Making the Complex Routine: PFAS Testing with Mass Spec

This webinar describes the use of nominal and high resolution accurate mass spectrometry techniques to measure PFAS in the environment. Specifically, important chromatography and LC considerations are discussed to improve peak shape and reduce background contamination. Combine this with the verified fluorochemical high-resolution MS/MS spectral library which contains over 600 high-resolution MS/MS spectra for over 250 PFAS for greater confidence in making identifications. Together, learn how these features result in a platform with the speed, accuracy, and robustness required for high throughput routine PFAS testing.

What You'll Learn

  • The use of nominal and high-resolution accurate mass spectrometry technology to measure PFAS in environmental samples like water, soil and, Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF).
  • Two analysis workflows will be described: One that involves Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) and another that employs direct large volume injection. Both will be compared with respect to drinking and groundwater analysis.
  • The use of Non-Targeted Analysis (NTA) with the X500R Quadrupole Time of Flight (QTOF) system to characterize novel PFAS compounds in AFFF contaminated groundwater.

PFAS Analysis Using LC-MS

  • When coupled to traditional triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, LOQs levels in the low parts per trillion (ppt) can be achieved.
  • Compound identification was confirmed by comparing obtained MS/MS spectra to those in a recently developed mass spectral PFAS library.
  • The PFAS library is unique in that it contains both legacy (e.g. PFOS, PFOA) and AFFF-derived PFAS compounds.


Craig M. Butt

Product Application Specialist in the Environmental, Food & Beverage division of SCIEX. While at SCIEX he has developed methods for targeted screening of pesticides in cannabis, non-target screening of pesticides in fruits & vegetables, PFAS in water using high resolution accurate mass spectrometry, and qualitative profiling of natural products.

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