Changing the Batch Print Time Format in SCIEX OS Software

Date: 07/18/2023
Categories: Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


When printing a batch in SCIEX OS software, the printing date and printing time appear at the top of the print preview page and in the pdf output. The format of the date and time can be changed from the PC default (usually the 12-hour format) to the 24-hour format. This is is done by changing the date and time format in the computer settings, not in the SCIEX OS software.

printing batch date and time

To change the time display format, follow these steps:

  1. Change the PC time to the desired format in the Date & Time option in the Settings menu.
  2. Launch the SCIEX OS software and then open the Configuration workspace. Select the General tab, and click on the Apply button next to Apply current system general settings.
  3. Restart the ClearCore2 services.
  4. Login to SCIEX OS software, open a batch in the Batch workspace.
  5. Click Print and select a print template. The output file should display a date and time in the same format set on the PC regional settings window.
general tab