Definitions of the Status Terms
Coming Soon:Â The item will be available within the next 3 months
Available:Â This item is manufactured and fully supported.
Discontinued and fully supported:Â This item is no longer manufactured and sold as new but it is fully supported. For software, it is considered discontinued when:
- A minor/major version or ePack is released to replace or revise the existing version
- It has been at least 2 years since the release date and no new revisions are planned.
Limited support:Â Full support for this item can no longer be provided; an issue preventing full support is present.
- No full coverage (parts inclusive) service contracts are available, unless with a disclaimer advising of known or possible issues with parts.
- Billable service and Labour-only contracts are available.
- There is no guarantee of Technical/Applications Support or Customer/Technical Training.
- Software will provide an upgrade path to newer versions of software to the limit of the instrument and device support periods.
Retired:Â The item is no longer manufactured, sold or guaranteed to be supported.
- Billable service and Labour-only contracts are available.
- No service contracts offered.
- No guarantee of Technical/Applications support
- No Technical/Customer training and for software a best effort will be made to respond to issues, however there is no guarantee of resolution
- Some technical publications may remain available on our website
- No guarantee of parts availability and are not replenished.
Obsolete, not supported:Â There will be no further service or support of any kind and parts are not available.
On hold:Â This item is temporarily unavailable.