Quality assurance and quality control

Investigating food composition with quality assurance and quality control testing is crucial to meet regulatory requirements and keep consumers safe.

Empowering Manufacturers

Rely on our scientific acumen for accurate food analysis and actionable data.

Food analysis for quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) are crucial for food manufacturers to ensure regulatory compliance, support product development, maintain quality control, and advance research and innovation in the food industry. SCIEX robust triple quadrupole systems, known for their accurate quantitation capabilities and Turbo V ion source enable food scientists to acquire multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), precursor, neutral loss, and product ion scans to develop powerful methods for complex matrices, all while maintaining reproducibility and robustness. 

QTOF technology delivers high acquisition speeds with virtually unlimited acquisition mass range, and without sacrificing instrument resolution. Unlike trapping instrument architecture, where resolution is directly impacted by scan speed, QTOF mass spectrometers are also unbiased and give complete coverage to explore your food samples.

SCIEX offers comprehensive solutions in the following areas:

    • Nutrient Analysis: Determining the levels of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and micronutrients such as vitamins present in food or beverages.
    • Food contact material testing: Identifying and quantifying chemicals such as phtalates, PFAS, aromatic amines and Irganox compounds to comply with regulatory limits and ensure packaging does not include prohibited substances.
    • Allergen testing: SCIEX developed the vMethod that received First Action Official Method (FAOM) classification from AOAC International.
    • Alternative protein testing: Cell-cultured meat and plant-based processed foods need to be characterized and optimized for nutritional content and safety. SCIEX' powerful SWATH DIA acquisition ensures you get the full MS and MS/MS picture of every analyte that was detectable in your sample, ideal for strain characterization.

    Quality assurance and quality control applications

    Nutritional and ingredient profiling

    From fat-soluble vitamins to natural product profiling and foodomics

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    Food contact materials

    Ensure you know which compounds from food packaging are migrating or could migrate into your products. Explore applications such as PFAS, phtalates, aromatic amines and Irganox compounds.

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    Allergen testing

    Ultra-high sensitivity and accuracy for your allergen analysis

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    Alternative proteins

    Cell-culture media analysis, metabolomics or protein content - harness SCIEX solutions for life sciences and food testing applications to break down barriers in cultivated meat development and more.

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    Find out what our customers are working on

    • Learn about the latest risk assessment considerations for alternative proteins
    • Understand how to use multi-omics to study novel foods
    • Find out how omics output can improve and create new food safety guidelines and help ensure safe alternative proteins for consumers

    Omics in the rapidly developing field of alternative proteins:

    Innovation and Safety