As of January 2020, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7. The time to complete the migration is now.
Security improvements are the main reason companies like yours are driving migration to Windows 10. Experience the peace of mind that comes with a more secure OS, and continued support from Microsoft, when you upgrade your system to Windows 10.
The move to Windows 10 is also an excellent first step toward modernizing your workstation software with minimal disruption and maximum benefit.
Here is why:
SCIEX introduced Windows 10 support for Analyst Software and MultiQuant™ Software back in 2017 so you could benefit from latest security enhancements and improved system performance. Today, we can offer software upgrades, designed to run on Windows 10, for the entire software portfolio.
The upgrades help to make sure you have uninterrupted access to the software tools that are used for your daily analyses. In particular, the upgrades are crucial for the data acquisition software that powers the mass spectrometry systems. Installation of Windows 10 on an instrument acquisition computer that is running non-Windows 10 compatible SCIEX software will impact the ability of the instrument to function properly.
If you haven’t updated your OS yet, now is the perfect time. We make the path forward simple for you so you can modernize your lab workstations with no headache. Take advantage of our special upgrade programs as you migrate to Windows 10 >
“Windows 10 security enhancements - secure credentials, UEFI capability, and others - help enable or at least enhance how we protect confidential data.”
~ Senior IT manager for a food and beverage conglomerate
Alerts asking you to update operating systems and computer software always seem to appear at the most inconvenient times. Maybe you just want to run that sample set first, or finish writing up that report. You probably tend to put off downloading the latest updates until the next day, week, or even month, right?
You are not alone. Around 40% of users do not always upgrade software when prompted. About one quarter say they need to see a prompt twice before upgrading software. Another quarter of customers do not clearly understand what software upgrades do and how they can benefit, according to a survey conducted by Skype.
Consequently, many users object to adopting new software technologies or upgrading their system. In fact, top reasons for not upgrading were:
Despite the reluctance, there are many good reasons for upgrading your laboratory system. We do not want you to miss out on all the benefits.
It might seem like a good idea to delay downloading the next software version until the most convenient time, but failing to upgrade can leave you open to new security risks. It also means you’ll miss out on improved functionality. While having the latest updates is nice in general, the importance of having modern security and the most advanced functionality is of the utmost importance for a laboratory business.
The longer you run out-of-date workstation software in your laboratory, the more likely you are to be exposed to modern threats targeting apps, data, identities and infrastructures. Attackers are becoming more sophisticated and your data more vulnerable. The sooner you upgrade your software, the sooner you will have a chance to experience:
Top 5 reasons why you should not miss out:
Software that is not moving forward could be sliding backwards. Remember that your competition is probably upgrading. Be the leader.
With an upgrade, new, innovative enhancement are added that are often based on your feedback, needs, and wishes
Upgrades may have new security capabilities that will prevent you from lagging behind on security advances if old versions of software are retired
Any good supplier want to see its customers thrive. Future products and platforms are meant to be sold to you, so the upgrades implemented can benefit you and your bottom line.
You might have become completely competent with your old software. A new upgrade could reconnect you with training and support from SCIEX, and potentially help you to uncover new, better systems and methods.
What is the best way to maximize the gain and minimize the pain of software migration? We make this easy for you!
Get in touch with our team about how you can update your operating systems and software.
Take advantage of our special upgrade programs now >
Regulatory compliance and software validation can be complex, time consuming and costly. SCIEX can offer you a complete solution for the re-validation of your operating system and SCIEX Software. The solution helps you concentrate on your day to day work, making the upgrade process easy, fast and cost effective. Any validation services purchased at the same time as a Windows 10 upgrade will be considered for promotional pricing.