Imagine being able to sequence short PCR** products rapidly in one run, maximizing the read length and number of high-quality bases called in the next run, followed by high-precision DNA fragment sizing (AFLP*, STRs, SNPs, etc.)-all with the same array. That's what makes the GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System so appealing. It performs a multitude of tasks without the need to change the length of the capillary array or the Gel used. This enables a laboratory with changing sample needs to quickly respond, optimizing cycle time and read length with just a click of a mouse.
A pre-assembled capillary array is the separation vehicle. The 33 cm array has been designed to be used for short-fast reads, long-fast reads and fragment analysis. Each array consists of eight coated capillaries taking full advantage of the 96-well plate format while reducing the cost and complexity associated with larger arrays. The capillary coating serves to minimize electroosmotic flow ensuring run to run, capillary to capillary, and array to array reproducibility. Minimizing surface interactions also serves to improve analyte resolution.
Greater than 1000 assays can typically be performed from a single array. The GenomeLab™ capillary arrays can be easily replaced in only a few minutes, saving the user time and simplifying the process.