Passionate about metabolomics? Register for our Online Symposium and get exclusive access to talks from metabolomics gurus discussing novel approaches to quantitative metabolomics.
Metabolomics is often considered the most direct approach to making quantitative measurements that can be related to the physiological state of an organism, and therefore metabolomics plays an important part in fundamental understanding of disease as well as in the search for potential biomarkers. Metabolomics is a frequently challenging field, as identification of unknowns is a non-trivial process, and consequently tools to map the known metabolome or to target specific pathways of interest are often employed alongside discovery approaches.
Conference Agenda:
University of California, Davis Using Cheminformatics Tools with Accurate Mass Untargeted Plus Targeted LC-MS/MS for Comprehensive Metabolomics in Human Plasma
University of Leiden Metabolomics and Organ-On-A-Chip Enabling Personalized Prevention and Medicine Coming soon!
University of Leiden Resolving Volume-Restricted Metabolomics Using Sheathless Capillary Electrophoresis–Mass Spectrometry
University of Florida Metabolomics Applications and Tools for Clinical Research
IROA Technologies IROA-Based Metabolomics Protocols for Accurate Quantitation
Elucidata Embedding Cell Metabolism in Drug Discovery
Institute of Physiology CAS MS-DIAL Software for Deconvolution of LC-SWATH-MS/MS Data in Metabolomics
University of Lausanne Metabolomics to Decipher the Neurochemistry of Brain Function