the following sequence shown. You will achieve a certificate once you have successfully completed all four chapters of this course. Chapter 1: Performance Tests teaches you how to run the performance tests for the Lipidyzer Platform in order to ensure that settings for each lipid class are correct and to verify that the instrument is performing to specification. Chapters: Four (4)
Data acquisition for the Echo® MS+ system with ZenoTOF 7600 system 과정 보기This eLearning course will describe how to acquire data using the Batch and Queue workspaces on the Echo® MS+ system coupled with the ZenoTOF 7600 system. It is intended for learners who are already familiar with the theory of AEMS. It will cover the following topics:
Related instruments: Echo® MS+ system and ZenoTOF 7600 system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Data acquisition using the Intabio ZT system 과정 보기This course covers how to perform acquire icIEF-UV/MS data using Intabio software and covers the following topics:
After completing the course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 and Intabio ZT systems Related software: SCIEX OS and Intabio software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Data processing using the SWATH Acquisition MicroApp 과정 보기This course introduces you to the SWATH workflow and data processing using the SWATH Acquisition MicroApp. After taking this training course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+ systems Related software: Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Data review in Biologics Explorer software 과정 보기This course explains how to perform data review using Biologics Explorer software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should know:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Biologics Explorer software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 analyze mode 과정 보기This training module presents the new features and work flow of DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Analyze. The use of optimized parameters from the DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Database is described to build Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) acquisition methods. The procedures for DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Analyze sample batch template creation and sample analysis submission are presented. Data integration and final report generation are also covered. Chapters: 1
DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 optimize mode 과정 보기This training module presents the new features and work flow of DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Optimize. Initial hardware and starter method setup are reviewed. Automatic compound optimization through Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) is described including the use of the new QuickTune and FineTune options. Compound review using the DiscoveryQuant software 2.1 Database is also covered. Chapters: 1
Echo MS 系统介绍 (introduction to the Echo MS system) 과정 보기本在线课程是对Echo MS系统的概览介绍。课程将讲授以下内容:
Echo MS 系统操作教程 (introduction to the operation series for the Echo MS system) 과정 보기本在线学习系列旨在介绍如何使用Echo MS系统进行基本的定量工作流程。课程由四个单元组成:实验室安全须知、实验准备、数据采集和数据分析。 实验室安全须知和实验准备包括适当的实验室安全程序、如何准备系统、流动相和样本。 数据采集包括创建MS和AE方法以及如何采集数据。 数据分析主要演示如何创建处理方法、处理和查看数据、生成报告和执行自动触发的数据处理。 如果需要,在页面上的“资源”标签中可以查看用作数据处理的示例数据。 单元数:4 |
Einblick in die Analyst software (Analyst software overview) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs führt neue Benutzer in die grundlegende Bedienung der Analyst- und Analyst MD-Software ein. Zu den Themen gehören unter anderem: Die Benutzeroberfläche, Projektordner und ihre Struktur, Systemstatussymbole, die fünf Modi der Software, das Auffinden von Hilfedateien, Hardwareprofile, Audit-Trail und grundlegende Computerwartung. Zugehörige Instrumente: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+ und Citrine series system Zugehörige Software: Analyst und Analyst MD software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
Einführung in die Flugzeitmassenspektrometrie (Introduction to time-of-flight mass spectrometry) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs behandelt die Theorie und Anwendung der Flugzeit-Massenspektrometrie und behandelt die folgenden Themen:
Zugehörige Instrumente: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF und ZenoTOF 7600 System Zugehörige Software: Analyst TF und SCIEX OS Software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
Einführung in die Flüssigkeitschromatographie (Introduction to liquid chromatography) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs soll Anwendern, die mit der Flüssigchromatographie (LC) noch nicht vertraut sind, helfen, die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu verstehen, und behandelt die folgenden Themen:
Zugehörige Instrumente: ExionLC AE and M5 MicroLC system Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Zertifikatsart: Abschluß |
Einführung in die Massenspektrometrie (Introduction to mass spectrometry) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs behandelt die Grundlagen der Massenspektrometrie für neue Benutzer, einschließlich ihrer Anwendungen, der Ionenbildung, der Massenanalysatoren und Detektoren. Nach dem Absolvieren dieses Kurses sollten Sie:
Zugehörige Instrumente: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 4600+, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Zertifizierungstyp: Abschluß |
Einführung in die Quantifizierung mittels Massenspektrometrie (Introduction to quantitation by mass spectrometry) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs führt Sie in die Grundlagen der Quantifizierung mittels Massenspektrometrie ein. Er behandelt die folgenden Themen:
Zugehörige Instrumente: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF und ZenoTOF 7600 system Zugehörige Software: MultiQuant, Analyst, Analyst MD und SCIEX OS software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
Einführung in die Triple Quadrupol- und lineare Ionenfallen-Massenspektrometrie (Introduction to triple quad and LIT MS) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs bietet eine Einführung in die Triple-Quadrupol- und lineare Ionenfallentheorie, die zugehörigen Scans und den Betrieb von SCIEX-Massenspektrometern. Zugehörige Instrumente: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
Eksigent Ekspert microLC 200 system maintenance and troubleshooting 과정 보기This eLearning course will walk you through the maintenance and troubleshooting of Eksigent expert microLC 200 system. You have the option to advance to any specific topic of interest. Chapters: 1 |
Eksigent NanoLC system 과정 보기The Eksigent NanoLC course is designed to provide a primer on how to use the NanoLC system in their experimental workflows and how to address common pitfalls that can arise when using the instrument, especially during the familiarization stages of its use. It is assumed the user has a working knowledge of mass spectrometry and high flow LC. The course is intended to help the new user set up the NanoLC instrument, design methods, run samples using the LC and troubleshoot common problems. Chapters: 1 |
ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ system learning path 과정 보기This learning path for the ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ systems covers the use and maintenance of your LC system. Upon completion of the learning path, you should be able to successfully use your instrument for your workflow. |
ExionLC AE system learning path 과정 보기This learning path for the ExionLC AE system covers the use and maintenance of your LC system. Upon completion of the learning path, you should be able to successfully use your instrument for your workflow. |
ExionLC AE 系统介绍 (Introduction to the ExionLC AE system) 과정 보기本在线学习课程是 ExionLC AE 系统的描述讲解并包含如何使用。涵盖以下内容:
相关仪器: ExionLC AE 系统 相关软件: SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型: 结课 |
ExionLC AE、岛津 LC-40 和 LC-40 CL系统的快速维护视频(Quick maintenance how to videos) 과정 보기本系列为介绍 ExionLC AE、岛津LC-40和LC-40 CL系统的快速维护系列,涵盖如何执行简单的仪器维护任务。视频中的任务可能会使用不同的模型进行演示,对于列出的所有适用系统,操作过程是相同的。 泵
相关仪器:ExionLC AE、岛津 LC-40 和 LC-40 CL 系统 相关软件: Analyst 软件和 SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:无
Front end cleaning of SCIEX TripleTOF systems 과정 보기This course will show you how to clean the front end components of your TripleTOF system. It will demonstrate the following procedures:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600+, 5600, 5600+, 6600+ systems Related software: Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Front end cleaning of SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This course covers how to clean the front end components for SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP mass spectrometer systems. It includes best practices to follow when cleaning your system and how to prevent frequent full front end cleaning. The following topics are covered during the course:
This certificate for this course will expire after 1 year. At this time, you can re-enroll in the course to retake the knowledge assessment. Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 and 7500+ systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion (expires after 1 year) PACE accreditation: None |
Getting the most out of the Scheduled MRM algorithm 과정 보기This course covers the theory of the Scheduled MRM algorithm in Analyst and Analyst MD software, and how to create methods using the algorithm. It also covers enhancements to the algorithm in Analyst® software version 1.7. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Chapters:1 |
Giới thiệu phần mềm SCIEX OS (Introduction to SCIEX OS) 과정 보기Khóa học eLearning này sẽ giới thiệu tổng quan về các chức năng trong SCIEX OS. Số chương: 1 |
Giới thiệu về HPLC (Introduction to HPLC) 과정 보기Khóa học này được thiết kế để giúp người dùng chưa quen với sắc ký lỏng hiểu những kiến thức cơ bản về HPLC. Khóa học bao gồm các chủ đề sau; Những người học muốn đạt được chứng chỉ PACE và chứng nhận PACE để tham gia khóa học này (bằng 1 tín chỉ PACE) phải hoàn thành tốt mô-đun học tập và một bài khảo sát đánh giá trực tuyến ngắn gọn. Số chương: 1 |
Giới thiệu về Thời gian bay (Introduction to time of flight) 과정 보기Khóa học này bao gồm lý thuyết và ứng dụng của khối phổ Thời gian bay. Sau khi hoàn thành khóa học, bạn sẽ có thể: Số chương: 1 |
Giới thiệu về khối phổ (Introduction to Mass Spectrometry) 과정 보기Buổi tự đào tạo này sẽ cung cấp những kiến thức cơ bản về khối phổ cho người mới dùng bao gồm việc sử dụng phổ khối, tạo ion, bộ phận phân tích khối và đầu dò. Những người học quan tâm đến việc có được chứng chỉ PACE và chứng nhận PACE để tham gia khóa học này (tương đương với 0,5 chứng chỉ PACE) phải hoàn thành mô-đun học tập và khảo sát đánh giá trực tuyến tóm tắt. Chương: 1 |
Giới thiệu về sàng lọc hợp chất bằng LC-MS (Introduction to LC-MS Compound Screening) 과정 보기Khóa học giới thiệu chủ đề dựa trên LC-MS để xác nhận sàng lọc hợp chất sử dụng công nghệ hệ thống QTRAP của hang AB SCIEX. Sau khi hoàn thành khóa học, người học sẽ có thể tạo ra một phương pháp chạy mẫu, tạo một lô chạy mẫu, xử lý dữ liệu và tạo một báo cáo. Khóa học bao gồm các chủ đề sau: Chương: 1 |
Grundlagen der elektronenaktivierten Dissoziation (EAD) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs erklärt, was elektronenaktivierte Dissoziation (EAD) ist und welche Besonderheiten und Vorteile es für ihren Workflow bietet. Er enthält folgende Themen:
Zugehörige Instrumente: ZenoTOF 7600 system Zugehörige Software: SCIEX OS software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
Guide de maintenance et de dépannage des systèmes SCIEX triple quadripôle et QTRAP (SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP systems maintenance and troubleshooting guide) 과정 보기Ce cours est conçu pour présenter à l'utilisateur certains problèmes courants de maintenance et de dépannage pouvant survenir sur les systèmes SCIEX Triple Quadrupôle et QTRAP. Il comprend les sujets suivants : Chapitres : 1 |
Guía de mantenimiento y resolución de problemas de los sistemas SCIEX de triple cuadrupolo y QTRAP (SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP Systems Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide) 과정 보기
Este curso está diseñado para presentar al usuario algunos problemas comunes de mantenimiento y de diagnóstico de problemas que pueden ocurrir en los sistemas SCIEX Triple Quadrupole y QTRAP. Los siguientes temas serán tratados: 자세히 읽기
Tipo de certificado:
HPLC串联质谱: 流动相准备与LC泵的概述(HPLC tandem MS: mobile phase preparation and LC pump overview) 과정 보기本培训主要讲解使用高效液相色谱(HPLC)系统进行质谱分析应用中的流动相准备和液相泵设置相关的基础知识。简要概述了高效液相色谱系统的组成,包括清洗LC泵的常规要点。特别强调了试剂和测量设备的正确使用。在本培训的最后附有一个简短的测验。 持续时间: 约10分钟 |
High-resolution MRM (MRMHR) workflow using SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems 과정 보기The course introduces the high-resolution MRM workflow using SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems with SCIEX OS software. This is an advanced workflow course, and it is recommended that you complete the "Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for the SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems" eLearning course before taking this course. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to build an optimized MS method, submit a batch and process data. The course covers the following topics:
Hướng dẫn bảo trì bảo dưỡng và khắc phục sự cố trên hệ thống ba tứ cực và QTRAP của hang SCIEX (Triple Quad Maintenance Guide) 과정 보기Khóa học này được thiết kế để giới
thiệu cho người dùng một số bảo trì và khắc phục sự cố phổ biến thông thường có
thể xảy ra trên các hệ thống khối phổ ba tứ cực và QTRAP. Nó bao gồm các chủ đề
Chương: 1
Hệ thống SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS - Tổng quan về công nghệ QTRAP (SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP Ready Technology Overview) 과정 보기Khóa học này là tổng quan về công nghệ và tính năng mới được sử dụng trong Hệ thống SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS - QTRAP ready. Nó bao gồm các chủ đề sau: Loại chứng chỉ: Hoàn thành |
IgG purity and heterogeneity assay 과정 보기This course is an overview of quantitative protein purity analysis using SDS-Gel Capillary Electrophoresis. It covers the theory of the application, separation, and sample analysis using the CE-SDS MW Kit and IgG Purity and Heterogeneity Assay Kit, and finally interpretation of the results. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Chapters:1 |
Information dependent acquisition (IDA) using QTRAP systems 과정 보기This course explains IDA acquisition and how to create IDA methods using Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software The following topics are included:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Installing the OptiFlow interface on TripleTOF systems 과정 보기This eLearning course will demonstrate how to remove the OptiFlow interface from your TripleTOF system and switch between nanoflow and microflow or high flow. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Intabio ZT system set up 과정 보기This course covers how to setup the Intabio ZT system for data acquisition and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 and Intabio ZT systems Related software: SCIEX OS and Intabio software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Intact biologics analysis using SCIEX X500B QTOF system and BioPharmaView software 과정 보기In this course, we introduce the SCIEX X500B QTOF system and BioPharmaView software, and demonstrate the workflow for Intact Biologics analysis. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: X500B system Related software: BioPharmaView and SCIEX OS software Certificate type:Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Intact protein workflows in Biologics Explorer software 과정 보기This course introduces you to intact protein workflows in Biologics Explorer software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should know:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Biologics Explorer software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introducción a la HPLC (Introduction to HPLC) 과정 보기
Este curso está diseñado para ayudar a los usuarios que no están familiarizados con la Cromatografía Líquida a entender los fundamentos de la HPLC. El curso cubre los siguientes temas: 자세히 읽기
Los alumnos interesados en obtener un certificado PACE y una acreditación PACE por realizar este curso (equivalente a un (1) crédito PACE) deben completar con éxito el módulo de aprendizaje y una breve encuesta de evaluación online. Tipo de certificado: Finalización |
Introducción a la espectrometría de masas (introduction to mass spectrometry) 과정 보기En esta sesión de formación a su ritmo se cubren los fundamentos de la espectrometría de masas para nuevos usuarios, incluyendo: usos de la espectrometría de masas, formación de iones, analizadores de masas y detectores. Los alumnos interesados en obtener un certificado PACE y una acreditación PACE por realizar este curso (equivalente a 0,5 créditos PACE) deben completar con éxito el módulo de aprendizaje y una breve encuesta de evaluación en línea. Tipo de certificado: Finalización |
Introducción al búsqueda de compuestos por LC-MS (introduction to LC-MS compound screening) 과정 보기El curso introduce el tema de búsqueda de compuestos de confirmación basado en LC-MS utilizando la tecnología de los sistemas QTRAP de SCIEX. Al finalizar el curso, los alumnos serán capaces de crear un método de adquisición, enviar una secuencia, procesar datos y crear un informe. El curso cubre los siguientes temas
Tipo de certificado: Completion |
Introducción al triple cuadrupolo y LIT MS (Introduction to Triple Quadrupole and LIT MS) 과정 보기Esta sesión de capacitación proporcionará una introducción a la teoría de triple cuadrupolo, trampa de iones lineal, escaneos y operaciones en espectrómetros de masas SCIEX. Los participantes que estén interesadas en obtener un certificado PACE y una acreditación PACE (equivalente a un (1) crédito PACE) deberán completar con éxito el módulo de aprendizaje y una breve encuesta de evaluación en línea.
Tipo de certificado: Finalización |
Introduction au Triple Quadrupôle et LIT MS (introduction to Triple Quad and LIT MS) 과정 보기Ce cours fournira une introduction à la théorie des pièges à ions triples quadripolaires et linéaires, aux balayages et au fonctionnement des spectromètres de masse SCIEX. Les participants intéressés à obtenir un certificat PACE et une accréditation PACE pour suivre ce cours (égal à un (1) crédit PACE) doivent réussir le module d'apprentissage et une brève évaluation des connaissances en ligne.
Chapitres : 1
Introduction au criblage de composés LC-MS (introduction to LC-MS compound screening) 과정 보기Le cours présente le sujet du criblage des composés de confirmation basé sur la LC-MS utilisant la technologie des systèmes SCIEX QTRAP®. À la fin du cours, vous serez capables de créer une méthode d'acquisition, de soumettre un lot, de traiter des données et de créer un rapport. Le cours couvre les sujets suivants :
Chapitres : 1 |
Introduction to Analyst TF software 과정 보기This course will introduce you to the Analyst TF Software and give you an overview of the software and its functionality. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Certificate Type: Completion |
Introduction to Biologics Explorer software 과정 보기This course introduces you to the Biologics Explorer software and covers the following topics:
After taking this course, you should know:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Biologics Explorer software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to ChemoView 2.0 software data processing 과정 보기This eLearning course will demonstrate the workflow of ChemoView 2.0 software data processing of MS/MS data acquired from SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP system instruments. Users will learn how to define analyte types and sample types; define tests and analytes; define processing methods and review reports. Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+ systems Related software: ChemoView software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to Cliquid software 3.3 과정 보기This elearning course will cover:
Chapters: 1 |
Introduction to HPLC in Russian 과정 보기This course is designed to help users who are unfamiliar with Liquid Chromatography to understand the basics of HPLC. The course covers the following topics; |
Introduction to LC-MS analysis of PFAS 과정 보기This course gives you an introduction to LC-MS analysis PFAS and is intended for learners who have a basic understanding of chemistry and quantitation by LC-MS. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 4000, 3500, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 7500+, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: None Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to LC-MS analysis of oligonucleotides 과정 보기This course is intended for learners who are already familiar with LC-MS analysis and now want to analyze synthetic oligonucleotides e.g. ASOs or siRNA. It will cover the following topics:
After taking this course, you will be able to explain:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, 5600, 6500+, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 and 7600+ systems Related software: Molecule Profiler software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to LC-MS compound screening 과정 보기The course introduces the subject of LC-MS based confirmation compound screening utilizing SCIEX QTRAP systems technology. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to create an acquisition method, submit a batch, process data, and create a report. The course covers the following topics:
Introduction to LC-MS compound screening in Russian 과정 보기The course introduces the subject of LC-MS based confirmation compound screening utilizing SCIEX QTRAP systems technology. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to create an acquisition method, submit a batch, process data, and create a report. The course covers the following topics:
Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX IVD triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the service engineer during installation of your instrument. It will teach you how to use the SCIEX IVD triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems for a basic quantitative workflow. It consists of four modules: Safety and Lab Requirements, Preparation, Optimization and Data Acquisition, and Data Processing.
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related instruments: 3200MD, 4500MD, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst MD, MultiQuant MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX TripleTOF systems 과정 보기This eLearning course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the service engineer during installation of your instrument. It covers the basics of how to use the SCIEX TripleTOF systems, and is comprised of four modules: Safety and Lab Requirements, Preparation, Optimization, and Data Analysis.
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related instruments: 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+ systems Related software: Analyst TF, PeakView and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This eLearning course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the service engineer during installation of your instrument. It will teach you how to use the SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems (RUO systems only) for a basic quantitative workflow. It consists of four modules: Safety and Lab Requirements, Mobile Phase and Standards Preparation, Optimization and Data Acquisition, and Data Analysis.
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related instruments: 3000, 4000, 3500, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 systems Related software: Analyst, MultiQuant and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for the SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems 과정 보기This eLearning course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the service engineer during installation of your instrument. It covers the basics of how to use the ZenoTOF 7600, X500R and X500B QTOF systems with SCIEX OS software, and is comprised of four modules: Safety and Lab Requirements, Mobile Phase and Standards Preparation, Optimization, and Data Analysis.
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related instruments: X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to MetabolitePilot software 과정 보기This is a general overview of the MetabolitePilot software and its functionality, including use of the Compound Library, working with Biotransformations, setting up Processing Parameters, creating a Processing Batch in the Batch Workspace, reviewing the Results Workspace – including an overview of the Interpretation feature, and comparing data in the Correlation Workspace. Report generation and troubleshooting is also addressed.; Chapters: 1Certificate Type:None PACE Accreditation: No |
Introduction to Molecule Profiler software 과정 보기This course gives you an introduction to Molecule Profiler software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to create your own workflow and process your data using Molecule Profiler software. Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Molecule Profiler, SCIEX OS and Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to PeakView software and its use in met ID data processing 과정 보기After taking this training course, you will be able to perform basic operations in PeakView software and use some of the more advanced functions such as Formula Finder and Fragment Pane for the met ID workflow. Chapters: 1 |
Introduction to QTRAP technology 과정 보기This eLearning course explains QTRAP technology in more detail and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 systems Related software: Analyst and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to SWATH and Zeno SWATH data independent acquisition 과정 보기This course introduces you to SWATH and Zeno SWATH data acquisition and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to SelexION differential mobility separation technology 과정 보기This course is intended to cover the theory of Differential Mobility Separation (DMS) Technology and how to use the SelexION device with your mass spectrometer. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Introduction to antibodies 과정 보기This course gives you an introduction to antibodies. After taking this training course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to icIEF-UV/MS technology 과정 보기This course introduces you to the icIEF-UV/MS technology and covers the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to describe:
Related instruments: Intabio ZT and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Intabio and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to liquid chromatography 과정 보기This course is designed to help users who are unfamiliar with liquid chromatography (LC) to understand the basics and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: ExionLC AE and M5 MicroLC system Related software: Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: Yes Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to 0.5 PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. SCIEX is approved (or has applied for approval) as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. |
Introduction to mass spectrometry 과정 보기This course covers the basics of mass spectrometry for new users including the applications for mass spectrometry, ion formation, mass analyzers and detectors. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 4600+, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: Yes Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to 1 PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. SCIEX is approved (or has applied for approval) as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. |
Introduction to mass spectrometry in Russian 과정 보기This self-paced training session covers the basics of mass spectrometry for new users including the uses of mass spectrometry, ion formation, mass analyzers and detectors. Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to 0.5 PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. Certificate Type: Completion |
Introduction to method validation 과정 보기This course introduces you to aspects of method validation and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should know:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: MultiQuant, Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to microLC 과정 보기This course is an introduction to microLC and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: M5 MicroLC system Related software: Analyst, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to multiplexing using Transcend LC systems 과정 보기This course will introduce you to multiplexing using the Transcend LC systems and explains how to acquire LC-MS data with the Transcend LC systems using Xcalibur and SCIEX OS software. The following topics are covered:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, X500R QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to quantitation by mass spectrometry 과정 보기This course will introduce you to the basics of quantitation by mass spectrometry. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: MultiQuant, Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the Echo® MS+ system 과정 보기This eLearning course will give you an introduction to the Echo® MS+ system coupled with the ZenoTOF 7600 and 6500+ systems. It will explain the theory of AEMS and device configuration. It is intended for learners who are already familiar with SCIEX MS systems. After completing the course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: Echo® MS+ system, ZenoTOF 7600 system and 6500+ system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None
Introduction to the ExionLC 2.0 Autosampler 과정 보기This course introduces you the operating principles of the ExionLC 2.0 Autosampler and describes some best practices to use during acquisition. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ system Related software: Analyst and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the ExionLC AE system 과정 보기This eLearning course will describe the ExionLC AE system and how to use it. It covers the following topics:
After completing the course, you should be able to :
Related instruments: ExionLC AE system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the Intabio ZT system 과정 보기This course introduces you to the Intabio ZT system and will cover the following topics:
After taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of the system and able to describe the features, benefits and technology for the Intabio ZT system. Related instruments: Intabio ZT system Related software: Intabio software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the Jasper HPLC system 과정 보기This training session will provide an overview of the Jasper HPLC system and how to use the system for sample analysis.
Chapters: 1 |
Introduction to the Lipidyzer Platform 과정 보기
This module will inform you on the basic components and the workflow of the Lipidyzer Platform. 자세히 읽기
After taking this training course, you should be able to:
Chapters: One (1) |
Introduction to the M5 MicroLC system 과정 보기This course introduces you to the M5 MicroLC system and includes the following topics:
After completing the course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: M5 MicroLC system Related software: Analyst, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the SCIEX ExionLC 2.0 system 과정 보기This course gives you an introduction to the SCIEX ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ system and covers its features and benefits. It includes the following topics:
Related instruments: ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ systems Related software: SCIEX OS and Analyst software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the operation series for Echo® MS+ system with SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system 과정 보기This course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the field service employee (FSE) during installation of your instrument. It will teach you how to use the Echo® MS+ system combined with the SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system for a workflow using TOF MS data. It consists of four modules: Safety requirements, System setup, Method creation and Acquisition.
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related instruments: Echo® MS+ and SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the operation series for Echo® MS+ system with ZenoTOF 7600 system 과정 보기This course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the field service employee (FSE) during installation of your instrument. It will teach you how to use the Echo® MS+ system combined with the ZenoTOF 7600 system for a workflow using TOF MS data. It consists of four modules: Safety requirements, System setup, Method creation and Acquisition.
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to the operation series for the Intabio ZT system 과정 보기This eLearning course will explain the content covered during the customer familiarization training (CFC) provided by the field service employee during installation of your instrument. It will teach you how to use the Intabio ZT system. It consists of three modules:
If required, you can find example data to use as practice for data processing in the Resources tab. Related instruments: Intabio ZT and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Intabio and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to time-of-flight mass spectrometry 과정 보기This course covers the theory and application of time-of-flight mass spectrometry and will cover the following topics:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Introduction to triple quadrupole and LIT MS 과정 보기This course will provide an introduction to triple quadrupole and linear ion trap theory, scans and operation on triple quadrupole and LIT mass spectrometers. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: Yes Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to 0.5 PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. SCIEX is approved (or has applied for approval) as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. |
Introduction to triple quadrupole and LIT MS in Russian 과정 보기This course will provide an introduction to triple quadrupole and linear ion trap theory, scans and operation on SCIEX mass spectrometers. Learners interested in obtaining a PACE certificate and PACE accreditation for taking this course (equal to one (1) PACE credit) must successfully complete the learning module and a brief online evaluation survey. Chapters: 1 |
Introduction à la chromatographie en phase liquide (Introduction to liquid chromatography) 과정 보기Ce cours a pour but d'aider les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas encore familiarisés avec la chromatographie en phase liquide (LC) à comprendre les principes de base essentiels et aborde les sujets suivants :
Instruments associés : ExionLC AE et M5 MicroLC system Logiciels associés : Analyst, Analyst TF, Analyst MD et SCIEX OS software Type de certificat: Achèvement |
Introduction à la quantification par spectrométrie de masse (Introduction to quantitation by mass spectrometry) 과정 보기Ce cours vous présente les bases de la quantification par spectrométrie de masse. Il couvre les sujets suivants :
Instruments associés : 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF et ZenoTOF 7600 system Accréditation PACE : Aucune |
Introduction à la spectrométrie de masse (introduction to mass spectrometry) 과정 보기Ce cours couvre les bases de la spectrométrie de masse pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, y compris ses applications, la formation des ions, les analyseurs de masse et les détecteurs. Après avoir suivi ce cours, vous devriez :
Instruments associés : 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 4600+, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 6600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Logiciels associés : Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Type de certificat : Achèvement Accréditation PACE : Aucun |
Ionization techniques for SCIEX sources 과정 보기This course will introduce you to the different ionization techniques that can be performed using SCIEX ion sources, and important source and gas parameters for each ion source. A guide on optimizing the source parameters for the OptiFlow Pro ion source can be accessed in the Resources tab at the top of the course page. The course covers the following topics:
Chapters: 1 |
Jasper HPLC 系统入门 (introduction to Jasper HPLC system) 과정 보기本培训课程将对Jasper HPLC系统做出概要介绍,并讲解如何使用该系统进行样品分析。 在学过本课程之后,你将能够: - 描述LC系统的流路 章节:1 |
Jasper HPLC 系统维护系列视频 (quick maintenance how to videos for the Jasper HPLC system) 과정 보기本系列短视频是Jasper HPLC 系统的维护演示,介绍了如何进行系列简单的仪器维护工作。
证书类型:无 |
LC-MS/MS 操作教程- SCIEX IVD 三重四极杆/QTRAP 系统 (introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX IVD systems ) 과정 보기在线学习系列课程为适用于SCIEX IVD 三重四极杆和QTRAP 的LC-MS/MS操作培训,包含四个单元:实验室安全须知、实验准备、方法优化、数据处理。在完成本系列课程之后,参与者将了解实验室安全规程,以及如何准备系统、流动相和样品,还将能够学会采集数据、浏览数据及使用MultiQuant MD软件生成报告。 单元数:4 |
LC-MS/MS 操作教程- SCIEX TripleTOF系统 (introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX TripleTOF systems ) 과정 보기
本系列课程主要讲解SCIEX TripleTOF系统的基础操作知识,共包含四个单元:实验室安全须知、实验准备、LC-MS/MS方法和数据处理。 LC-MS/MS方法单元包括如何调谐和校准SCIEX TripleTOF系统、构建方法和创建/提交样本批次。 数据处理单元详细介绍了如何使用AnalystTF、PeakView和SCIEX OS软件查看TOF MS数据、子离子数据和IDA数据。 课件屏幕左上角的资源文件夹中有可供数据处理操作参考的样本数据。 单元数:4 |
LC-MS/MS 操作教程-SCIEX QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 系统 (Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems) 과정 보기本课程涵盖了如何使用配备SCIEX OS软件的ZenoTOF 7600、X500R和X500B QTOF系统的基础知识。课程包括四个单元: 安全与实验室要求、流动相和标准品的准备、优化和数据分析。
如果需要,可以在左侧的“资源”部分中找到示例数据,作为数据处理的练习; 章节: 4 证书类别: 结课 |
LC-MS/MS操作教程 - SCIEX 三重四极杆/QTRAP (introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems ) 과정 보기本在线学习系列课程为适用于SCIEX三重四极杆和QTRAP 的LC-MS/MS操作培训,包含四个单元:实验室安全须知、试验准备、优化与LC-MS/MS方法、数据处理。在完成本系列课程之后,参与者将了解实验室安全规程,以及如何准备系统、流动相和样品,还将能够优化方法、提交批次和使用MultiQuant软件生成结果列表与绘制标准曲线。 单元数:4 |
LC-MSによる化合物スクリーニング入門(introduction to LC-MS compound screening) 과정 보기このコースでは、 SCIEX QTRAP システム テクノロジーを利用した LC-MS ベースの化合物同定スクリーニングについてご紹介します。このコースを修了すると、Acquisition Methodの作成、BatchのSubmit、データ解析、レポートの作成ができるようになります。 このコースでは、以下の内容をご紹介します。: チャプター数:1 |
LC-MS化合物筛查入门 (introduction to LC-MS/MS compound screening) 과정 보기本课程讲解了使用SCIEX QTRAP 系统进行的以LC-MS为基础的确证化合物筛查技术。学员能够通过课程学习到如何新建筛查采集方法、提交批次、进行数据处理和新建报告。 课程内容涵盖以下章节: 模块分节:1 |
Le système LC-MS/MS SCIEX Triple Quad 7500– Présentation de la technologie QTRAP Ready (SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS system – QTRAP Ready Technology overview) 과정 보기Ce cours est un aperçu des nouvelles technologies et fonctionnalités utilisées dans le système SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS - QTRAP Ready. Il couvre les sujets suivants :
Type de certificat : Achèvement
LightSight 2.2 software for metabolite identification 과정 보기This self-paced, online training session is designed to introduce current Linear Ion Trap instrument users to LightSight 2.2 software. Functionality improvements including analog data analysis will be covered. Additionally, the training session will cover how to generate acquisition methods as well as process data. Lastly, the training session will go over how to generate and submit MS/MS methods and basic reporting functionality.
Chapters: 1 |
Lightsight 软件应用培训(2天) 과정 보기
Lipid analysis by differential ion mobility spectrometry - 1 general overview 과정 보기During this course, you will learn about the fundamental challenge of lipidomics analysis, namely isobaric interference, what SelexION technology is and how it works, the development of DMS as a tool for lipid analysis by mass spectrometry and finally see how SelexION technology has been used to solve difficult analytical problems in lipidomics. Chapters: 1 |
Lipid analysis by differential ion mobility spectrometry - 2 hardware components and parameter settings 과정 보기The overall objective of this eLearning module is to describe in detail the different aspects of the SelexION Technology device, including the hardware components and parameter settings. During this course, you will learn about the procedures to place the DMS cell onto the mass spectrometer and equilibrate the instrument. Additionally, the different parameter settings that control the function of the SelexION Technology device will be introduced and discussed in terms of how they affect experimental results. Chapters: 1 |
Lipid analysis by differential ion mobility spectrometry - 3 qualitative analysis 과정 보기The overall objective of this eLearning module is to describe how to use the SelexION Technology device during qualitative analysis and to improve the qualitative characterization of lipids. During this course, you will learn how to develop qualitative analytical assays using the SelexION Technology device on QTRAP® or Triple Quadrupole Systems or Triple TOF Instruments. The sections in this module include COV optimization strategies on SCIEX instrument platforms, example data from qualitative lipid analysis and online resources. |
Lipid analysis by differential ion mobility spectrometry - 4 quantitative analysis 과정 보기The overall objective of this eLearning module is to describe how to use the SelexION device during quantitative analysis of lipids. The use of SelexION Technology (differential ion mobility spectrometry, or DMS) in the study of lipidomics greatly improves the quantitative analysis of lipids by lowering the chromatographic baseline (i.e., noise) and minimizing isobaric interference. In this course, the steps needed to develop quantitative assays using DMS will be described on SCIEX Triple Quadrupole Instruments/QTRAP System. Chapters: 1 |
Lipid analysis by differential ion mobility spectrometry - 5 maintenance & troubleshooting 과정 보기The overall objective of this eLearning module is to describe routine maintenance of the SelexION Technology device during the analysis of lipids. Regular cleaning of the DMS cell is suggested to maintain its robustness and performance. In this course, the procedures to clean the hardware are presented, and a troubleshooting guide is provided. Chapters: 1 |
LipidView 1.2 software training 과정 보기This training module is intended to train users how to use LipidView 1.2 software and develop processing methods to quickly and identify detected lipids and generate lipid profiles from collected data. Upon completion of LipidView 1.2 software training, you will be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Logiciel Analyst – Acquérir (Analyst software - acquire) 과정 보기
Cette formation se concentre sur la création de méthodes et l'acquisition de données à l'aide des logiciels Analyst et Analyst MD. Il couvre les sujets suivants : 자세히 읽기
Chapitres : 1 |
Logiciel Analyst – Optimisation du composé et de la source (Analyst software - compound and source optimization) 과정 보기Cette session de formation à votre rythme se concentre sur les bases de l'utilisation des logiciels Analyst et Analyst MD pour l'optimisation du composé et de la source/gaz pour les systèmes d'instruments triple quadripôle et QTRAP. L'optimisation manuelle du composé et de la source/gaz sera abordée. De plus, l'optimisation automatisée du composé par perfusion et l'optimisation automatisée de la source/gaz par l'analyse par injection de flux seront couvertes à l'aide de la fonction d'optimisation des composés. Chapitres : 1 |
Loạt bài giới thiệu hoạt động LC-MS / MS cho Hệ thống ba tứ cực và Hệ thống QTRAP (Introduction to LC-MS Operation Series for RUO Triple Quad and TRAP Systems) 과정 보기Loạt bài trực tuyến này được thiết kế để hướng dẫn người dùng cách sử dụng hệ thống SCIEX ba tứ cực và hệ thống QTRAP (chỉ dành cho hệ thống RUO) cho quy trình công việc định lượng cơ bản. Nó bao gồm bốn mô-đun: Yêu cầu về an toàn và phòng thí nghiệm, Chuẩn bị pha động và chất chuẩn, Tối ưu hóa và thu thập dữ liệu, Phân tích dữ liệu. Các Yêu cầu về an toàn và Ppòng thí nghiệm, Chuẩn bị pha động và chất chuẩn bao gồm các quy trình an toàn thích hợp trong phòng thí nghiệm, cách chuẩn bị hệ thống, pha động và mẫu.
Số chương: 4 |
Loạt bài giới thiệu vận hành LC-MS cho Hệ thống QTOF SCIEX X-Series (Introduction to LC-MS Operation Series for SCIEX X-Series QTOF Systems) 과정 보기Khóa học này bao gồm những kiến thức cơ bản về cách sử dụng Hệ thống QTOF X500R và X500B với phần mềm SCIEX OS và bao gồm bốn mô-đun: Yêu cầu về an toàn và phòng thí nghiệm, Chuẩn bị, Tối ưu hóa và Phân tích dữ liệu. Sau khi hoàn thành loạt bài này, người tham gia sẽ được thông báo về quy trình an toàn thích hợp trong phòng thí nghiệm, cũng như cách chuẩn bị hệ thống, pha động và mẫu. Họ cũng sẽ có thể tinh chỉnh và hiệu chỉnh hệ thống QTOF X-Series, xây dựng phương pháp và tạo / gửi các lô. Phần cuối cùng sẽ bao gồm việc xem xét dữ liệu TOF MS và IDA. Số chương: 4 |
Làm quen với khách hàng dòng SCIEX 4500, 5500, 6500 (SCIEX 4500, 5500, 6500 Series Customer Familiarization) 과정 보기Đây là khóa học Làm quen với khách hàng dành cho các máy khối phổ dòng SCIEX 4500, 5500 và 6500. Bạn sẽ được làm quen với tổng quan về phần mềm và phần cứng, cách tinh chỉnh và hiệu chỉnh thiết bị, chạy một lô mẫu và thực hiện bảo trì đơn giản. Số chương: 5 |
Làm sạch mặt trước của Hệ thống SCIEX ba tứ cực và QTRAP (Front End Cleaning of SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP Systems) 과정 보기Mô-đun đào tạo này bao gồm cách làm sạch các thành phần phía trước cho hệ thống khối phổ kế ba tứ cực và QTRAP hãng Sciex. Các chủ đề sau được đề cập trong suốt khóa học: Click vào nút "Resources" ở bên trái của trang để biết thêm về "Cách mô phỏng van chuyển hướng" và "Thông số nguồn / khí và cài đặt". Số chương: 1 |
MRM cubed application for quantitation 과정 보기This self-paced training session provides an overview of MS3 quantitation also referred to as MRM cubed, used to solve difficult quantitation problems utilizing SCIEX QTRAP systems. Users will learn the theory behind MRM3 as well as how to implement the workflow using proper Analyst® software parameters. This training session also provides a step-by-step guide to MRM3 method development.
Chapters: 1 |
Maintenance for the Lipidyzer Platform 과정 보기This module will inform you how to perform basic maintenance for the Lipidyzer Platform, and includes some FAQs. After taking this module you should be able to….
Chapters: 1 |
MetabolitePilot 和 Molecule Profiler 软件应用培训班(2天) 과정 보기
MetabolitePilot 软件应用培训(2天) 과정 보기
Method creation for the Echo® MS+ system with ZenoTOF 7600 system 과정 보기This eLearning course will describe how to create MS and AE methods for the Echo® MS+ system coupled with the ZenoTOF 7600 system for use in batch acquisition. It is intended for learners who are already familiar with the theory of AEMS. After completing the course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: Echo® MS+ system and ZenoTOF 7600 system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Method development - column selectivity 과정 보기In this course, we will be focusing on different types on column selectivity during method development.
Chapters: 1 |
Method development - mobile phase 과정 보기This course introduces the subject of reverse phase mobile phases in method development. In this module, we will be focusing on the choice of solvents, mobile phase pH and buffers, isocratic vs. gradient systems and column temperature. Chapters: 1 |
Molecule Profiler 软件中的肽段工作流程(Peptide workflow in Molecule Profiler software) 과정 보기本在线学习课程为Molecule Profiler软件中肽段工作流程的简要介绍。课程涵盖以下内容
相关仪器:TripleTOF 6600+、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 5600+、TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 4600+、X500R QTOF、X500B QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件:Molecule Profiler、SCIEX OS 和Analyst TF 软件 证书类型:结课 |
Molecule Profiler 软件介绍(Introduction to Molecule Profiler software) 과정 보기本课程是Molecule Profiler软件的入门课程,课程涵盖以下主题:
完成学习后,学习者将能够使用Molecule Profiler 软件建立工作流程和处理数据。 相关仪器: TripleTOF 6600+、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 5600+、TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 4600+、X500R QTOF、X500B QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件:Molecule Profiler软件、SCIEX OS 和 Analyst TF 软件 证书类型:结课 |
MultiQuant 2.1 的query(查询)功能 과정 보기자세히 읽기 |
MultiQuant MD 软件操作介绍(working With MultiQuant MD) 과정 보기
本课程将涵盖以下内容: -新建处理方法和设置默认方法参数 -处理数据并查看结果表 -导出和报告数据 -使用 Audit Trail 查看器查看事件审计结果 章节: 1 |
MultiQuant software 2.1 audit trail security 과정 보기This course explains audit trail and security in MultiQuant software and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, TripleTOF 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+ systems Related software: MultiQuant software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None
MultiQuant software queries 과정 보기This course cover creation and use of queries in MultiQuant software and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, TripleTOF 4600, 5600, 5600+, 6600, 6600+ systems Related software: MultiQuant software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
MultiQuant ソフトウェアを使いこなす (working with MultiQuant software) 과정 보기このコースは、MultiQuant ソフトウェアを使いこなすことを目的としています。この学習モジュールを修了すると、以下のことができるようになります:
チャプター数 : 1 コース修了認定証 : 有り P.A.C.E. 認定対象 : 対象外 |
MultiQuant 软件和 SCIEX OS 软件定量流程培训(2天) 과정 보기
MultiQuant 软件操作介绍(working With MultiQuant software) 과정 보기
本课程是对LC-MS/MS 操作教程- 第四单元数据处理的中级扩展课程。
자세히 읽기
MultiQuant软件介绍中的工作流程与前面提到的LC-MS/MS课程中介绍的相同,并以此为基础,扩展每个使用者对SCIEX MultiQuant软件界面的熟悉程度,并更了解该平台的分析能力。 完成本课程之后,学习者将能够: - 在MultiQuant 软件中选择积分算法 本在线自学课程中有一些交互部分,学习者可随时在课程中互动。 |
Non-targeted screening data processing using SCIEX OS software 과정 보기This course focuses on data processing using the non-targeted screening workflow in the Analytics workspace of SCIEX OS software. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 7500+, 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 and 7600+ systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Non-targeted screening workflow for SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems 과정 보기The course introduces the non-targeted screening workflow using SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems with SCIEX OS software. This is an advanced workflow course, and it is highly recommended that you complete the "Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for the SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems" eLearning series before taking this course. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to create LC and MS methods for screening workflows, acquire data, and process acquired data using Analytics. The course covers the following topics:
Chapters: 1 |
Oligonucleotide workflow in Molecule Profiler software 과정 보기This course introduces you to the oligonucleotide workflow using Molecule Profiler software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Molecule Profiler, SCIEX OS and Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
OneOmics suite in SCIEX cloud platform: ProteinPilot cloud workflow for proteomics 과정 보기This course will show you how to use the OneOmics Suite in the SCIEX Cloud Platform for the ProteinPilot Cloud workflow for proteomics. The topics covered are:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, 4600+, 5600, 5600+, 6600, Z500B, X500R, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: ProteinPilot, OneOmics, PeakView software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
OneOmics suite in SCIEX cloud platform: SWATH quantification for proteomics workflow 과정 보기This course will show you how to perform SWATH quantification for Proteomics using the OneOmics Suite in the SCIEX Cloud Platform. The topics covered are:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, 4600+, 5600, 5600+, 6600, Z500B, X500R, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: OneOmics, PeakView software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
OneOmics suite in SCIEX cloud platform: SWATH results quantification for metabolomics 과정 보기This course will show you how to process SWATH results for Metabolomics using the OneOmics Suite in the SCIEX Cloud Platform. The topics covered are:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, 4600+, 5600, 5600+, 6600, Z500B, X500R, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: OneOmics, PeakView software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
OneOmics suite in SCIEX cloud platform: SWATH results visualization for metabolomics and proteomics workflows 과정 보기This course will show you how to visualize SWATH results for Proteomics and Metabolomics using the OneOmics Suite in the SCIEX Cloud Platform. The topics covered are:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, 4600+, 5600, 5600+, 6600, Z500B, X500R, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: OneOmics, PeakView software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
PA 800 Plus 系统快速维护视频 (Quick maintenance how to videos for the PA 800 Plus system) 과정 보기本课程是 PA 800 Plus系统维护工作的快速系列视频介绍。 卡盒处理系列
相关仪器:PA 800 Plus 系统 相关软件:32 Karat 软件 证书类型:无 |
Peptide mapping analysis using SCIEX X500B QTOF system and BioPharmaView software 과정 보기This course introduces the SCIEX X500B QTOF system and BioPharmaView software, and demonstrates the workflow for peptide mapping analysis. After taking this course you should be able to:
Related instruments: X500B system Related software: SCIEX OS and BioPharmaView software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Peptide mapping workflows in Biologics Explorer software 과정 보기This course introduces you to peptide mapping workflows in Biologics Explorer software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should know:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Biologics Explorer software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Peptide quant series - 1. peptide structure and fragmentation 과정 보기This is the first training module in Peptide Quantitation eLearning Series. Upon completion of this eLearning module you will be able to identify major components of peptide backbone structure and conventional amino acids, predict general properties and charge state from peptide sequence, understand mode of peptide fragmentation in a quadrupole, associated peptide MS/MS fragments with a peptide sequence, and understand use of heavy isotope labeled internal standard peptides. Chapters: 1 |
Peptide quant series - 2. introduction to peptide MRM development 과정 보기This is the second training module in Peptide Quantitation eLearning Series. Upon completion of this eLearning module, you will be able to understand two major groups of Peptide Quant experiments; identify major ‘rules’ for picking MRM transitions for peptides;understand infusion based peptide MRM optimization methods; utilize Skyline software to predict potential fragment ions for any peptide sequence; and utilize Skyline software for on-column peptide MRM screening and optimization. Chapters: 1 |
Peptide quant series - 3. introduction to sample preparation techniques for peptides 과정 보기
This is the third training module in Peptide Quant eLearning Series. Upon completion of this training, you will: 자세히 읽기
Chapters: 1 |
Peptide quant series - 4. introduction to sample preparation techniques for protein targets 과정 보기
This is the 4th training module in Peptide Quant eLearning Series. After taking this training course, the user should be able to: 자세히 읽기
Chapters: 1 |
Peptide quant series - 5. advanced MS selectivity for peptide quantitation on QTRAP Systems 과정 보기This is the fifth training module in Peptide Quantitation eLearning Series. Upon completion of this eLearning module you will be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Peptide workflow in Molecule Profiler software 과정 보기This course introduces you to the peptide workflow using Molecule Profiler software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Molecule Profiler, SCIEX OS and Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Performing file splitting for data acquired using the Echo® MS system 과정 보기This course explains how data files acquired using the Echo® MS system are split for use during data processing and covers the following topics:
After completing this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: Echo® MS system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Phần mềm Analyst – Tối ưu hóa thông số hợp chất và nguồn (Analyst Software: Compound and Source Optimization) 과정 보기Khóa học này tập trung vào những kiến thức cơ bản về cách sử dụng phần mềm Analyst và Analyst MD để tối ưu hóa thông số hợp chất và nguồn / khí cho hệ thống thiết bị ba tứ cực và QTRAP. Cách tối ưu hóa thủ công các thông số hợp chất và nguồn / khí sẽ được trình bày. Ngoài ra, tối ưu hóa thông số hợp chất tự động bằng phương pháp phun và tối ưu hóa nguồn / khí tự động bằng phân tích tiêm dòng sẽ được đề cập bằng cách sử dụng chức năng Tối ưu hóa thông số hợp chất. Số chương: 1 |
Practical aspects of quantitation 과정 보기This course goes into detail about the practical aspect of quantitation and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to select the best precursor and fragment ions, identify the factors which can negatively impact the accuracy and know what to consider to get best quantitative results, e.g. the use of isotope-labeled standards. Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, MultiQuant and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Processing of QTRAP MS/MS data in MasterView software for identification 과정 보기This course introduces the subject of how to process QTRAP data using MasterView software. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to successfully create acquisition and processing methods, and review your processing results in MasterView software. After taking this training course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Protein and peptide identification workflows on SCIEX TripleTOF systems 과정 보기Upon completion of this training module, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Qualitative lipid analysis : MS/MS ALL on TripleTOF instruments 과정 보기During this eLearning course, you will be:
Chapters: 1 |
Quantitation and screening on X500R QTOF system eLearning path 과정 보기
Quantitation and screening on ZenoTOF system eLearning path 과정 보기
Quantitation and targeted identification data processing using SCIEX OS software 과정 보기This course focuses on qualitative data processing using the Quantitation and Targeted Identification workflow in SCIEX OS software.
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Quantitation and targeted identification workflow with SWATH acquisition using SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF systems 과정 보기This course explains the quantitation and targeted identification workflow with SWATH acquisition using the X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems and covers the following topics:
Upon completion of the course, you should be able to create an LC and MS SWATH acquisition method, acquire and process data. Related instruments: X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Quantitation on SCIEX IVD Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using Analyst MD software eLearning path 과정 보기
Quantitation on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using Analyst software eLearning path 과정 보기
Quantitation on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using SCIEX OS software eLearning path 과정 보기
Quantitative data processing using SCIEX OS software 과정 보기This course focuses on quantitative data processing using the Analytics workspace in SCIEX OS software for all SCIEX instruments (excluding MD instruments). This entire eLearning series consists of 3 modules : Algorithms and flagging, Create method and results, and Review and report results. After completing this eLearning series of modules, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 7500+, 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 and 7600+ systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for ExionLC AE, Shimadzu LC-40 and LC-40 CL systems 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the ExionLC AE, Shimadzu LC-40 and LC-40 CL systems and cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks. The tasks in the videos may be demonstrated using a different model, but the procedures are the same for all applicable systems listed. Pumps
Plate changer
Related instruments: ExionLC AE, Shimadzu LC-40 and LC-40 CL systems Related software: Analyst and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for SCIEX X500 and ZenoTOF systems 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the SCIEX X500 and ZenoTOF 7600 systems and will cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks.
Related instruments: X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This series of quick maintenance videos covers the SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems. You will become familiar with performing simple maintenance tasks for your system. Ion source maintenance videos
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 3500, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for setting up ion sources on the ZenoTOF 7600 system 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the ZenoTOF 7600 system, and cover how to install ion sources appropriate for different flow rates. The following videos are included:
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for the BioPhase 8800 system 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the BioPhase 8800 system and cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks.
Related instruments: BioPhase 8800 system Related software: BioPhase software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for the ExionLC 2.0 system 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the ExionLC 2.0 system, and cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks.
ExionLC 2.0 Binary Pump
ExionLC 2.0+ Binary Pump
ExionLC 2.0 Detectors
Related instruments: ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ system Related software: Analyst and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for the Jasper HPLC system 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the Jasper HPLC System, and cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks.
Chapters: 10
Quick maintenance how to videos for the M5 MicroLC system 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the M5 MicroLC system, and cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks.
Related instruments: M5 MicroLC system Related software: Analyst, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for the OptiFlow Turbo V source 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the OptiFlow Turbo V ion source and covers how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks.
Related instruments: 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 6600+ systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst TF software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Quick maintenance how to videos for the PA 800 Plus system 과정 보기This series of short maintenance videos focuses on the PA 800 Plus system and cover how to perform simple instrument maintenance tasks. Cartridge handling
System maintenance
Related instruments: PA 800 Plus system Related software: 32 Karat software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
Resolution equation 과정 보기This course explains the resolution equation and how it affects your chromatography. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 3500, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: None Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX 7500 系统-技术概览(SCIEX 7500 system – Technology overview) 과정 보기该课程是对 SCIEX 7500 系统的新技术和功能的概述。包含以下内容:
相关仪器: 7500 系统 相关软件:SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课证书 |
SCIEX Empower driver 과정 보기This course is an introduction to the SCIEX Empower Driver that is used on SCIEX CE instrumentation. The Empower driver is a software interface that gives users direct control of their PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System in the Empower 3 Chromatography Data System or CDS.
Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None
SCIEX IVD トリプル四重極 & QTRAP システム向け LC-MS/MSオペレーションシリーズ入門編(Introduction to LC-MS/MS Operation Series for SCIEX IVD Triple Quadrupole & QTRAP systems) 과정 보기このコースでは、基本的な定量ワークフローにおける SCIEX IVD トリプル四重極および QTRAP システムの操作方法を学びます。「安全性およびラボの要件」、「準備」、「LC-MS/MS」、「データ解析」の 4 つのモジュールで構成されています。
「Resources」に、データ処理・解析の練習用のデータ例を掲載しています。必要に応じて、ご利用ください。 チャプター数 : 4 |
SCIEX LC-MS 基础培训: QTRAP(4天) 과정 보기
SCIEX LC-MS 基础培训: TripleTOF(4天) 과정 보기
SCIEX LC-MS 基础培训: 三重四极杆(4天) 과정 보기
SCIEX LC-MS基础培训: ZenoTOF 7600 (4天) 과정 보기
SCIEX LC-MS基础培训: 配备SCIEX OS软件的三重四极杆系统(7500) (4天) 과정 보기
SCIEX MS Quellenabsaugung: Wartung und Fehlerbehebung (SCIEX MS source exhaust maintenance and troubleshooting) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs beschreibt das Quellenabsaugsystem für Ihr Massenspektrometer und behandelt die folgenden Themen:
Nach diesem Kurs sollten Sie wissen, wie man die Komponenten der Absauganlage identifiziert, und in der Lage sein, Probleme mit der Absauganlage zu beheben. Zugehörige Instrumente: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF und SCIEX OS software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
SCIEX MS source exhaust maintenance and troubleshooting 과정 보기This course describes the source exhaust system for your mass spectrometer and covers the following topics:
After taking this course, you should know how to identify components of the source exhaust and be able to troubleshoot issues with the source exhaust system. Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: Yes |
SCIEX NanoSpray III ion source 과정 보기This course is designed to provide the new user a primer on how to assemble, optimize and test the NanoSpray III ion source. It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of mass spectrometry and nano flow LC. Following the completion of this course, you will be able to:
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+ systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst TF software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX Now 学社 仪器销售培训券 과정 보기这是一种灵活的培训代金券,适用于1名首要学习者在用户现场接受3天的任意用户培训,或4名学习者在 SCIEX 培训中心接受任何一门基础培训课程。这是随仪器购买而提供的专门特殊价格(该产品不作为独立的产品提供)。参加在 SCIEX 培训中心举办的培训课程不包括差旅和生活费用。此券自购买之日起12个月内有效。所有学习者必须参加同一培训课程。 |
SCIEX Now 学社 服务合同培训券 과정 보기这是一种灵活的培训代金券,等同于3名学习者在用户现场接受1/2天用户培训(最少为使用2张兑换券礼券兑换为期1天的培训)或1名学习者在 SCIEX 培训中心接受任何一门基础培训课程。参加在 SCIEX 培训中心举办的培训课程不包括差旅和生活费用。此券自购买之日起12个月内有效。所有学习者必须参加同一培训课程。 |
SCIEX OS - Triple Quad 和 QTRAP 系统中的方法建立(SCIEX OS - method creation for Triple Quad and QTRAP) 과정 보기本课程讲授如何通过SCIEX OS 为SCIEX 三重四极杆和QTRAP 系统新建 LC 和 MS 方法。包含以下内容:
章节数: 1 |
SCIEX OS software - Explorer workspace 과정 보기This course will show you how to use the Explorer workspace in SCIEX OS software to perform qualitative review of your data files. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 4000, 3500, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 7500+, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF, ZenoTOF 7600 and 7600+ systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software - MS Tune for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This course covers how to use the MS Tune workspace in SCIEX OS software for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems. In this course, we will review the following topics:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software - MS Tune for SCIEX ZenoTOF 7600 systems 과정 보기This course covers how to use the MS Tune workspace in SCIEX OS software for the ZenoTOF 7600 system and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 system Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software - compound and source optimization for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This course introduces you to compound and source optimization using SCIEX OS software and covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software - data acquisition 과정 보기This course shows you how to acquire data using SCIEX OS software, and is applicable to all triple quad, QTRAP, X500 and ZenoTOF systems supported in SCIEX OS software. It includes the following topics:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software - method creation for Triple Quad and QTRAP systems 과정 보기This course covers how to create LC and MS methods for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using SCIEX OS software. It includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 series systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software - scout triggered MRM acquisition 과정 보기This course shows you how to acquire data using scout triggered MRM acquisition in SCIEX OS software, and is applicable to all Triple Quad and QTRAP systems supported in SCIEX OS software. It includes the following topics:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software overview 과정 보기This introductory eLearning course will give you an overview of the functionality in SCIEX OS software. The following topics are covered during the course:
Related instruments: 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 7500+, 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 and 7600+ systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS software security and audit trail 과정 보기This course will cover the
security and audit trail functionality in SCIEX OS software. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: 3000, 3200, 4000, 3500, 4500, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, 4600, 4600+, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B, ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX OS ソフトウェアを使用したノンターゲットスクリーニング分析データの処理・解析(non-targeted screening data processing using SCIEX OS software ) 과정 보기この e ラーニング コースは、SCIEX OS ソフトウェアの Analytics ワークスペースにおける[Non-targeted screening]ワークフローを使用したデータの処理・解析に焦点を当てています。これは、すべての SCIEX 装置 (MD 装置を除く) に適用されます。 このコースを修了すると、以下のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX OS ソフトウェアを使用した定量およびターゲット同定データの処理・解析(Quantitation and Targeted Identification Data Processing Using SCIEX OS Software) 과정 보기このコースでは、SCIEX OS ソフトウェアの [Quantitation and targeted identification] ワークフローを使用した定性データの処理・解析についてご説明します。このコースは、すべての SCIEX 装置 (MD 装置を除く) に適用されます。 このコースを修了すると、次のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX OS ソフトウェアを使用した定量データの処理・解析( Quantitative data processing using SCIEX OS software) 과정 보기この e ラーニング シリーズは、すべてのSCIEX 装置(MD 装置を除く)のデータを処理できる SCIEX OS ソフトウェアの Analytics ワークスペースによる、定量データの処理・解析に焦点を当てています。この e ラーニング シリーズ全体は、3 つのモジュールで構成されています。アルゴリズムとフラグ設定ルール、Processing MethodやResults Tableの作成、Results Tableのレビューとレポート作成です。 この e ラーニング シリーズのモジュールを修了すると、次のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 3 |
SCIEX OS 入門編(Introduction to SCIEX OS) 과정 보기このコースでは、SCIEX OSの機能に関する概要について説明します。 このコースを修了すると、以下のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX OS 的安全性与审计追踪(SCIEX OS software security and audit trail) 과정 보기本在线学习课程将涵盖SCIEX OS中的安全和审计追踪功能。本课程旨在令学习者:
章节: 1 |
SCIEX OS 软件 - SCIEX Triple Quad 和 QTRAP 系统的质谱调谐(SCIEX OS - MS Tune) 과정 보기本课程介绍了如何在SCIEX OS软件中为SCIEX Triple Quad和QTRAP MS/MS系统进行质谱调谐。 课程将涵盖以下主题:
章节: 1 |
SCIEX OS 软件 - SCIEX ZenoTOF 7600 系统的质谱调谐(SCIEX OS - MS Tune for SCIEX ZenoTOF 7600) 과정 보기本课程介绍如何在ZenoTOF 7600 系统中使用SCIEX OS 软件中的MS Tune 工作空间。包含以下内容:
相关仪器:ZenoTOF 7600 相关软件:SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
SCIEX OS 软件 - 数据采集 (SCIEX OS software - data acquisition) 과정 보기本课程将介绍如何使用SCIEX OS软件采集数据,适用于SCIEX OS软件支持的所有三重四极杆、QTRAP、X500和ZenoTOF系统。课程包括以下主题:
章节: 1 |
SCIEX OS 软件 – Explorer 工作空间(SCIEX OS software - Explorer) 과정 보기本课程将展示如何使用SCIEX OS软件中的Explorer工作空间对数据文件进行定性查看。课程包括以下主题:
相关仪器:3200、4000、3500、4500、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、7500、7500+、TripleTOF 6600+、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 5600+、TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 4600+、X500R QTOF、X500B QTOF、ZenoTOF 7600 及7600+ 系统 相关软件:SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
SCIEX OS 软件 – SCIEX Triple Quad 和 QTRAP 系统的化合物和离子源参数优化(SCIEX OS - compound and source optimization) 과정 보기本课程从以下方面介绍使用SCIEX OS软件的化合物和离子源参数优化:
相关仪器:4500、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、7500 系统 相关软件:SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
SCIEX OS 软件基础教程 (introduction to SCIEX OS) 과정 보기本在线课程是SCIEX OS软件的功能介绍培训。 通过对本课程的学习能够掌握到:
单元数: 1 |
SCIEX QTOF および ZenoTOF システム向け LC-MS/MS オペレーションシリーズ入門編(Introduction to LC-MS/MS Operation Series for SCIEX QTOF and ZenoTOF Systems) 과정 보기このコースは、SCIEX OS ソフトウェアによるZenoTOF 7600、X500R、X500B QTOF システムの基本的な操作方法について解説しています。次の4つのモジュールから構成されています。:「安全性とラボの要件」、「準備(移動相と標準物質の調製)」、「LC-MS/MS」、および「データ解析」。
必要に応じて、左側のResourcesセクションに掲載した、データ処理の練習用として使用できるデータの一例をご活用ください; チャプター数 : (4) コース修了認定証 : 有り |
SCIEX QTRAP 系统高级应用培训(2天) 과정 보기
SCIEX Triple Quad 6500 and QTRAP 6500 system optimization 과정 보기This course takes you through the key strategies for optimizing sensitivity on your SCIEX Triple Quad 6500 and QTRAP 6500 system. We focus on the source setting differences between this system and our previous generation systems. Chapters: 1 |
SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS system – QTRAP Ready Technology overview 과정 보기This course is an overview of the new technology and features used in the SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP Ready. It covers the following topics:
Certificate Type: Completion
SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS system – QTRAP Ready Technology overview in Russian 과정 보기This course is an overview of the new technology and features used in the SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP Ready. It covers the following topics:
Certificate Type: Completion |
SCIEX TripleTOF 5600 system technology and overview 과정 보기This presentation discusses all the instrument innovations that contribute to the speed, sensitivity, resolution, mass accuracy and robustness of the instrument. It also provides an overview of the Analyst TF software and the different companion software packages used to process data, depending on workflow. Related instruments: TripleTOF 5600 system Related software: Analyst TF software Certificate type: None PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX TripleTOF system eLearning path 과정 보기
SCIEX TripleTOF システムのフロントエンドクリーニング (front end cleaning for SCIEX TripleTOF systems) 과정 보기このコースではお使いのTripleTOFシステムのフロントエンドクリーニング方法を学んでいただけます。次の手順をご紹介します。
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX TripleTOF システム向けLC-MS/MSオペレーションシリーズ入門編(Introduction to LC-MS/MS operation series for SCIEX TripleTOF systems) 과정 보기このコースでは 、SCIEX TripleTOF システムの基本的な操作方法を学びます。「安全性およびラボの要件」、「準備」、「LC-MS/MS測定」、「データのレビュー」の 4 つのモジュールから構成されています。
「Resources」に、データ処理・解析の練習用データを掲載しています。必要に応じて、ご利用ください。 チャプター数 : 4 |
SCIEX TripleTOF 系统的前端清洗(front end cleaning of SCIEX TripleTOF systems) 과정 보기本课程将介绍如何清洁TripleTOF系统的前端部件。包括以下内容:
章节数:1 |
SCIEX TripleTOF 質量分析装置を用いた Biologics ワークフロー (biologics workflows using SCIEX TripleTOF mass spectrometer) 과정 보기このコースでは、インタクトタンパク質の分子量測定に関するワークフロー、ペプチドマッピングと定量、宿主細胞由来タンパク質検出のためのMS/MS ALLワークフロー、そしてTripleTOFシステムを用いた更なる分離手法としてのCESIの活用についてご紹介します。 チャプター数 : 1 コース修了認定証 : 有り P.A.C.E. 認定対象 : 対象外 |
SCIEX TripleTOF系统蛋白和肽段鉴别工作流程(protein and peptide identification on SCIEX TripleTOF systems) 과정 보기
本课程旨在令学习者:了解使用Analyst 软件构建信息依赖性采集(IDA)方法的概念;使用PeakView软件评估IDA数据;最后,了解使用ProteinPilot软件搜索和查看数据的过程。
SCIEX X500 QTOF システムのクイックメンテナンス方法 (Quick maintenance videos for SCIEX X500 QTOF systems) 과정 보기このメンテナンス方法ビデオはSCIEX X500 QTOF システムのシンプルな装置メンテナンス方法をご紹介します。 このコースを修了すると次のことができるようになります。
チャプター数 : 5 コース修了認定証 : 対象外 P.A.C.E. 認定対象 : 対象外 |
SCIEX X500 QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 系统快速维护视频 (Quick maintenance videos for SCIEX X500 and ZenoTOF systems) 과정 보기本课程由一系列SCIEX X500 和 ZenoTOF 7600 系统的短小维护视频组成,展示如何进行简单的仪器维护。完成学习之后,学习者将能够:
章节数:5 证书类别:无 |
SCIEX X500R QTOF システムを使用したノンターゲットスクリーニングワークフロー(Non-targeted Screening Workflow Using SCIEX X500R QTOF System) 과정 보기このコースでは、X500R QTOF システムと SCIEX OS を使用した[Non-targeted screening]ワークフローをご紹介します。これは、アドバンスなワークフローのコースです。このコースを受講する前に、X500R QTOFシステムに関する[Introduction to LC-MS/MS]のeラーニングコースを修了されることをお勧めします。このコースを修了すると、スクリーニングワークフロー用の LC および MS Methodの作成、データの取得、Analytics を使用した取得データの処理・解析ができるようになります。 このコースでは、以下のトピックを取り上げます。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX X500R QTOF システムを使用した高分解能 MRM(MRMHR)ワークフロー (High resolution MRM HR workflow using SCIEX X500R QTOF system) 과정 보기このコースでは、X500R QTOF システムと SCIEX OS を使用したHigh-Resolution MRM(MRMHR)ワークフローをご紹介します。これは、アドバンスなワークフローのコースです。このコースを受講する前に、X500R QTOFシステムに関するLC-MS/MS Operation Seriesの eラーニング コースを修了されることをお勧めします。このコースを修了すると、最適な MS Methodを作成し、BatchをSubmitしてデータを処理・解析できるようになります。 このコースでは、次のようなトピックを取り上げます。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX X500R QTOFシステムを使用したSWATH acquisitionによる定量およびターゲット同定ワークフロー (Quantitation and targeted identification workflow using the SCIEX X500R QTOF system) 과정 보기このコースでは、X500R QTOF システムを使用したSWATH Acquisition による[Quantitation and targeted identification]ワークフローについてご説明します。これは、アドバンスなコースであり、このモジュールを開始する前にX500R QTOFシステムに関する[Introduction to LC-MS/MS]コースを修了することをお勧めします。このコースを修了すると、SWATH AcquisitionのLC および MS Methodの作成、データの取得および処理・解析ができるようになります。 このコースでは、次のようなトピックを取り上げます。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SCIEX X500R QTOF系统高分辨MRM(MRMHR)工作流程(MRMHR workflow using SCIEX X500R QTOF systems) 과정 보기
本课程讲解了在SCIEX X500R QTOF系统SCIEX OS软件使用高分辨MRM工作流程的过程。建议在学习本课程之前,首先完成“LC-MS/MS 操作教程- X-系列 QTOF 系统”在线课程。完成本课程之后,学习者将能够在系统中建立优化的MS方法、提交Batch和处理数据。 课程内容章节如下: 单元数量:1 |
SCIEX fast glycan labeling and analysis technology 과정 보기This course is an overview of the SCIEX Fast Glycan labelling and analysis technology. It covers how to perform sample preparation using the SCIEX Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis kit, and obtain separation of the glycans by capillary electrophoresis (CE) on the PA 800 Plus System. After taking this course, you should be able to:
Chapters:1 |
SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems maintenance and troubleshooting guide 과정 보기This course is designed to introduce common maintenance and troubleshooting issues that may occur on SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems. It consists of the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine systems Related software: Analyst and Analyst MD software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
SCIEX 三重四极杆/QTRAP系统快速维护视频 (quick maintenance how to videos for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems) 과정 보기本系列视频课程为SCIEX 三重四极杆/QTRAP维护相关内容,包含五个离子源相关维护操作。在视频学习之后,即可更加了解并掌握仪器系统的简单维护工作。 离子源维护视频: - 拆卸和安装Probe 章节:5 |
SCIEX 三重四极杆和 QTRAP 系统的前端清洗 (front end cleaning for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems) 과정 보기本课程涵盖了SCIEX 三重四极杆和 QTRAP 系统的前端清洗的基础知识和实践。课程中包含若干视频,对仪器的放真空、前端拆卸、清洗和组装等各方面进行了演示。
SCIEX 培训中心高级司法鉴定培训行业专家授课(3天) 과정 보기
SCIEX 离子源的离子化技术(ionization techniques for SCIEX Sources) 과정 보기
本课程将向您介绍使用SCIEX离子源可以执行的不同的电离技术,以及每个离子源的重要离子源和气体参数。关于优化OptiFlow Pro Ion source源参数的指南,可以在课程页面顶部的参考资料选项卡中访问。
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章节: 1 |
SCIEXトリプル四重極およびQTRAP®システムのメンテナンス&トラブルシューティングガイド(SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide) 과정 보기
このコースは、SCIEXトリプル四重極およびQTRAP®システムで発生する可能性があるいくつかの一般的なメンテナンスとトラブルシューティングの問題をユーザーに紹介することを目的としています。 次のトピックで構成されています。
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-MSデータ分析、イオンソース、ESIおよびAPCIプローブのシステム習熟 -テクニカルサポートおよびサービスグループに報告された最も一般的な問題トップ10 -最も一般的な信号関連の問題、コンピューターと通信関連の問題、およびそれらの修正方法 -メンテナンスは、推奨されるメンテナンスタスクとベストプラクティスに優先しますPACE認定: なしコース |
SCIEXトリプル四重極およびQTRAPシステムのクイックメンテナンス手順ビデオ( Quick Maintenance How To Videos for SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP Systems) 과정 보기このビデオでSCIEXトリプル四重極およびQTRAPシステムのクイックメンテナンス手順をご紹介いたします。 一般的なシステムメンテナンスビデオ: イオン源メンテナンスビデオ チャプター数:9 |
SCIEXトリプル四重極およびQTRAPシステムのフロントエンド部クリーニング (Front End Cleaning of SCIEX Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP Systems) 과정 보기このトレーニングモジュールはSCIEXトリプル四重極およびQTRAPシステムのフロントエンド部のクリーニング方法を説明しています。 コース修了認定証:有り |
SCIEXトリプル四重極システムおよびQTRAPシステム向けLC-MS / MSオペレーションシリーズ(Introduction to LC-MS/MS Operation for Triple Quadrupole and QTRAP) 과정 보기
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「安全性および実験室の要件」では、実験室の安全性に関する注意事項について、「調製」では、移動相や標準物質の調製の仕方、HPLCのパージの仕方について説明しています。 「最適化とデータ取得」では、LC-MS/MSでデータを取得するためのメソッド構築に必要な化合物やイオン源の最適化の仕方、データの取得方法について説明しています。 「データ解析」では、MultiQuant TM またはSCIEX OS-MQ ソフトウェアによる、解析メソッドの作成方法、データ解析とレビューの仕方、レポートの作成方法について説明しています。 データ解析の練習にご使用頂けるサンプルデータを「リソース(Resources)」セクションにご用意しています。必要に応じて、ご利用ください。チャプター: 4 評価タイプ: 修了 PACE 認定: 不可 |
SCIEX三重四极杆/QTRAP维护与检修指南 (SCIEX triple quadrupole and QTRAP systems maintenance and troubleshooting guide) 과정 보기本课程为学习者介绍了前端为Turbo V 离子源的三重四极杆/QTRAP质谱仪的维护与检修。其中包括了我们技术支持和维修团队从用户反馈中总结出来的十大常见问题。另外,检修章节涵盖了最常见的用户可自行解决的问题。最后一个章节提供了三重四极杆/QTRAP的维护和操作规范。 |
SWATH acquisition performance kit for microLC 과정 보기This eLearning course will show you how to assess the performance of your TripleTOF system for microLC using the SWATH Acquisition Performance Kit. For data processing, you will need to use PeakView software, SWATH Acquisition MicroApp, SWATH Replicate Analysis template and ProteinPilot software. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
SWATH acquisition performance kit for nanoLC 과정 보기This eLearning course will show you how to assess the performance of your TripleTOF system for nanoLC using the SWATH Acquisition Performance Kit. For data processing, you will need to use PeakView software, SWATH Acquisition MicroApp, SWATH Replicate Analysis template and ProteinPilot software. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
SWATH acquisitionおよびSWATH 2.0によるデータの処理・解析入門 (Introduction to SWATH acquisition and SWATH 2.0) 과정 보기このトレーニングコースの受講後、以下のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
SWATH 采集和 SWATH 2.0 数据处理介绍(introduction of SWATH acquisition and SWATH 2.0 data processing) 과정 보기
完成本课程后,用户应该能够: 了解SWATH 工作流程 使用发现数据生成离子数据库 利用 SWATH 2.0 MicroApp 生成全面 XIC 以进行蛋白质和肽定量 利用 SWATH 2.0 MicroApp 进行数据导出,进行进一步的统计分析
Screening on SCIEX IVD Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using Analyst MD software eLearning path 과정 보기
Screening on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using Analyst software eLearning path 과정 보기
Screening on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems using SCIEX OS software eLearning path 과정 보기
Sistema LC-MS/MS SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 - Descripción de la tecnología QTRAP Ready (SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP Ready Technology Overview) 과정 보기Este curso es una visión general de la
nueva tecnología y las características utilizadas en el sistema LC-MS/MS SCIEX
Triple Quad 7500 - QTRAP Ready. Cubre los siguientes temas:
Capítulos: 1 |
Small molecule and ionizable lipid nanoparticle workflows in Molecule Profiler software 과정 보기This course introduces you to the small molecule and ionizable lipid nanoparticles (LNP) workflows using Molecule Profiler software and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Molecule Profiler, SCIEX OS and Analyst TF software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Software Analyst - Modo de adquisición (Analyst software - Acquire) 과정 보기Este curso de formación se centra en la
creación de métodos y la adquisición de datos mediante el software Analyst y
Analyst MD. Cubre los siguientes temas:
Capítulos: 1 |
Software Analyst - Optimización de compuestos y fuente (Analyst software - compound and source optimization) 과정 보기Esta sesión de formación a su propio ritmo se centra en los aspectos básicos del uso del software Analyst y Analyst MD para la optimización de compuestos y fuente/gas para sistemas de instrumentos de triple cuadrupolo y QTRAP. Se mostrará la optimización manual de compuestos y fuente/gas. Además, se cubrirá la optimización automatizada de compuestos por infusión y la optimización automatizada de fuente/gas por análisis de inyección de flujo utilizando la función de optimización de compuestos. Capítulos: 1 |
StatusScope remote monitoring service 과정 보기This eLearning course will explain the features and benefits of StatusScope remote monitoring, how to install the StatusScope Agent and how to access and monitor instruments in SCIEX Now. Chapters: 1Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None |
Success Fundamentals 과정 보기
Success Fundamentals MD 과정 보기
Success Master 과정 보기
Success Master MD 과정 보기
Success Plus 과정 보기
Success Plus MD 과정 보기
Success Solution for M5 MicroLC system at customer site 과정 보기
Success Virtual 과정 보기
Success solution for Echo® MS+ system with SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system at customer site 과정 보기
Success solution for Echo® MS+ system with ZenoTOF 7600 system at customer site 과정 보기
TOF-MS飛行時間型質量分析計入門(Introduction to Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry) 과정 보기このコースでは、TOF-MS飛行時間型質量分析計の原理と応用について学びます。このコースを修了すると、以下のことができるようになります。: チャプター数:1 |
The what, why and how of mass spectrometry 과정 보기This video explains the basics of mass spectrometry and why it has become such an important analytical tool. This is a great starting point for someone that knows little or nothing about mass spectrometry. It includes a brief historical look at milestones in science that made the discovery of MS possible and several examples of how SCIEX mass spectrometers are providing answers for science and knowledge for life. Chapters: 1 |
Theory of capillary electrophoresis connected to mass spectrometry 과정 보기This course will give you an overview of how you can connect traditional capillary electrophoresis systems to MS detectors and covers the theory of the most common approaches. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Related instruments: CESI 8000 Plus and TripleTOF systems Related software: None Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Tips and tricks for CESI-MS 과정 보기This eLearning course focuses on tips and tricks for working with CESI-MS. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Transition to SCIEX OS software for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems eLearning path 과정 보기
TripleTOF 6600/6600+ 系统关于蛋白质组学应用的问题解决(troubleshooting TripleTOF 6600/6600+ system performance for proteomics) 과정 보기本课程旨在帮助您解决TripleTOF 6600和6600+系统的蛋白质组学应用系统性能问题。 课程旨在令学习者学会: 描述 TripleTOF 6600/6600+ 系统在蛋白质组学应用中可能出现的常见问题 了解如何使用调谐液和 SWATH 采集性能套件来诊断问题 鉴定系统的 Q0 或 IQ0 前端污染 识别由 LC 组件引起的问题 章节: 1 |
Troubleshooting TripleTOF 6600/6600+ system performance for proteomics applications 과정 보기This course is designed to enable you to troubleshoot system performance issues for the TripleTOF 6600 and 6600+ system with proteomics applications. After completing this course, you should be able to:
Certificate Type: Completion PACE Accreditation: None |
Tạo phương pháp IDA bằng hệ thống SCIEX QTRAP (IDA method creation using SCIEX QTRAP systems) 과정 보기Mục đích của bài thuyết trình này là giới thiệu cho những người mới sử dụng thiết bị SCIEX QTRAP® về chủ đề tạo phương pháp bẫy ion tuyến tính. Nó nhằm mục đích giới thiệu các chủ đề mà người dùng cần biết trong quá trình phát triển phương pháp. Loại chứng chỉ: Hoàn thành
Using the PeakView BioTool Kit for analyzing proteomics data 과정 보기After taking this training course, you should be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Using the SCIEX ExionLC 2.0 system 과정 보기This course shows you how to use the ExionLC 2.0 system on Analyst and SCIEX OS software, and includes the following topics:
After taking this course, you should have a good understanding of the system and be able to perform basic operations to run the system for your workflows and applications. Related instruments: ExionLC 2.0 system Related software: Analyst and SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Vorbereitung der mobilen Phase und Überblick über HPLC-Systeme 과정 보기Dieser Kurs behandelt die Grundlagen der Vorbereitung mobiler Phasen und gibt einen Überblick über die Verwendung von HPLC-Pumpen für massenspektrometrische Analysen und umfasst die folgenden Themen:
Nach Abschluss des Kurses sollten Sie:
Zugehörige Instrumente: ExionLC and Jasper LC system Zugehörige Software: Analyst Software, Analyst MD Software und SCIEX OS Software Zertifizierungstyp: Abschluß |
Working With MultiQuant MD software 과정 보기This course introduces the topic of quantitation using the MultiQuant MD software. Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to process data, review the results, and export data. The course covers the following topics:
Chapters: 1 |
Working With MultiQuant software 과정 보기This course is designed for learners to become familiar with MultiQuant software. Upon successfully completing this learning module, you will be able to:
Chapters: 1 |
Working with Reporter software templates 과정 보기This course will explain how you can use and edit Reporter software templates to create personalized reports for your processed data. It covers the following topics:
Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, 4600, 5600, 6600, 6600+, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, MultiQuant, MultiQuant MD, SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Working with diverter and manual injector valves 과정 보기The course introduces the subject of how and why you would use diverter valves and manual injector valves. The course covers the following topics:
After taking this course, you should understand why a diverter valve can reduce instrument contamination, be able to configure an integrated valve for use in the acquisition software, feel comfortable programming an integrated valve to switch using the acquisition software, and finally, know how ionization can be scheduled in an acquisition method. Related instruments: 3200, 3200 MD, 4000, 3500, 4500, 4500 MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, Citrine, 7500, X500R, X500B and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Related software: Analyst, Analyst MD, SCIEX OS software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
icIEF-UV/MS data processing using the Intabio software 과정 보기This course covers how to perform data processing for icIEF-UV data using Intabio software and covers the following topics:
After completing the course, you should be able to
Related instruments: ZenoTOF 7600 and Intabio ZT systems Related software: Biologics Explorer and Intabio software Certificate type: Completion PACE accreditation: None |
Ölwechsel der Vorvakuumpumpe (Changing the roughing pump oil) 과정 보기Dieser Kurs zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie das Öl der Vorvakuumpumpe für Ihr SCIEX Massenspektrometer wechseln können und behandelt die folgenden Themen:
Zugehörige Instrumente: 3200, 3200MD, 4000, 4500, 4500MD, 5500, 5500+, 6500, 6500+, 7500, Citrine, TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems Zugehörige Software: Analyst, Analyst MD, Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software Zertifizierungsart: Abschluß |
Количественная обработка данных с использованием программного обеспечения SCIEX OS (Quantitative data processing using SCIEX OS) 과정 보기Онлайн курс посвящен количественной обработке данных с использованием рабочего пространства Analytics в программном обеспечении SCIEX OS для всех инструментов SCIEX (за исключением инструментов MD). Онлайн курс состоит из 3 модулей: «Алгоритмы и маркировка», «Создание метода и вывод результатов» и «Обзор данных и создание отчета».
После изучения серии модулей вы сможете:
лава: 3
Программное обеспечение Analyst – Сбор данных (Analyst Software - Acquire) 과정 보기Учебный курс посвящен разработке методов и сбору данных с использованием программного обеспечения Analyst и Analyst MD.
Курс охватывает следующие темы: Тип свидетельства: Завершение. Аккредитация PACE: Отсутствуе |
トリプル四重極およびリニアイオントラップ 質量分析装置入門(introduction to Triple Quad and LIT MS) 과정 보기このコースでは、トリプル四重極およびリニアイオン トラップの原理、SCIEX 質量分析装置の操作およびスキャンについてご説明します。このコースを受講して PACE 認定を取得したい方は、学習モジュールと簡単なオンライン最終試験を完了してください(1 PACE クレジット相当)。 チャプター数:1 |
プロテオミクス分野におけるTripleTOF 6600/6600+システムのパフォーマンスのトラブルシューティング (Troubleshooting TripleTOF system performance) 과정 보기このコースではプロテオミクス分析で用いる TripleTOF 6600 and 6600+ システムの パフォーマンスに関するトラブルシューティングを学ぶことができます。 このコースを修了すると次のことができるようになります。
チャプター数 : 1 |
メソッド開発-カラムの選択性(Method Development - Column Selectivity ) 과정 보기このコースでは、メソッド開発時に役立つ、カラムの選択性に関するさまざまなカラムの種類に焦点を当てています。 このコースを受講された方は、以下のことができるようになります。:
チャプター数 : 1 |
三重四极杆与线性离子阱质谱入门(introduction to Triple Quadrupole and LIT MS) 과정 보기本课程将介绍三重四极杆和线性离子阱的理论,SCIEX质谱的扫描和操作。 相关仪器: 3200、3200MD、4000、4500、4500MD、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、Citrine、7500 系统 相关软件:Analyst、Analyst MD 和SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课证书 |
中級定量トレーニングコース MRM-EPI測定、ライブラリー検索(for QTRAP) 과정 보기難易度★★★★ Key Facts 0.5日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN003 価格:27,500円(税込み) このトレーニングコースをお勧めする対象者 「中級定量トレーニングコース MRMモードでの定量」の内容は習得しており、MRMと並行してQTRAP®を利用したMS/MS(MRM-EPI)を取得したい方 MS/MSをライブラリーに登録したり、ライブラリー検索を行ってみたい方 ※MRMのみでも同定はできますが、さらにMS/MSを取得することによって、偽陰性あるいは偽陽性の検出結果を極力減らすことが可能になります。 このトレーニングコースの位置づけ 「中級定量トレーニングコース MRMモードでの定量」を受講済み、あるいは内容を理解している ↓ MRM測定と同時にEPI(MS/MS測定)も同時に可能な測定メソッドを使用し、MRM測定による同定結果の信頼性をさらに高めたい ↓ 中級定量トレーニングコース MRM-EPI測定~ライブラリー検索 トレーニングコースの内容 講義 - QTRAP®の構造と原理、MRM-EPIについて、ライブラリー検索について 実習(Analyst®ソフトウェアを操作しながら学習します) - IDAとEPIに関する説明 - MRM-EPIのメソッド作成 - MRM-EPIで得られたデータの解析、ライブラリーへの登録と検索 受講終了後には、修了証をお渡しいたします。 トレーニングコース修了後のイメージ ・MRM-EPIメソッドを新規作成することができます。 ・MRM-EPI測定を行うことにより、MS/MSを同時に取得することが可能になるため、MRMのみで測定を実施するよりも偽陰性あるいは偽陽性の検出結果を極力減らすことが可能になります。 ・MRM-EPIで取得したデータをライブラリーに登録したり、ライブラリーから検索したりできるようになります。 注意点 (1)本コース受講前に「中級定量トレーニングコース MRMモードでの定量」までの内容を習得して頂くことをお勧めいたします。 (2)本コースはQTRAP®シリーズ LC-MS/MSシステムをご使用のお客様向けのコースです。 (3)お申し込みの人数が最少催行人数に満たない場合、お申し込み回のトレーニングが開催されない場合があります。 その際、別の回のトレーニングをご案内させて頂くことがございますが、予めご了承をお願いいたします。 (4)本コースは定量分析のトレーニングコースとなっております。定性分析のにご興味がある方には、「QTRAP® LC/MS/MS Systemシリーズ定性トレーニングコース」をご用意しております。 トレーニング タイムスケジュール 10:00~10:45 講義 QTRAP®の構造と原理、MRM-EPI、ライブラリー検索について解説 10:45~13:00 実習 ※専用のパソコンを使用します MRM-EPIのメソッド作成をする MRM-EPIメソッドで取得したデータのデータベースへの登録と検索をする 質疑応答 *進行状況により時間が前後する場合がありますが、ご了承ください。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。
Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
中級定量トレーニングコース MRMモードでの定量(for API / TripleQuad および QTRAP) 과정 보기難易度★★★☆ Key Facts 1日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN002 価格:55,000円(税込み) このトレーニングコースをお勧めする対象者 「初級定量トレーニング メソッド開発」の内容は習得しており、より詳しい定量分析・解析の機能を学びたい方 例1)MS内部のパラメーターの自動最適化の経験があり、マニュアルでの最適化もできるようになりたい方 例2)Scheduled MRMアルゴリズムを使用して、簡単に多成分一斉分析のメソッド作成を試されたい方 例3)クロマトグラムの表示や定量結果の編集において、使用頻度の高い機能について学びたい方 このトレーニングコースの位置づけ 「初級定量トレーニングコース メソッド開発」の内容は習得済みで、基本操作は問題ない ↓ マニュアルでMS内部のパラメーターの最適化を行い、さらに高感度分析できるようにしたい Scheduled MRMを使用した多成分一斉分析に興味がある Analyst®ソフトウェアやMultiQuant™ソフトウェアのさらに詳しい機能について知りたい ↓ 中級定量トレーニングコース MRMモードでの定量 トレーニングコースの内容 設定 Configureモードの設定について 測定(LC-MS/MS実機を操作しながら学習します) - MS内部のパラメーターのマニュアル最適化と作成した複数のメソッドの結合 - Scheduled MRMを使用したメソッドの作成方法、ピリオド区切り、posi/negaスイッチングに関して 解析(解析ソフトウェアを操作しながら学習します) - クロマトグラムやスペクトルの表示方法や使用頻度の高い機能 - Result Tableの表示に関する機能、解析途中で解析メソッドを編集する方法、RSDの計算方法 等 ※Analyst®ソフトウェアもしくはMultiQuant™ソフトウェアのどちらかをお選びください。 受講終了後には、修了証をお渡しいたします。 トレーニングコース修了後のイメージ ・Hardware Configurationを新規作成できます。 ・LC-MS/MSで感度良く測定するためのMS内部のパラメーターの最適化をマニュアルで実施することができます。 ・Scheduled MRMを使用し、多成分一斉分析のメソッドが簡単に作成できるようになります。 ・Result Tableの表示を変更したり、解析途中で解析メソッドを編集し、保存することができます。 ・Analyst®ソフトウェアもしくはMultiQuant™ソフトウェアを用いて簡単な統計計算をすることができます。 注意点 (1)装置設置時の基本操作トレーニングを受講していない、もしくは受講したが操作に不安があるという方には、本コース受講前に「初級定量トレーニング メソッド開発」を受講頂くことをお勧めいたします。 (2)本トレーニングコースで紹介する機能の中には、Analyst®ソフトウェアのバージョンによってご使用頂けない機能もございます。 (3)お申し込みの人数が最少催行人数に満たない場合、お申し込み回のトレーニングが開催されない場合があります。 その際、別の回のトレーニングをご案内させて頂くことがございますが、予めご了承をお願いいたします。 (4)本コースは定量分析のトレーニングコースとなっております。定性分析のにご興味がある方には、「QTRAP® LC/MS/MS Systemシリーズ定性トレーニングコース」をご用意しております。 トレーニング タイムスケジュール 10:00~12:00 実習 ※装置を使用します Configureモードの設定をする 測定条件を最適化する-MS内部のパラメーターのマニュアル最適化 13:00~14:00 実習 ※装置を使用します Scheduled MRMを使用したメソッドの作成方法、ピリオド区切り、posi/negaスイッチングについて解説 14:00~17:00 実習 ※解析用のパソコンを使用します Exploreモードで使用頻度の高い機能を使用してみる 使用するソフトウェアごとに分かれて、詳しい解析の機能を学ぶ 質疑応答 *進行状況により時間が前後する場合がありますが、ご了承ください。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。
Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
中药农残分析培训(4天) 과정 보기
临床应用基础培训(4天) 과정 보기
代谢组学培训(4天) 과정 보기
使用 SCIEX OS 软件进行非靶向筛查数据处理(non-targeted screening data processing using SCIEX OS) 과정 보기
本在线学习课程侧重于使用SCIEX OS软件的Analytics工作区中的非靶向筛查工作流进行数据处理。适用于所有SCIEX仪器(MD仪器除外)。
자세히 읽기
完成本课程后,将能够: 章节: 1 |
使用 SCIEX TripleTOF 质谱仪的生物药表征分析工作流程(biologics workflows using SCIEX TripleTOF systems) 과정 보기在本课程中,我们将带您了解使用SCIEX TripleTOF系统进行完整蛋白质分子量、肽标测和定量、宿主细胞蛋白检测的工作流程,还将讲到把CESI作为一种额外的分离策略。 |
使用 SCIEX X500B QTOF 系统 和 BioPharmaView软件进行完整生物制剂分析(intact biologics analysis) 과정 보기在本课程中,我们将介绍SCIEX X500B QTOF系统和BioPharmaView软件,并演示完整生物制剂分析的工作流程。 - 了解完整生物分析的基础知识 证书类别: 结课
使用 SCIEX X500B QTOF 系统和 BioPharmaView 软件进行肽图分析(peptide mapping analysis using SCIEX X500B QTOF and BioPharmaView software) 과정 보기
本课程介绍了SCIEX X500B QTOF系统和BioPharmaView软件,并演示了肽图分析的工作流程。
자세히 읽기
完成本课程后,将能够 - 理解肽图分析的基础- 在SCIEX OS中新建LC和MS方法 - 在SCIEX OS中提交Batch - 使用 BioPharmaView 软件处理肽图数据 章节: 1 证书类别: 结课
使用 SCIEX X500R QTOF 系统进行 SWATH Acquisition 的定量和靶向鉴别工作流程(quantitation and targeted identification with SWATH acquisition using SCIEX X500R system) 과정 보기
本课程涵盖了使用SCIEX X500R QTOF系统进行SWATH采集的定量和靶向鉴定工作流程。这是一个高级课程,建议学习者在开始这个模块之前先完成“质谱原理介绍”课程。完成本课程后,学员将能够创建LC和MS SWATH采集方法,采集和处理数据。 本课程涵盖以下内容:
章节: 1 |
使用 SCIEX X500R QTOF 进行非靶向筛查 (non-targeted screening workflow using SCIEX X500R QTOF system) 과정 보기
本课程介绍了使用SCIEX X500R QTOF系统与SCIEX OS的非靶向筛选工作流程。这是一门高级工作流程课程,强烈建议您在学习这门课程之前完成X500R QTOF系统在线学习系列LC-MS/MS操作教程。完成课程后,学习者将能够在筛查工作流程中创建LC和MS方法、采集数据,并使用分析处理所获得的数据。 课程包含以下内容:
证书类别: 结课 |
使用MasterView软件处理 QTRAP MS/MS数据用于鉴别化合物(processing of QTRAP MS/MS data in MasterView software) 과정 보기本课程介绍如何使用MasterView软件处理QTRAP数据。完成课程后,学习者将能够学会如何创建采集方法和数据处理方法,以及在MasterView软件中查看其处理结果。 课程将涵盖以下内容:
章节数: 1 |
使用SCIEX OS 软件进行定量数据处理(quantitative data processing using SCIEX OS) 과정 보기
本在线培训系列的重点是讲解应用SCIEX OS软件中的Analytics工作空间对所有SCIEX仪器(不包括MD仪器)进行定量数据处理。本系列课程包含以下三个单元:积分算法与标示规则、创建方法与结果以及查看结果与生成报告。
完成本系列课程的学习后,将能够 자세히 읽기
单元数: 3 |
六通切换阀的使用(Working with diverter and manual injector valves) 과정 보기本课程介绍了如何以及为什么使用六通切换阀。完成本课程后,学习者将能够理解为什么切换阀可以减少仪器污染;能够配置在采集软件中配置集成切换阀;能够轻松地使用采集软件设置集成切换阀的切换程序;以及知道如何在采集方法中设置分段电离。 本课程内容涵盖:
相关仪器:3200、3200 MD、4000、3500、4500、4500 MD、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、Citrine、7500、X500R、X500B和ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件:Analyst、Analyst MD、SCIEX OS 证书类型:结课 |
初級定量トレーニングコース メソッド開発(for API / Triple Quad および QTRAP) 과정 보기難易度★★☆☆ Key Facts 1日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN001-M 価格:55,000円(税込み) このトレーニングコースをお勧めする対象者 メソッドを新規作成して定量分析(測定・解析)をされたい方 例1)メソッドを作成する方法も含めた定量分析のワークフローを学びたい方 例2)今まで既存のメソッドを使用していたが、新しくメソッド開発が必要になった方 このトレーニングコースの位置づけ 初めてLC-MS/MSを使用される方 ↓ ご自身でメソッドを作成し、定量分析をしたい ↓ 初級定量トレーニングコース メソッド開発 トレーニングコースの内容 講義 - LC/MSの基礎、Analyst®ソフトウェアを用いたメソッド作成の流れについて 測定(LC-MS/MS実機を操作しながら学習します) - MS内部のパラメーターの自動最適化とイオンソースの自動最適化 - 作成した測定メソッドを使用し、システムの平衡化から測定開始までの流れ 解析(解析ソフトウェアを操作しながら学習します) - 解析メソッドの作成方法、解析方法 ※Analyst®ソフトウェアもしくはMultiQuant™ソフトウェアのどちらかをお選びください。 受講終了後には、修了証をお渡しいたします。 トレーニングコース修了後のイメージ ・LC-MS/MSで感度良く測定するための、測定メソッドを自動で作成できます。 ・作成した測定メソッドを使用して、連続分析ができます。 ・定量するための、解析メソッドの作成ができます。 ・連続分析のデータを定量することができます。 注意点 (1)HPLCおよびWindowsの基本操作はトレーニング内容には含まれておりませんので、HPLCおよびWindowsの基本的な操作ができる方を対象とさせて頂きます。 (2)本トレーニングコースは、弊社フィールドサービスエンジニアが納品後にお客様先にて実施するトレーニング内容と同様です。 (3)お申し込みの人数が最少催行人数に満たない場合、お申し込み回のトレーニングが開催されない場合があります。 その際、別の回のトレーニングをご案内させて頂くことがございますが、予めご了承をお願いいたします。 (4)マニュアルで測定メソッドを作成する内容は含まれません。自動最適化ではなく、マニュアルでパラメータを最適化しメソッド作成されたい方は、「中級定量トレーニングコース MRMモードでの定量」をご用意しております。 トレーニング タイムスケジュール 10:00~12:00 講義および実習 ※装置を使用します LC/MSの基礎 ソフトの概略および測定の流れ ソフトを立ち上げ、機器を設定する 測定条件を最適化する-MS内部のパラメーターの自動最適化、イオンソースの最適化 13:00~15:00 実習 ※装置を使用します 測定法を作成し、データを取り込む データの確認 測定を終了し、機器をスタンバイ状態にする 15:00~17:30 ※解析用のパソコンを使用します 使用するソフトウェアごとに分かれて、解析する 質疑応答 *進行状況により時間が前後する場合がありますが、ご了承ください。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。
Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
初級定量トレーニングコース ルーチン分析(for API / Triple Quad および QTRAP) 과정 보기難易度★☆☆☆ Key Facts 1日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN001-R 価格:55,000円(税込み) このトレーニングコースをお勧めする対象者 既存のメソッドを使用して定量分析(測定・解析)を開始されたい方 例1)まずはSCIEXが提供するメソッドで定量分析を始めたい方 例2)新しくLC-MS/MSを使用する分析の担当になり、既存のメソッドを使って定量分析を始める方 このトレーニングコースの位置づけ 初めてLC-MS/MSを使用される方 ↓ SCIEXが提供するメソッド、あるいは既にお持ちのメソッドで定量分析をしたい ↓ 初級定量トレーニングコース ルーチン分析 トレーニングコースの内容 講義 - LC/MSの基礎 測定(LC-MS/MS実機を操作しながら学習します) - 既存の測定メソッドを使用し、システムの平衡化から測定開始までの流れ 解析(解析ソフトウェアを操作しながら学習します) - 既存の解析メソッドを用いた解析方法 ※Analyst®ソフトウェアもしくはMultiQuant™ソフトウェアのどちらかをお選びください。 受講終了後には、修了証をお渡しいたします。 トレーニングコース修了後のイメージ ・ソフトウェアの起動とLC-MS/MSのセットアップをすることができます。 ・既存のメソッドを装置に読み込ませ、平衡化させることができます。 ・測定バッチを作成し、測定を開始することができます。 ・測定して得られたデータを、解析することができます。 注意点 (1)Windowsの基本操作はトレーニング内容には含まれておりませんので、Windowsの基本的な操作ができる方を対象とさせて頂きます。 (2)本トレーニングコースは、弊社フィールドサービスエンジニアが納品後にお客様先にて実施するトレーニング内容と重複する部分がございます。 (3)お申し込みの人数が最少催行人数に満たない場合、お申し込み回のトレーニングが開催されない場合があります。 その際、別の回のトレーニングをご案内させて頂くことがございますが、予めご了承をお願いいたします。 (4)測定メソッドや解析メソッドを作成する内容は含まれません。メソッド作成されたい方は、「初級定量トレーニングコース メソッド開発」をご用意しております。 トレーニング タイムスケジュール 10:00~12:00 講義および実習 ※装置を使用します LC/MSの基礎 ソフトの概略および測定の流れ ソフトを立ち上げ、機器を設定する 測定法を選択し、データを取り込む(トレーナー見本) 13:00~15:00 実習 ※装置を使用します 測定法を選択し、データを取り込む(お客様) データの確認 測定を終了し、機器をスタンバイ状態にする 15:00~17:30 ※解析用のパソコンを使用します 使用するソフトウェアごとに分かれて、解析する 質疑応答 *進行状況により時間が前後する場合がありますが、ご了承ください。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。 Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
合作伙伴现场高级司法鉴定培训(3天) 과정 보기
在SCIEX OS 中创建标示规则和自定义列(creating flagging rules and custom columns in SCIEX OS software) 과정 보기本在线学习课程将涵盖如何在SCIEX OS中创建标示规则和自定义列的几个例子。 课程内容:
章节: 1
在线学习路径 - SCIEX TripleTOF 系统 과정 보기
在线学习路径 - SCIEX 三重四极杆和 QTRAP 系统的定量 과정 보기
在线学习路径 - SCIEX 三重四极杆和 QTRAP 系统的筛查 과정 보기
在线学习路径 - X500B QTOF 系统的生物表征 과정 보기
在线学习路径 - X500R QTOF 系统的定量和筛查 과정 보기
如何充分发挥Scheduled MRM演算法的作用(Getting the most out of the Scheduled MRM algorithm) 과정 보기
本课程主要Scheduled MRM演算法理论,以及如何使用该算法创建方法。课程中还介绍了该算法在Analyst软件1.7版中的增强功能。 本课程旨在令学习者获得以下技能:
证书类型:完成 |
完整多肽定量样品前处理技术 과정 보기本课程的学习约需用时30分钟。 课程内容: |
定性脂质分析:在 TripleTOF 仪器上进行的 MSMS ALL 分析(qualitative lipid analysis : MS/MS ALL on TripleTOF systems) 과정 보기本在线学习课程将介绍质谱分析脂质的当前挑战,介绍MS/MS ALL工作流程并逐步说明其如何实现。还将介绍脂质组学分析过程中产生的大数据的数据处理策略。 |
定量实际操作的关键点(Practical aspects of quantitation) 과정 보기本在线学习课程介绍质谱定量实际操作中需要注意的细节,涵盖以下主题:
在完成本课程的学习后,学习者将了解如何选择最好的母离子和碎片离子,了解哪些因素会影响准确性。并明白最佳结果需要考虑的方面,例如使用内标物。 相关仪器:3200、3200 MD、4000、3500、4500、4500 MD、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、Citrine、7500、TripleTOF 6600+、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 5600+、TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 4600+、X500R QTOF 和 ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件:Analyst、Analyst MD、MultiQuant 和 SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
小分子分析样品处理流程 과정 보기本培训课程提供了目前小分子领域常用的前处理方法相关流程。 主要涵盖以下三个领域:
应用技巧培训:如何提高系统灵敏度 (application tips for sensitivity) 과정 보기本自助在线培训为三重四极杆和QTRAP系统操作者提供了提高系统灵敏度的经验建议。
课程级别:基础 |
機器のキャリブレーションならびにメンテナンス(for API / Triple Quad および QTRAP) 과정 보기Key Facts 1日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN010 価格:55,000円(税込み) 本コースでは、API / TripleQuad および QTRAP®シリーズの機器のキャリブレーションならびにメンテナンス方法を学習することができます。 ※本コースは「機器のキャリブレーション(for API/ TripleQuad および QTRAP)コース」および「機器のメンテナンス(for API/ TripleQuad および QTRAP)コース」をセット受講されるお客様へお得な価格でご提供させていただいているコースです。セット受講のお客様は本ページから申し込みフォームへお進みください。 対象機種 API 3200™ / 3200 QTRAP® / API 4000™ / 4000 QTRAP® / API 5000™ / 4500 series / 5500 series / 6500 series ※トレーニングで使用する質量分析計のモデル名は、ご使用のシステムと異なる場合がございます。 ※本コースは実機を用いて実際にキャリブレーションを実施いただきます。 ※お客様の装置がAPIシリーズの場合は、模型を用いて説明することがございますので、ご了承ください。 内容 スケジュール 10:00~17:00 感度低下時の確認方法 PPGを用いたOffsetの調整 PPGを用いたキャリブレーション手順 日常のメンテナンス 質量分析器のスタートアップとシャットダウン カーテンプレートおよびオリフィスプレートの外側からのクリーニング(真空を解除しないメンテナス方法) 質量分析器のインターフェースのクリーニング(真空を解除してのメンテナンス方法) エアフィルタのクリーニング イオンソースのメンテナンス コンピュータのハードディスクのデフラグ ターボVヒーター交換手順 その他 *進行状況により時間や順序が前後する場合がございますが、予めご了承お願いいたします。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。
Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
機器のキャリブレーション(for API / Triple Quad および QTRAP)コース 과정 보기Key Facts 0.5日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN022 価格:30,250円(税込み) 本コースでは、API / TripleQuad および QTRAP®シリーズの機器のキャリブレーション方法を学習することができます。 ※本コースと同時に「機器のメンテナンス(for API / TripleQuad および QTRAP)コース」を受講されるお客様は、お得な価格の「機器のキャリブレーションならびにメンテナンス(for API / TripleQuad および QTRAP)」よりお申込みいただくことをおすすめいたします。 対象機種 API 3200™ / 3200 QTRAP® / API 4000™ / 4000 QTRAP® / API 5000™ / 4500 series / 5500 series / 6500 series ※トレーニングで使用する質量分析計のモデル名は、ご使用のシステムと異なる場合がございます。 ※本コースは実機を用いて実際にキャリブレーションを実施いただきます。 内容 スケジュール 10:00~13:00 感度低下時の確認方法 PPGを用いたOffsetの調整 PPGを用いたキャリブレーション手順 その他 *進行状況により時間や順序が前後する場合がございますが、予めご了承お願いいたします。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。
Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
機器のメンテナンス(for API / Triple Quad および QTRAP)コース 과정 보기Key Facts 0.5日間 サイエックス本社(品川) トレーニングルーム Product Number:JPTRN022 価格:30,250円(税込み) 本コースでは、API / TripleQuad および QTRAP®シリーズの機器のメンテナンス方法を学習することができます。 ※本コースと同時に「機器のメンテナンス(for API / TripleQuad および QTRAP)コース」を受講されるお客様は、お得な価格の「機器のキャリブレーションならびにメンテナンス(for API / TripleQuad および QTRAP)」よりお申込みいただくことをおすすめいたします。 対象機種 API 3200™ / 3200 QTRAP® / API 4000™ / 4000 QTRAP® / API 5000™ / 4500 series / 5500 series / 6500 series ※トレーニングで使用する質量分析計のモデル名は、ご使用のシステムと異なる場合がございます。 ※本コースは実機を用いてメンテナンスの方法を学習いただきます。 ※お客様の装置がAPIシリーズの場合は、模型を用いて説明することがございますので、ご了承ください。 内容 スケジュール 13:30~17:00 日常のメンテナンス 質量分析器のスタートアップとシャットダウン カーテンプレートおよびオリフィスプレートの外側からのクリーニング(真空を解除しないメンテナンス方法) 質量分析器のインターフェースのクリーニング(真空を解除してのメンテナンス方法) エアフィルタのクリーニング イオンソースのメンテナンス コンピュータのハードディスクのデフラグ ターボVヒーター交換手順 その他 *進行状況により時間や順序が前後する場合がございますが、予めご了承お願いいたします。 開催予定 お申込みは、以下フォームへご登録いただくか、下記Emailまたは電話番号までご連絡ください。
Email:jp_support@sciex.com TEL:0120-318-551 |
毛细管电泳与质谱联用理论(CE-MS) 과정 보기本在线学习课程介绍如何将传统毛细管电泳系统连接到MS,并讲解常见方法的理论。
并描述将CE系统连接到质谱仪的不同方式以及它们的优缺点,包括有鞘液连接和无鞘液连接。 单元数:1 证书类型:结课证书 |
液相方法开发-流动相篇 (method development - mobile phase) 과정 보기本课程介绍了液相方法开发中如何使用反相流动相。课程内容包括液相方法开发中的溶剂选择、流动相pH和缓冲溶液、等度洗脱与梯度洗脱的比较,还讲到了色谱柱的温度。 单元数: 1 |
液相方法开发-色谱柱的选择性篇 (method development - column selectivity) 과정 보기本课程的主要内容是液相方法开发中色谱柱的选择性。学习本课之后,学员可以达到: 单元数: 1 |
液相色谱的规范操作(Best practices in liquid chromatography) 과정 보기本课程旨在帮助学习者正确操作液相(LC)系统,并主要讨论液相与质谱(LC- MS)结合使用时的操作。课程包括以下主题:
相关系统: ExionLC AE 系统 相关软件: Analyst、Analyst TF、Analyst MD 和 SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课证书 |
液质前沿应用培训班(4天) 과정 보기
液质谱图解析培训(2天) 과정 보기
环境新兴污染物和饮用水分析培训班(3天) 과정 보기
环境领域分析方法培训(3天) 과정 보기
电子激活解离 (EAD) 基础理论(Basics of electron activated dissociation) 과정 보기本课程将介绍电子激活解离(EAD)的概念及其在工作流程中的功能。 课程包含以下内容:
相关仪器: ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件: SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型: 结课 |
目标蛋白定量流程培训(3天) 과정 보기
脂质组学培训(4天) 과정 보기
質量分析法(マススペクトロメトリー)入門 (introduction to mass spectrometry) 과정 보기ご自分のペースで行って頂くこのトレーニングセッションは、新規に使用される方を対象にしたもので、質量分析法(マススペクトロメトリー)、イオンの形成、質量分析器、検出器の使用を含んだマススペクトロメトリーの基礎について網羅しています。 チャプター: 1 |
質量分析装置とは(The What, Why and How of Mass Spectrometry) 과정 보기
このモジュールでは、質量分析の基礎について、また、質量分析がなぜ重要なツールとなったかを説明します。 これは質量分析について知識を持たない方にとって素晴らしい出発点となるでしょう。 また、MSの可能性を発見した、科学における簡単な歴史と、SCIEXの質量分析がどのように科学と生命知識へ答えを提供しているかの例を紹介しています。 |
质谱原理介绍 (introduction to mass spectrometry) 과정 보기本课程是为新用户介绍质谱基础知识的在线自学课程,主要内容包括质谱的应用、离子形成、质谱分析器和检测器。通过学习本课程,学习者将能够:
相关仪器:3200、3200MD、4000、4500、4500MD、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、Citrine、7500、TripleTOF 4600+、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 5600+、TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 6600+、X500R、X500B 及 ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件:Analyst、Analyst MD、Analyst TF 和 SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
质谱定量基础知识(Introduction to quantitation by mass spectrometry) 과정 보기本课程是质谱定量基础理论的介绍。课程包含以下内容:
相关仪器:3200、3200 MD、4000、3500、4500、4500 MD、5500、5500+、6500、6500+、Citrine、7500、TripleTOF 6600+、 TripleTOF 6600、TripleTOF 5600、TripleTOF 5600+、TripleTOF 4600、TripleTOF 4600+、X500R QTOF 和ZenoTOF 7600 系统 相关软件:Analyst、Analyst MD 和 SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
质谱是什么,能做什么以及如何做-6min 视频 (the what, why and how of mass spectrometry) 과정 보기本视频介绍了质谱分析的基础知识,以及为什么它已经成为如此重要的分析工具。对于不了解质谱的初学者来说,这是一个很好的起点。它包括简短的科学历史介绍,揭示了发明质谱的可能。还介绍了SCIEX 质谱如何为科学和生命提供答案的例子。 章节: 1 |
运用SCIEX OS软件进行定量与靶向筛查数据处理(quantitation and targeted identification data processing using SCIEX OS) 과정 보기本课程主要介绍使用SCIEX OS软件的定量和目标筛查工作流程进行定性数据处理。本培训适用于所有SCIEX仪器(包含MD仪器)。 在完成本课程之后,将能够:
单元数:1 |
适用于 MicroLC 的 SWATH 采集性能套件(SWATH acquisition performance kit for microLC) 과정 보기
本电子学习课程将向您展示如何使用SWATH采集性能工具包评估microLC的TripleTOF系统的性能。对于数据处理,您将需要使用PeakView软件、SWATH采集MicroApp、SWATH Replicate Analysis模板和ProteinPilot软件。 课程内容:
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适用于 NanoLC 的 SWATH 采集性能套件(SWATH acquisition performance kit for NanoLC) 과정 보기
本电子学习课程将向您展示如何使用SWATH采集性能工具包评估NanoLC的TripleTOF系统的性能。对于数据处理,您将需要使用PeakView软件、SWATH采集MicroApp、SWATH Replicate Analysis模板和ProteinPilot软件。 课程内容:
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飞行时间质谱基础教程(introduction to time of flight mass spectrometry) 과정 보기本课程涵盖飞行时间质谱的理论和应用,并将涵盖以下主题 -飞行时间(TOF)质谱分析的应用 章节数:1 |
高效液相色谱原理介绍 (Introduction to liquid chromatography) 과정 보기本课程旨在帮助液相色谱(LC)用户了解液相基础知识并将涵盖以下主题:
相关仪器:ExionLC AE 和 M5 MicroLC 系统 相关软件:Analyst、Analyst TF、Analyst MD 和 SCIEX OS 软件 证书类型:结课 |
高速液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)入門 (Introduction to HPLC) 과정 보기This course covers the Fundamentals of HPLC, including the basic HPLC system, as well as separation modes and how to achieve the major goal of chromatography – resolution. このコースでは、基本的なHPLCシステムと分離モードを含むHPLCの基礎の部分をカバーし、クロマトグラフィーの主要な目的である良好な分離度を得る方法についてご説明していきます。 |