
Seeing is believing

Zeno SWATH DIA allows the highest level of depth in your data in the shortest amount of time compared to traditional SWATH DIA.

Harnessing the power of Zeno Trap, EAD and Zeno SWATH DIA

Dive into the biomarker landscape to deliver a high depth of coverage, particularly on low abundance species, quickly and robustly.


2x more proteins

Identify and quantify up to 2x as many proteins as with traditional SWATH DIA approaches


5 minute runtimes

Shorten runtimes to as little as 5 minutes with minimal compromise in proteome coverage


Low loads of 10 ng

Reduce sample size to a tenth or twentieth with low loads of 10 ng

Technical notes

Uncover the depths of the proteome

tn1_303x130 Read technical note >

Library-free protein ID with Zeno SWATH DIA

tn2_303x130 Read technical note >

Nanoflow Zeno SWATH DIA

tn3_303x130 Read technical note >

Protein quantification at sub-nanogram loads

tn4_303x130 Read technical note >

Exclusive white paper


The Zeno trap brings significant sensitivity gains to MS/MS data acquisition. Now, Zeno SWATH DIA capitalizes on these gains, revealing tens, hundreds and even thousands more identified and quantified analytes in a shorter time and with higher precision than ever before. Reaching new depths of coverage, Zeno SWATH DIA delivers maximal information in minimal time.

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SWATH White Paper

Data comparisons made relative to SWATH acquisition on the TripleTOF 6600.