SCIEX Sponsored Award Acknowledges Exceptional Contributions to the Field of Electrodriven Separation Techniques

Arnold O. Beckman Medal and Award Presented to Dr. Bohuslav Gaš, Dean of Faculty of Science at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

April 07, 2016

Framingham, MA - SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, has announced that Dr. Bohuslav Gaš, Dean of Faculty of Science at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic was named the recipient of the Arnold O. Beckman Medal and Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements in the field of electro-driven separation techniques. The Medal Ceremony was presented on Monday, April 4th as part of a Special Award Plenary Session at the 32nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations.

The Arnold O. Beckman award is given to an individual for noteworthy career achievements supported by a significant lifelong body of work, with particular consideration being given to the development of new methods, techniques and high-impact applications in the field of electro-driven separations. Attendees of the International Symposia on Microscale Bioseparations submit a list of potential honorees based on their achievements and the strategic planning committee of the symposium series selects a winner. The award comprises a Medal, a Diploma and a Monetary Prize.

Left to right: Left to right: Professor James Landers, Chairman MSB Strategic Planning Committee, Professor Bob Gas – recipient, Jeff Chapman, Senior Director, CE Business Unit, SCIEX, Dr. Philip Britz-McKibbin, MSB 2016 – Conference Chair
Photography courtesy of Alicia DiBattista, taken at MSB 2016, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Professor Gaš earned his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1975 and 1979, respectively. Professor Gaš began is career at the Research Institute of Organic Syntheses, Analytical-Physical Laboratories, in Pardubice, Czech Republic, where he was engaged in the theory of electronic spectra and quantum chemistry. Later, he joined the Jaroslav Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, in Prague, where his research was devoted to optical properties of ruthenium complexes. In 1988, he was appointed to the Faculty of Science of Charles University and has since been engaged in the theory and practice of electromigration separation processes.

Professor Gaš has been a driving force in understanding the fundamentals of l CE phenomena including facets of electromigration and zone broadening, the Kohlrausch regulation function, system peaks and resonance. At Charles University, he has advised 25 master and doctoral students, has published 130 papers, holds 13 patents, and has been awarded the Silver medal of Charles University merit award. He has been a Deputy Editor of Electrophoresis (Wiley-VCH), and for 13 years he was the Editor of Special Issues of Electrophoresis on Fundamentals. For the last seven years he has been in the position of the Dean of the Faculty of Science of Charles University and also a member of the Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation.

"At SCIEX we are proud to sponsor this annual Medal and Award that recognizes the achievements of those that have made such a significant impact on capillary electrophoresis" said Jeff Chapman, Senior Director for the Separations Business at SCIEX. "Professor Gaš's mathematical modeling of electromigration processes and enablement of the scientific community with software like tools like simul and peak master have laid the ground work for a great deal of the methods development and problem solving being done in CE today."

"I am honored to be the recipient of the prestigious Arnold O. Beckman award, a distinguished accolade that has been in so many diverse scientific and technical disciplines," said Dr. Bohuslav Gaš, Dean of Faculty of Science at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. "Professor Beckman is someone that I have admired and drawn inspiration from for his accomplishments, and his work reaffirms that we as scientists can share similarly sized curiosities. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the contributions of Arnold O. Beckman to technology and to also express my thanks to SCIEX for this prestigious award."


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