If a MultiQuant™ or Analyst® software results table contains values of "<0" and "N/A" for some calculated concentration values, these text values must be converted to a numerical zero value first using an Excel query. These calculated concentration values cannot be filtered into a Reporter Template Suite 3.2 results template using an if statement that selects for calculated concentration values that are less than or equal to zero.
Using DiscoveryQuant 2.1.3 Quick Tune will set the DP value to 0 and then Fine Tune will fail as it has an invalid DP value. The temporary Q3 MI scan method for the quicktune will show the MH ion with 2 DP scans both at 200v though this voltage may vary.
The default setting of CAD gas in Analyst® software is “Simplified” and only allows to adjust CAD gas in three steps (low, medium, high). Switching to “Operator” allows to use values from 0 to 12 which enables a more efficient optimization of this parameter for MS/MS and LIT experiments.
Searches of SCIEX libraries with the precursor mass tolerance set to 0.01 Da may not yield any hits. This is due to the fact that some of SCIEX libraries contain spectra that were acquired with inaccurate precursor m/z.
SCIEXライブラリーで検索時、Precursor Mass Toleranceを0.01 Daに設定すると、ヒットしない場合があります。これは、SCIEXライブラリーの一部に、不正確なPrecursor(例:小数点以下一桁のみ)のm/zで取得されたスペクトルが含まれているためです。この記事には、そのことが記載されています。
This is a known issue in the ProteinPilot™ software 5.0.2 and was resolved with a patch.
この記事は、SCIEX OSソフトウェアをアンインストールする方法と、特定のファイルを手動で削除し、ソフトウェアを完全に削除する方法について記載しています。
Yes, the size of the Microsoft Access database file is limited to 2 GB. However, the reliability of the database degrades before reaching the 2 GB limit, so it is suggested that DiscoveryQuant™ software users create a new database before the database exceeds 1 GB.