ExionLC™ 시리즈 UHPLC

LC-MS용 분석 HPLC 솔루션

SCIEX 질량 분석기와 원활한 통합을 위해 설계된 ExionLC 분석 HPLC와 UHPLC 시스템은 루틴 또는 복잡한 LC-MS 분석에 필요한 속도, 감도, 분해능 및 안정성을 제공합니다.

모델 선택

ExionLC AC:

다양한 응용 분야를 처리할 수 있으면서 가격이 합리적인 시스템입니다. HPLC와 UHPLC 성능이 모두 있는 ExionLC AC는 루틴 분석을 위한 안정적이면서 내구성이 우수한 솔루션입니다.

ExionLC AD (아래 그림):

이월 현상이 거의 없고 완전한 UHPLC 성능을 제공하는 시스템으로, 가장 까다로운 분석 조건에서도 세계 최고의 성능을 제공합니다.

핵심 기능

다양한 유속

0.0001 to 10.0 mL/min


9,500 to 18,850 PSI

초저 이월 현상

혁신적인 설계를 통한 유량, 다중 헹굼 솔루션 선택 가능

고처리량 성능

웰 MTP 384개로 샘플을 최대 768개까지 처리(랙 교환기(옵션)으로 플레이트/트레이를 12개까지 확장 가능)

유연한 컬럼 오븐 선택

소형 2 컬럼 오븐 또는 6 컬럼 선택 가능


다중 플레이트 오토샘플러(AD 전용), 랙 교환기 및 광학 검출기

사용자 요구 사항에 맞춤 설계된 LC 솔루션

실험실마다 나름대로의 분석 요구 사항이 있습니다. 이에 SCIEX의 목표는 사용자 요구 사항에 맞춤 설계된 LC-MS 솔루션을 제공하는 것입니다. 안정적이면서 내구성이 우수한 HPLC/UHPLC 시스템의 ExionLC™ 시리즈는 다양한 성능과 유연성을 제공합니다.


40년 이상의 신뢰할 수 있는 LC-MS 혁신과 서비스에 대한 노하우로 탄생한 ExionLC는 분석법 개발부터 연중 무휴 루틴 분석까지 매우 까다로운 응용 분야에서 사용할 수 있도록 다용성, 재현성 및 내구성을 제공합니다.

ExionLC AD

정량화에 대한 확신

이월 현상이 거의 없고 주입량이 정확한 ExionLC AD를 사용하면 매우 간편하게 정량 분석을 수행할 수 있습니다.

비교 불가한 재현성

유량 정밀도가 0.06% 미만이고 정확도가 2% 이하이므로, 매일 필요한 분석 정확도와 정밀도가 제공됩니다.

간편한 업그레이드

분석법 개발을 간소화하거나 시료 전처리를 자동화하거나 처리량을 증가시킬 수 있는 다양한 옵션으로 성능을 확장할 수 있습니다.

ExionLC AC

더욱 우수한 성능, 저렴한 비용

합리적인 가격과 HPLC/UHPLC 분리 성능이 ExionLC AC의 자랑입니다.

더욱 우수하고 빠른 결과

우수한 감도, 정확한 정량 분석과 함께 재현 가능한 머무름 시간이 결과에 대한 신뢰성을 높여줍니다.

놀라운 유연성

ExionLC는 여러 구성 요소와 변화하는 실험실 요구 사항을 충족시키는 구성을 지원합니다.

핵심 기능ExionLC ADExionLC AC
UHPLC/HPLC 성능18,500 PSI (1300 bar)9,500 PSI (660 bar)
초저 이월 현상최대 0.0015%< 0.005%
냉각 오토샘플러직접 냉각(4~40°C)
(지정된 조건에서)
직접 냉각, 4 to 40°C
(지정된 조건에서)
온도 제어 컬럼 오븐실내 온도 +5°C ~ 150°C, 2 컬럼 성능
(AC 컬럼 오븐도 호환 가능)
실내 온도 -10°C ~ 85°C, 6 컬럼 성능
(AD 컬럼 오븐도 호환 가능)
폭넓은 pH 범위1~9(표준)

응용 분야 선택

제약 및 바이오의약품

더욱 빠르고 자신 있게 결정을 내릴 수 있으므로, 보다 효과적이면서 안전하게 치료제를 개발할 수 있습니다.

식음료 검사

전 세계의 식음료 공급업체를 테스트하고 보호하는 솔루션입니다.

법독성학 검사

결과 무결성을 보장하는 완벽한 법독성학 약물 검사 솔루션입니다.

생명 과학 연구

연구 속도를 가속화하여 핵심 유전자, 단백질, 지질 및 대사산물을 동정합니다.

ExionLC 맞춤화

모듈식 구성 요소로, 변화하는 요구 사항에 맞게 시스템을 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 컬럼 전환 밸브와 펌프 두 개를 추가하고 SPE를 온라인으로 수행할 수 있습니다. 자동 시료 희석 또는 온라인 microSPE를 위한 PAL 오토샘플러를 추가할 수 있습니다.

용매 셀렉터 밸브

서로 다른 펌프(최대 3개까지)에서 채널마다 용매를 두 가지 용매 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다.

UV 검출기

시간을 프로그래밍할 수 있는 파장 전환으로 감도와 선택성을 감지할 수 있습니다.

랙 교환기

AC 또는 AD 시스템에서 냉각 시료 트레이 또는 바이얼 랙을 최대 12개까지 추가할 수 있습니다.

PDA 검출기

동정, 정량 분석 및 순도 분석을 미세 수준으로 수행하는 우수한 옵션입니다.

다중 플레이트 오토샘플러

1.5 mL 바이얼 324개 또는 96 또는 384 형식의 미세정량판 6개로 용량을 확장할 수 있습니다.

PAL 오토샘플러

PAL RSI 또는 PAL RTC 오토샘플러를 추가하면 생산성이 향상됩니다.


Filter by Type:

Sensitive quantification of the proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTACTM) TL 13-112 in rat plasma using an LC-MS/MS workflow

Automated workflow to study microsomal clearance and analysis of metabolites using collision-induced dissociation and electron-activated dissociation MS/MS data

SCIEX LC-MS/MS 在药典生物药中的应用方案

EMEAI - Agenda - DACH seminar series - Q222

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (JA)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (KR)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (CN)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (ES)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (DE)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (FR)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (IT)

Analyst 1.7.2 Software Components for ExionLC 2.0 Systems Release Notes (PT)

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (JA)

ExionLC™ 100 System Hardware User Guide

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (ES)

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (IT)

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (FR)

ExionLC 2.0 System Software User Guide

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (ZH)

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (DE)

Parts and Equipment Guide For the ExionLC 2.0 System

ExionLC 2.0 System Hardware User Guide (EN)

ExionLC 2.0 and 2.0+ Systems

ExionLC™ AD SeriesSpecifications

Nitrosamines impurity analysis using SCIEX QTRAP® 4500 LC-MS/MS System

Determination of Beta-agonist Residues in Meat

Drug Impurity Analysis Solution

ExionLC 2.0 and ExionLC 2.0+ systems brochure

Catalogue of Literatures on target lipidomics using Triple Quad QTRAP mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

Catalogue of Literatures on Metabolomics using SCIEX mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

Determination of Sulfonamide Residues in Chicken

Folder for The Flyers of Food Safety Monitoring Holistic Solution

Food Compendium 2018

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500 System compendium

Catalogue of Literatures on Traditional Chinese Medicine (Volume 1)

ExionLC AE Product brochure (ZH)

Targeted analysis of extractables/leachables in drug products, containers and closuure systems

Quantitation on the SCIEX QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System with the ExionLC AD System

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS) analysis of textiles and food contact paper products

Single-Injection Screening of 664 Forensic Toxicology Compounds Using an Innovative Benchtop High Resolution Mass Spectrometer

Ultra-Sensitive Forensic Analysis Workflow of Cocaine andIts Metabolites in Hair Samples Using LC-MS/MS

Rapid LC-MS/MS method for monitoring bio-relevant levels of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in serum

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compound (PFAS) analysis in cosmetics using high resolution accurate mass spectrometry

A sensitive method for the quantification of formoterol in human plasma

Rapid LC-MS/MS method for monitoring bio-relevant levels of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in serum

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Cell Culture Medium Using SWATH® Acquisition

A New Level of Compliant-Ready Intact Biotherapeutic Protein Quantitation using Reconstructed Masses

Peptide mapping analysis of etanercept – a highly glycosylated dimeric fusion protein

Confirmation of disulfide linkages in adalimumab using electron activated dissociation (EAD)

Comparative analysis of intact AAV8 capsid proteins derived from SF9 and HEK293 cell lines

High-Sensitivity Detection of Forensic Drug Panel in Human Whole Blood

Compliant attribute monitoring for biopharmaceutical product quality attributes employing intact mass analysis

Fast and simultaneous analysis of ethanol metabolites and barbiturates using the QTRAP® 4500 LC-MS/MS system

Highly sensitive LC-MS/MS workflow for targeted quantification of host cell proteins

Potency Analysis in Hemp and Cannabis Products using a Single-Dilution Combined LC-UV-MS/MS Approach

Highly Selective and Sensitive Method for Quantification of Nitrosamines in Valsartan Drug Substance

LC-MS/MS Analysis of Emerging Food Contaminants

Intact Analysis of Antibody Drug Conjugates

Comparative peptide mapping between two manufacturers of Trastuzumab using the X500B QTOF System

Rapid DUID Screening of 17 Drugs of Abuse in Plasma and Saliva

Extractables and Leachables Analysis from Laboratory Tubing

Método LC-MS/MS de cambio de polaridad cuantitativa para pesticidas PPCP en muestras de agua ambiental

RUO-MKT-02-5388-A Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of Antibiotics in Children’s Urine Using the X500R QTOF System

Highly Sensitive LC-MS/MS Method for Quantification of Barnidipine in Human Plasma

Authentication and Geographical Origin Analysis of Plant-Derived Edible Oil Using the SCIEX X500R QTOF System

Comprehensive Analysis of Low Abundant Mannose Glycopeptides in Peptide Mapping of Adalimumab

Streamlined Unknown Screening for Postmortem Analysis Using SWATH Acquisition

Isotopic Resolution of Chromatographically Separated IdeS Subunits Using X500B QTOF System

Microsoft Word - RUO-MKT-02-7052-A - Technote - High Throughput Platform for Confident Identification and Quantitation of Organic Explosives.docx

Next Generation Quality Control in Pharma Applications

Multi-panel detection of drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples using a comprehensive extraction method

Isotopically Resolved Subunit Analysis for Tracking Protein Therapeutic Stress Studies

Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of a 93-Compound Forensic Panel in Urine using the QTRAP/Triple Quad 4500 LC-MS/MS System

HRAMS Assay for Trastuzumab

Rapid, sensitive analysis of sphingolipid variant profiles with simplified sample extraction

Confirmation of Contaminants in Water Using SCIEX Triple Quad™ 5500+ LC-MS/MS System − QTRAP® Ready and SCIEX OS-Q Software

Elevating the Forensic Laboratory Performance

Rapid Identification and Quantification of Performance-Enhancing Stimulants in Human Urine Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Efficiently Designed Workflows Provide Accurate Results in Forensic Analysis of THC-COOH in Hair

Cannabis for Per Se Law Testing in Whole Blood using theSCIEX Triple Quad QTRAP 4500 LC-MS/MS System

Quantitative Amino Acid Analysis in Cell Culture Media Using SWATH Acquisition

No Slide Title

Chemovar Typing of Cannabis Strains with MarkerView and SCIEX X500R QTOF System

Unknown Screening_X500R QTOF SCIEX OS_food_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-3761-A.docx


Two Nontargeted Screening Approaches for Examination of Drinking Water During Treatment

Rapid Analysis of Genotoxic Nitrosamines

Improving throughput using the ekspert™ ultraLC system

Highly Selective and Sensitive Method for Quantification of Nitrosamines in Valsartan Drug Substance

Fast Screening Method for 86 Forensic Analytes in Human Urine QTRAP 4500

Identification and quantitation_X500R QTOF SCIEX OS_food_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-3760-A.docx

Detection of Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides in Dried Blood Spots: Workflow for Anti-Doping Analysis

Detection of Fentanyl Analogs and Novel Synthetic Opioids in Hair

Forensic Authentication of Hemp-Derived Products Using a Dual Mass Spectrometry-UV Detection Approach

Characterization of adeno-associated virus capsid proteins with peptide mapping

Rapid Identification and Quantification of Novel Psychoactive Substances in Human Whole Blood Using SWATH® Acquisition

Separation of Bile Acid Isomers with Differential Mobility Spectrometry

Solución Cuantitativa LC-MS para el Análisis Dirigido de Medios de Cultivo Celular

Enhanced sensitivity for cell culture media analysis (CCMA)

A Comprehensive and Rapid Method for Quantifying Nitrosamine Compounds - Using the SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ LC-MS/MS System

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Cell Culture Medium Using SWATH® Acquisition

Amlodapine Bioanalysis v10.docx

mAb Oxidation Analysis using X500B and Peptide Mapping

Comparing microflow vs analytical flow high-performance liquid chromatography for the analysis of pesticides

Rapid and Sensitive Detection of 8 Organic Explosives in Soil

Metabolite Identification of Payload Species of Antibody Drug Conjugates with Noncleavable Linkers

Profiling of Hop-Derived Bitter Compounds in Beer Using LC-MS/MS

Analysis of the Massachusetts Cannabis Pesticides List Using the SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ System

LC-MS/MS Method for the Quantification of Budesonide in Human Plasma

Identification and quantitation_X500R QTOF SCIEX OS_food_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-3760-A.docx

Emerging food_QTRAP 6500+_PFFA food and food packaging_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-2755-A.docx

Análisis de Potencia en Productos de Cáñamo y Cannabis Utilizando un Enfoque Combinado de Dilución única LC-UV-MS / MS

Rapid, Sensitive, Quantitation method for Chloramphenicol in Meat using SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 LC-MS/MS System

Identification and quantitation_X500R QTOF SCIEX OS_food_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-3760-A.docx

Detección de Impurezas de Anticuerpos Intactos en SCIEX X500B

Achieving California Pesticide Regulations in Cannabis Using Optimized APCI and ESI Techniques

Analysis of Streptomycin and its Metabolite in Milk Using the SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 System

Microsoft Word - SCIEX Success Programs Listing v5.docx

Emerging food_QTRAP 6500+_sodium fluoroacetate_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-2756-A.docx

Routine Workflow for Comparability Assessment of Protein Biopharmaceuticals

Characterization of 2-AB Labelled Released N-linked Glycans Using the X500B QTOF System

Forensic identification and quantification workflows delivered on QTOF and SCIEX OS software

Rapid Determination of 36 Anti-infective Drugs in Cosmetics by LC-MS-MS

The Application Solution for Determination of 19 Organic Acids by LC-MS-MS Method

Identification and Quantitation of Poisonous Alkaloids in Blood by SCIEX QTRAP

Determination of 6 Catecholamines in Human Plasma Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination of Nitrofuran Metabolites in Animal-derived Food

To Develop Quantitative Analysis Method of Intact Insulin Lispro By SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 System (ZH)

Quantification of Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine in Human Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

SCIEX LC-MS-MS Application Technology on Origin Identification of Dairy Products based on Alpha-lactalbumin and Beta-lactoglobulin

A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS/MS Method of 11 Lipophilic Marine Toxins in Seafood Using SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500 LC-MS/MS system

Determination of 4 nitrophenol compounds on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 system

Determination of Protein Sequence Mutation and Complex Post Translation Modification on the X500B QTOF System

Determination of Aflatoxins B and G in Grain

应用X500B QTOF系统建立大鼠血浆中siRNA的定量分析方法

使用高分辨质谱X500B QTOF系统分析mRNA的加帽效率

Characterization of an antibody-drug-conjugate (ADC) using electron activated dissociation (EAD)

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+系统用于血浆中曲妥珠单抗含量的分析

使用高分辨质谱ZenoTOF® 7600系统对降纤酶进行结构表征

LC-MS-MS Method for Determination of 523 Pesticide Residues in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Rapid Characterization of the Cow Milk and Human Breast Milk Lipidome using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry X500R System

The Solution of Analysis 13 Nitrosamines in Drinking Water by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Six Antipsychotic Drugs in Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS-MS Method of 14 Sulfonylurea Herbicides Residues in Water by Direct Injection using Triple Quad 3500

SCIEX X500R QTOF系统结合MS-DIAL软件鉴定桃子中的脂质成分

利用SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱法对细胞中的能量代谢物进行靶向分析

利用SCIEX ZenoTOF™ 7600质谱建立玉米中小分子代谢物的分析方法

利用SCIEX ZenoTOF™ 7600质谱建立玉米脂质成分的分析方法

利用SCIEX ZenoTOF™ 7600质谱建立玉米中小分子代谢物的分析方法


Performance attributes of the ExionLC 2.0+ system ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography system

Determination of beta-Amyloid Peptide in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid

Targeted Analysis of Eicosanoid in Plasma by LC-MS-MS

Establish a rapid and efficient method for the determination of nitrosamines in cosmetics and personal care products

Determination of Chloramphenicol Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Fish

Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotic Residues in Animal-derived Food

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统检测厄贝沙坦药物中4’-(叠氮甲基)-[1,1’-联苯]-2-氰基杂质(AZBC)

Quantification of 74 Prohibited Hormones in Cosmetics Using LC-MS-MS System

Application of LC-MS/MS in Chinese Pharmacopoeia

Determination of Liposoluble Vitamins in Micro Blood Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Simultaneous determination of 16 sunscreens in Sunblock Cosmetics by Triple Quad 3500

A New Method for Screening, Identification and Quantitation of Fentanyl and its Derivatives by SWATH of X500R

Determination of Sulfonamide Residues in Chicken

Determination of Malachite Green and Crystal Violet Residues in Fish

The Application Solution for Determination of Minoxidil and Other 6 Kinds of Components in Cosmetics by LC-MS-MS Method

Confirmation of Contaminants in Water Using SCIEX Triple Quad 5500plus QTRAP Ready

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500系统快速检测 (S)-3-氨基-1, 2-丙二醇 原料药中的 (S)-1-氨基-3-氯-2-丙醇盐酸盐杂质

The Determination of Zearalenone in Traditional Chinese Medicines using LC-MS/MS

High-quality chromatography for bioanalysis of small molecule pharmaceuticals

Improved LC-MRM Quantification Sensitivity for Powder for Inhalation from the Beta2 Agonist Family

Determination of Three Free Polyamines in Biological Samples by Using Dansyl Chloride Derivatization

LC-MS/MS Method for Rapid Determination of 30 Forbidden Pesticides In Traditional Chinese Medicine

Rapid Determination of Anthropomorphic ginseng saponin F11 in Wuji Baifen Wan by SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

厄贝沙坦制剂中叠氮类基因毒性杂质5-[(4’-(叠氮甲基)[1,1’-联苯]-2-基] -2H-四氮唑(MB-X)的定量分析检测

The Determination of Aflatoxins in Traditional Chinese Medicines using LC-MS/MS

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500系统快速检测利福平和利福喷丁中两 种亚硝胺类杂质

Impact of Increased MS/MS sensitivity on Natural Products Identification of Tradition Chinese Medicine Gymnadenia conopsea using Zeno IDA on the ZenoTOFTM 7600 System

Rapid Determination of 5-(4’-(azidomethyl)-[1,1’-biphenyl-2yl]-1H-tetrazole Impurity in Sartan drugs by SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Improved LC-MRM Quantification Sensitivity for Powder for Inhalation of the Cholinergic Antagonist Family

Using The EAD Technology of SCIEX ZenoTOF™ 7600 system to Identify Isomers in Maca

SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱法对水稻中220种代谢物进行靶标代 谢组学分析

SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱法对小麦苗中183种代谢物进行靶标 代谢组学分析

采用SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500-QTRAP® Ready串联质谱系统对注射用丹参多酚酸中活性成分的鉴定策略

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 系统定量分析大鼠肝组织中的siRNA

Development of a High Coverage metabolomics method of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam by SCIEX QTRAP® System

Determination of 74 Pesticides and metabolites in Soil By LC-MS-MS

Determination 29 β-Agonists in Animal Derived Food by LC-MSMS Method (ZH)

Determination of Beta-agonist Residues in Meat

Application of the QTRAP system in the screening of extractable substance of packaging materials

Determination of 23 Phthalate Esters in Drinking Water By LC-MS-MS

Determination of Quinolone Residues in Animal-derived Food

Determination of Five Antibiotics and their Metabolites in Serum by SCIEX LC-MS/MS

Determination of Genotoxic Impurities Methyl Methanesulfonate and Ethyl Methanesulfonate on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 system

Application in Screening of Packaging Material Extracts Based on X500R QTOF High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Determination of 23 Phthalate Esters in Cosmetics By LC-MS-MS






Simultaneous Determination of three kind of Chloramphenicols by LC-MS /MS

High chromatography reproducibility enables large panel MRM assays for pesticides in fruit and vegetables


Simultaneous Determination of 4 Kinds of Bisphenol A analogs in Drinking water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry




Simultaneous 23 sensitized carcinogenic stains by LC-MS /MS


A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS/MS Method of 247 PPCPs and Pesticide Residues in Water by Large Volume Injection

Metabolomic Approach for the Authentication of Berry Fruit Juice by TripleTOF 5600+

Determination of roxarsone in animal feeds using solid-phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Determination of Malachite Green and Crystal Violet Residues in Fish

采用ZenoTOF™ 7600系统建立血液和尿液中的803种毒(药)物的筛查定性和定量方法

Determination 57 Antihypertensive and Hypoglycemic and Lipid-Lowering Drugs in Blood and Urine by LC-QTOF Method

Analysis of Components in Shengmai Injection by CESI-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS (Chinese)

LC-MS/MS Method for Analysis of Five Preservatives in Cosmetics

Determination of alkylphenol ethoxylates in textile and coatings by LC-MSMS Method

A Solution for the Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds(PFCs) in Drinking Water by Direct Injection with Triple QuadTM 3500

A Solution for the Determination of Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water, Ground Water and Surface Water by Direct Injection with SCIEX Triple QuadT 3500 System


Reducing effects of PFAS system contamination in PFAS analysis utilizing the ExionLC 2.0 system


基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血浆中多粘菌素E1和E2检测

SCIEX Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Quantification of Chondroitin Sulfate and Dermatan Sulfate by Methanolysis Derivatization


Determination of OPEs in human plasma with LC-MS/MS system

Quantification of Arginine, Homoarginine, Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine and Symmetric Dimethylarginine in Human Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Simultaneous Determination of Linezolid, Voriconazole, Imatinib, Dasatinib, Nilotinib, Dabigatran Etexilate and Rivaroxaban in Plasma by SCIEX LC-MS/MS


SCIEX液相色谱串联质谱法同时测定人血清中1-磷酸鞘氨醇, 鞘氨醇和二氢神经鞘氨醇

High-sensitivity detection of forensic drug panel in human whole blood (ZH)

A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS-MS Method of 189 Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Food by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry X500R

The Application of TripleTOF 5600 System for Identification of Chemical Components in Polygonum Cuspidatum

Determination of 13 Bile Acids in Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Identification of Extractable and Leachable in Single Use Packaging of Drug on the X500 QTOF System


Simultaneous Determination of 4 Kinds of Chemical Medicines Illegally Added in Slimming Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Determination of Validamycin on SCIEX Triple Quad™ system



SCIEX QTOF系统在饲料产品中化学风险物质高通量分析的应用


The Application of Analysis 13 Haloamides in Drinking Water by LC-MS-MS

Identification of Carbamate Pesticide Metabolites in Soil with LightSight Software Combined with QTRAP System

Rapid Determination of 8 Macrolides Antibiotics in Cosmetics

The solution for amantadine, rimantadine and ribavirin residues in animal-derived foods by LC-MS /MS

Determination of Aflatoxins B&G in Grain

LC-MS-MS Method for Rapid Determination of 30 Forbidden Pesticides In Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Application Solution for Determination of Fluconazole and other 8 Kinds of Components in Cosmetics by LC-MS-MS Method

Composition Identification of Leachable from Polypropylene Infusion Bottle by X500R High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotic Residues in Animal-derived Food

Analysis of Six Organotin Compounds in Food package Material by LC-MS-MS

Quickly identification of phase II metabolites in plasma after oral Compound Traditional Chinese Medicine by SCIEX TripleTOF system software

A Rapid Screening and Quantification Method of Forbidden and Restricted Pesticides in Traditional Chinese Medicine by LC-MS-MS

Simultaneous Determination of 14 Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Seafood using LC-MS-MS

Determination of Nitrofuran Metabolites in Animal-derived Food

Detection of 8 Antioxidant Residues in Food Package by Triple Quad 4500

Determination of 20 Steroid Hormones in Human Serum Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Analysis 106 Compounds in Cell Supernatant by Using LC-MS-MS

Determination of Caspofungin Posaconazole Voriconazole N-Oxide and Voriconazole in Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination Trace Residues of Whey Protein in Lactose by LC-MS-MS

Identification and Quantitation of Fentanyl and Analogues in One Injection by SCIEX QTRAP

Rapid and Sensitive Analysis of Drugs of Abuse by SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 LCMS System

Determination of Chloramphenicol Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Fish

High Resolution Mass Spectrometry X500R QTOF System on The Routine Monitoring of Cosmetics Illegal Drug

Simultaneous Determination of 7 Kinds of Local Anesthetics in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (ZH)

The Solution of Methamphetamine Detection

Simultaneous quantitative analysis of metronidazole and chloramphenicol in chicken by SCIEX LC MS-MS

Detection of 13 Haloamides in Drinking Water by Triple Quad TM 5500

X500R QTOF系统在包装材料提取物筛查中的应用

A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS/MS Method of 40 Illegally added drugs in health-care food using SCIEX Triple Quad TM 3500 LC-MS/MS system

Determination of Quinolone Residues in Animal-derived Food

Achieving low parts-per-quadrillion detection limits for PFAS in drinking water

A New Level of Compliant-Ready Intact Biotherapeutic Protein Quantitation using Reconstructed Masses

Comparative analysis of intact AAV8 capsid proteins derived from SF9 and HEK293 cell lines

Peptide mapping analysis of etanercept – a highly glycosylated dimeric fusion protein