
iMethod™ Application for NIDA 5 Drugs Version 1.1 for Cliquid® Software

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The most commonly-used screening category for drugs of abuse is called the NIDA-5 (National Institute on Drug Abuse), which include cannabinoids, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, and phencyclidine (PCP). In urine, the target drugs and/or metabolites are amphetamine, methamphetamine, PCP, codeine, morphine, benzoylecgonine, 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM), and (±)-11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-THC (THC-COOH). Laboratory-based drug testing is usually performed in a two-step fashion using two different detection methods. The first step is a screening test and is usually done by immunoassay (ELISA, EMIT, or RIA). Suspected positive samples are confirmed using mass spectrometry (commonly GC/MS). Recently, LC/MS/MS has emerged as a reliable method to perform both drug screening and confirmation in urine without the setup requirements of immunoassays or the time-consuming sample preparation and derivatization required for GC/MS confirmation. Under SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), NIDA's current guidelines for federally-mandated testing, urine is the only specimen included for testing government employees and private sector employees covered under the US Department of Transportation or other agency guidelines. The described sample extraction technique provides an effective means to detect and quantify drugs of abuse in urine at or below the typical GC/MS cutoff values.

To learn more, please view this flyer: A Rapid iMethod™ Application for the Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Urine

iMethod Application for NIDA 5 Drugs Version 1.1 for Cliquid Software


This method includes all documentation, MS and LC method files, processing files, and report templates to deploy this new iMethod™ Application in Cliquid® Software. It is suggested that all documentation be reviewed completely prior to using the enclosed test.

Reduce development time


ActivityUsing an iMethod™ ApplicationTraditional Method Development
Complete Test Protocol DocumentationIncludedWeeks–Months
Sample Prep TechniquesIncluded, with examples and referencesWeeks–Months
Optimized MS/MS Acquisition ParametersIncludedWeeks–Months
LC Instrument Parameters with Retention TimesIncludedDays–Weeks
Integration (Quantitation) ParametersIncludedDays
Reporting TemplatesIncludedDays
LC/MS/MS Library SpectraMay be included. Stand-alone libraries are also available.Weeks–Months
Staff Training – SoftwareSimple Cliquid® Software interface, no additional trainingTraditional MS Software and review procedures – Days
Method ValidationWeeks. Validation templates and support availableWeeks–Months
Complete Test Development and DeploymentWeeks6–12 months