SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+ LC-MS/MS 시스템

IonDrive™ 기술을 통한 혁신적인 감도, 속도 및 성능

Triple Quad 6500+ LC-MS/MS 시스템에는 LC-MS/MS 정량 분석 한계를 이전보다 더욱 확장해 주는 IonDrive High Energy Detector+가 포함된 다성분 IonDrive 기술이 탑재되어 있습니다. 이러한 강화된 기술을 통해 제공되는 혁신적인 감도, 속도 및 성능을 사용하면 한 번의 주입으로 저분자량 성분부터 고분자량 성분까지 양극성 또는 음극성의 모든 성분을 우수한 감도, 안정성 및 확신으로 확인할 수 있습니다.

  • 매우 까다로운 기질 내 다양한 화학적 화합물을 위한 강력한 신호대잡음비 및 LOQ
  • 더욱 다양해진 응용 분야를 위한 선형 다이내믹 레인지(최대 106)
  • 극성 전환 속도(5 msec)로 처리량 증가
  • 질량 상한(2000 m/z)으로 질량 범위 저하 없음
  • 최적화된 UHPLC 분석법을 위한 스캔 속도(최대 12,000 Da/초)
  • SelexION®+ Differential Ion Mobility와 호환
  • LOQ 저하 없이 선택성을 추가하기 위해 이온 억제 강화

Triple Quad 6500+ 시스템은 가장 까다로운 분석법을 위해 혁신적인 감도, 속도 및 성능을 제공합니다.

Triple Quad 6500+ System
핵심 기능

질량 범위

Triple quadrupole: 5 – 2,000 Da

유연한 이온화 옵션

옵션에는 OptiFlow Turbo V™ Electrospray(ESI) 이온화와 Heated Nebulizer 이온화 프로브가 포함됩니다.

강력하고 내구성과 선택성이 우수한 이온 분리


검출기 유형

IonDrive™ High Energy Detector+

극성 전환

MRM과 Scheduled MRM™ 모드에서 5 msec

IonDrive 기술로 더 많은 이온

6500+ 시리즈 강화 사항

IonDrive™ Turbo V 소스를 통한 더 많은 이온 생성은 Triple Quad 6500+에서 강화된 부분 중 하나에 불과합니다. 또한 SCIEX만의 IonDrive™ QJet 가이드와 새로운 IonDrive™ High Energy Detector+를 통한 놀라운 검출력으로 더 많은 이온을 포착하고 전달할 수 있습니다.

IonDrive Turbo V Source

전설적인 Turbo V™ 소스로, 강화된 기체 유량 동적 특성과 최적화된 히터 구성을 통해 이온 생성이 증가하여 안정성, 재현성 및 내구성이 향상됩니다.

IonDrive QJet Guide

IonDrive QJet Guide는 듀얼 스테이지 설계를 통해 감도와 이온 포착 속도를 향상시키면서 깔때기 방식에 비해 더욱 효율적으로 이온을 포커싱합니다.

IonDrive High Energy Detector+

펄스 계수 기초를 통해 높은 계수율에서 선형성이 증가하면서 하단 끝에서 최고의 감도가 제공됩니다. 그 결과, 보다 넓은 다이내믹 레인지에서 더 많은 이온이 수집됩니다.

SelexION®+ DMS 기술

동위원소종 분리, 까다로운 동시 용출 오염 물질 분리 및 높은 백그라운드 노이즈 감소가 필요한 응용 분야에 적합한 개발 제품군입니다.

주요 특징들

질량 범위

5-2000 Da


IonDrive QJet, HED Detector

검출기 유형

IonDrive High Energy Detector+ 

스캔 유형

Q1 MS, Q3 MS, Product 이온, 전구체 이온, 중성자 손실 또는 획득, MRM

이온화 소스/옵션

IonDrive Turbo V, OptiFlow™ Turbo V, TurboIonSpray®, 대기압 화학 이온화(APCI), DuoSpray™ 및 NanoSpray® III, Phytronix LDTD, Advion LESA Clarity, Digital PicoView, NanoSource, SelexION®+


유형별 필터:

Ultra-Sensitive Forensic Analysis Workflow of Cocaine and Metabolites in Hair Samples Using LC-MS/MS

Ultra-Sensitive Quantification of Trastuzumab Emtansine in Mouse Plasma using Trap-Elute MicroLC MS Method

LC-MS/MS Screening and Quantification Methods for the Analysis of 41 Common Pain Drugs in an Oral Fluid Matrix

WOD - PFAS and us: Assessment of advanced analytical instruments to reach required limits of quantitation for PFAS in foods

Analisis de micotoxinas

Analisis de micotoxinas

Thomas Hankemeier's talk: Accurate mass technology for the advancement of metabolomics in system biology

LC/GC Webinar Video Overcome N-Nitrosamine analysis challenges with chromatographic and mass spectrometry techniques

Front end cleaning of SCIEX Triple Quad™ and QTRAP® Systems

The Exposome of PFAS

Fast and Simultaneous Analysis of Ethanol Metabolites and Barbiturates in Human Urine

Introduction to LC-MS-MS

The truths, myths, and intricacies of testing mycotoxins with Trilogy Analytical Laboratory (On-demand webinar)

PFAS testing: finding PFAS in people [On-Demand]

Trendsetters - Are your oil methods suitable for hash analysis

SCIEX Solutions for Cannabis Analysis

Sub-Picogram Level Quantitation of Desmopressin in Small Volumes of Human Plasma Using a Trap-Elute MicroLC-MS System

Improving Sensitivity for Trastuzamab Emtansine Quantification usign Trap-Elute MicroLC-MS with Large Volume Sample Loading

PT-Metabolomics and P4 healthcare

Screening Solutions for Forensic Toxicology

Universal Solution for Monoclonal Antibody Quantification in Biological Fluids Using Trap-Elute MicroLC-MS Method

PT-Collaborative big data approaches

PT-Industrialised proteomics large cancer cohorts

PT-Chronic disease future healthcare and wellness testing

Exploring the edges of tomorrows sensitivity

Webinar Series 7500 stMRM Lyon University


SCIEX LC-MS/MS 在药典生物药中的应用方案

Tecnologías de masa nominal SCIEX

Making the complex routine: PFAS testing with mass spec

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (JA)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (PT)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (DE)

Echo MS Core Module User Guide (EN)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (FR)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (PT)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (ES)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (KR)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (FR)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (DE)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (IT)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (JA)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (KR)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (ZH)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (IT)

SCIEX 6500+ system System User Guide (ZH)

Echo MS Core Module System User Guide (ES)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (ES)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (ZH)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (IT)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (FR)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (PT)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (KR)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (JA)

6500/6500+ Series of Instruments Qualified Maintenance Person Guide (DE)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (FR)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (DE)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (IT)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (PT)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (KR)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide (DE)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (FR)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (ES)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (KR)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (EN)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (ZH)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (KR)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (IT)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide (IT)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide (ES)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (JA)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (PT)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (EN)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (EN)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (DE)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (ZH)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (DE)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (ZH)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (JA)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (DE)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (IT)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (ES)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (IT)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (ES)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (PT)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide (ZH)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (KR)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide (FR)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (ZH)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source 작업자 안내서

SCIEX UPS PSW 6 kVA - NA Operator Guide (EN)

Ion Source Tests, Specifications, and Data Log For SCIEX Triple Quad Systems (JA)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (FR)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (PT)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (ES)

IonDrive Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (JA)

SCIEX Dry Pump MSR 90 Operator Guide (JA)

OptiFlow Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (EN)

SCIEX UPS PSW 6 kVA - NA Operator Guide (FR)

Turbo V Ion Source Operator Guide (FR)

SCIEX vision Journal Issue 4

Pharma trends and solutions eBook

Techniques and solutions for forensic drug screening: an interview with Timothy Fassette

Forensic Compendium

The growing problem of NPS

Challenges of screening and identifying NPS in the forensic laboratory

Harnessing the power of mass spectrometry for early novel psychoactive substances (NPS) detection

Detecting novel psychoactive substances - the workflow

Overcoming NPS screening challenges in the forensic laboratory

Approaches to drug screening using Triple Quadrupole, QTRAP and QTOF technologies

Detecting and identifying NPS: a brief history

Streamlining forensic laboratory informatics for NPS screening and quantification

Novel Psychoactive Substances - Infographic

The age of novel psychoactive substances

Compruebe y maximice la calidad de sus productos agriculturales



Determination of Beta-agonist Residues in Meat

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 2)

SCIEX VISION 2021 - Vishwottam Kandikere Interview - Syngene


List of Published Articles on Quantitative Methods of Clinical Diagnostics/Lab-Developed Tests (LDTs) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System

Catalogue of Literatures on target lipidomics using Triple Quad QTRAP mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

Catalogue of Literatures on Metabolomics using SCIEX mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 3)


List of Published Articles with SCIEX LC-MS-MS System-Clinical-Volume 4

Determination of Sulfonamide Residues in Chicken

Catalogue of Literatures on Traditional Chinese Medicine (Volume 1)

LC-MS/MS 技术平台

Folder for The Flyers of Food Safety Monitoring Holistic Solution

List of Published Articles with SCIEX LC-MS-MS System-Clinical-Volume 3

List of Published Articles with SCIEX LC-MS-MS System-Clinical-Volume 2

GB 5749-2022《生活饮用水卫生标准》应用文集

2023迷你食品應用文集 第一期

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 4)

Catalogue of Literatures on untarget lipidomics using SCIEX high resolution mass spectrometry (Volume 1)

Catalogue of Literatures on Traditional Chinese Medicine (Volume 1)

List of Published Articles of Therapeutic Drug Monitorings (TDM) with SCIEX LC-MS/MS System (Volume 1)

GB 5749-2022《生活饮用水卫生标准》应用解决方案

Syllabus for eLearning path

Troubleshooting tree: Troubleshooting no LC peaks for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems

Troubleshooting tree: ZenoTOF 7600 system tuning and calibration checks

Troubleshooting tree: Troubleshooting high pressure for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems

Troubleshooting tree: Troubleshooting shifting retention times for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems

Syllabus for eLearning path

Troubleshooting tree: Troubleshooting low pressure or no pressure for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems

Improve Sensitivity for Quantification of Antisense Oligonucleotides in Plasma Using Microflow LC-MRM Methodology

A robust and sensitive method for the direct analysis of polar pesticides in environmental samples without derivatisation

Comprehensive methods for drinking water analysis based on European Directive 2020/2184

Enabling New Levels of Quantification with SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 System

Superior sensitivity for peptide quantification in matrix

Enabling New Levels of Quantification with SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 System

Rapid LC-MS-MS Method for the Analysis of Fipronil and Amitraz Insecticides

Highly sensitive LC-MS/MS workflow for targeted quantification of host cell proteins

Potency Analysis in Hemp and Cannabis Products using a Single-Dilution Combined LC-UV-MS/MS Approach

Fast and Simultaneous Analysis of Ethanol Metabolites and Barbiturates in Human Urine

Método LC-MS/MS Altamente Sensible para la Cuantificación de Barnidipino en Plasma Humano

No Slide Title

Direct analysis of polar pesticides in water: a routine accredited method

Multi-panel detection of drugs and drug metabolites in hair samples using a comprehensive extraction method

Fast Screening Method for 86 Forensic Analytes in Human Urine

Rapid, sensitive analysis of sphingolipid variant profiles with simplified sample extraction

Sub-pg Level Quant of Desmopressin in Small Volumes of Plasma using Microflow

Quantitation of Oregon List of Pesticides / Cannabinoids LC-MS/MS

Enabling New Levels of Quantification with SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 System

A Clinical Research Method for the Measurement of Low-Level Testosterone in Serum using Differential Mobility Separation with LC-MS/MS

No Slide Title

Quantification of Major Metabolites of K2 in Human Urine

Simultaneous Determination of 14 Paralytic Shellfish Toxins using LC-MS/MS on SCIEX QTRAP® 6500+ System

Higher sensitivity analysis of a large panel of lipid mediators

Emerging food_QTRAP 6500+_PFFA food and food packaging_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-2755-A.docx

Análisis de Potencia en Productos de Cáñamo y Cannabis Utilizando un Enfoque Combinado de Dilución única LC-UV-MS / MS

Emerging food_QTRAP 6500+_sodium fluoroacetate_SCIEX_RUO-MKT-02-2756-A.docx

Extending the Lower Limits of Quantification of a Therapeutic Oligonucleotide Through Microflow LC-MS/MS

Determination of 6 Catecholamines in Human Plasma Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Rapid Detection of SDHIs in tea by SCIEX Triple Quad LC-MS/MS system

Determination of Nitrofuran Metabolites in Animal-derived Food

Quantification of Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine in Human Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

SCIEX LC-MS-MS Application Technology on Origin Identification of Dairy Products based on Alpha-lactalbumin and Beta-lactoglobulin

Determination of Six Antiepileptic Drugs in Serum by SCIEX Triple Quad System (ZH)

Determination of Aflatoxins B and G in Grain

A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS-MS Method of 189 Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Food by Triple QuadTM 3500

Determination of 38 Bile Acids in Biological Samples on SCIEX Triple Quad 5500 system

使用SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+系统对血浆中的寡核苷酸进行定量分析

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+系统用于血浆中曲妥珠单抗含量的分析

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500系统定量分析大鼠血浆中PROTAC 药物 ARV-110

LC-MS-MS Method for Determination of 523 Pesticide Residues in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Solution of Analysis 13 Nitrosamines in Drinking Water by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Six Antipsychotic Drugs in Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry


利用SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱法对细胞中的能量代谢物进行靶向分析

Determination of Plant Hormones in Plants by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry




Determination of beta-Amyloid Peptide in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid

Targeted Analysis of Eicosanoid in Plasma by LC-MS-MS

Establish a rapid and efficient method for the determination of nitrosamines in cosmetics and personal care products

Determination of Chloramphenicol Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Fish

Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotic Residues in Animal-derived Food

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统检测厄贝沙坦药物中4’-(叠氮甲基)-[1,1’-联苯]-2-氰基杂质(AZBC)

Quantification of 74 Prohibited Hormones in Cosmetics Using LC-MS-MS System

Determination of Liposoluble Vitamins in Micro Blood Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination of Sulfonamide Residues in Chicken

Determination of Malachite Green and Crystal Violet Residues in Fish


SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统定量检测大鼠血浆中分子胶药物 Mezigdomide

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500系统快速检测 (S)-3-氨基-1, 2-丙二醇 原料药中的 (S)-1-氨基-3-氯-2-丙醇盐酸盐杂质

The Determination of Zearalenone in Traditional Chinese Medicines using LC-MS/MS

Improved LC-MRM Quantification Sensitivity for Powder for Inhalation from the Beta2 Agonist Family


本土化SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500系统测定依那普利中的N-亚硝基依那普利


Determination of Three Free Polyamines in Biological Samples by Using Dansyl Chloride Derivatization


SCIEX 新型药物研究解决方案

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统定量分析血浆中亮丙瑞林

Establishment Method of more than 1000 Lipids for Liver Tissue Lipidomics using LC-MS/MS

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统定量检测大鼠血浆中司美格鲁肽和替尔泊肽

厄贝沙坦制剂中叠氮类基因毒性杂质5-[(4’-(叠氮甲基)[1,1’-联苯]-2-基] -2H-四氮唑(MB-X)的定量分析检测

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500系统定量分析苯硼酸类化合物

Determination of Aristolochic Acid I in Longdan Xiegan Pills on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 3500 system

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+系统定量测定大鼠血浆中核酸类药物

本土化SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500系统测定大鼠血浆中可电离脂质SM-102

The Determination of Aflatoxins in Traditional Chinese Medicines using LC-MS/MS

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对10种马兜铃酸类化合物的检测方案

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500系统快速检测利福平和利福喷丁中两 种亚硝胺类杂质

Rapid Determination of Three Genotoxic Impurities in Linezolid by SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Rapid Determination of 5-(4’-(azidomethyl)-[1,1’-biphenyl-2yl]-1H-tetrazole Impurity in Sartan drugs by SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Application of SCIEX 3500 triple quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry platform for the detection of 30 prohibited pesticides and their metabolites in Chinese herbal medicines and decoction pieces

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 系统定量分析血浆中阿兹夫定

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统定量检测大鼠血浆中人参皂苷Rg1、绿原酸和山奈酚

Determination of 8 metabolites on main pathways of Dopamine(DA) biosynthesis and metabolism by SCIEX Triple Quad®

Determination of 1-methyl-4-aminopiperazine in Rifampicin by SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500 LC-MS/MS system

SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱法对水稻中220种代谢物进行靶标代 谢组学分析

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 系统定量分析大鼠血浆中的寡核苷酸药物 Inotersen

本土化SCIEX Triple Quad™ 5500+系统测定中药材中桔青霉素的检测方案

SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱法对小麦苗中183种代谢物进行靶标 代谢组学分析

本土化SCIEX Triple Quad ™系统测定中药中的59种植物生长调节剂

SCIEX Triple Quad™ 系统定量分析大鼠肝组织中的siRNA

Development of a High Coverage metabolomics method of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam by SCIEX QTRAP® System

Determination of 74 Pesticides and metabolites in Soil By LC-MS-MS

Determination of Beta-agonist Residues in Meat

Rapid Screening and Quantification of 223 Illegal Drug Residue in Feed Using LC-MS/MS (ZH)

Determination of 23 Phthalate Esters in Drinking Water By LC-MS-MS

Determination of Quinolone Residues in Animal-derived Food

Determination of Animal Species Origin from Blood Products by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Five Antibiotics and their Metabolites in Serum by SCIEX LC-MS/MS





Simultaneous Determination of 331 pesticides and metabolites Residues in foods of plant origin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Simultaneous Determination of Isothiazolinone fungicides in Cigarette accessories by LC-MS /MS







SCIEX Triple Quad™液质联用系统对水产品及其制品中河豚毒素的测定


Simultaneous Determination of three kind of Chloramphenicols by LC-MS /MS




LC-MS/MS Method for Quantification of Iminoctadine tris(albesilate) in Fruits

使用 LC-MS/MS系统测定电子烟中不挥发有机酸的解决方案


Simultaneous Determination of 4 Kinds of Bisphenol A analogs in Drinking water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry



Simultaneous 23 sensitized carcinogenic stains by LC-MS /MS


Simultaneous Determination of Perchlorate and Chlorate in drinking water by LC-MS /MS

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统快速定量饮用水中4种氯酚类化合物




Simultaneous Determination of Perchlorate and Chlorate by LC-MS /MS





A Rapid Screening and Quantitative LC-MS/MS Method of 247 PPCPs and Pesticide Residues in Water by Large Volume Injection

Determination of Bongkrekic Acid in Rice Noodles and Tremella on SCIEX Triple QuadTM 4500 System

Determination of Malachite Green and Crystal Violet Residues in Fish



SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统快速测定血液中尼古丁及其代谢物

LC-MS/MS快速检测化妆品中CI 10020等11种着色剂


LC-MS/MS Method for Analysis of Five Preservatives in Cosmetics





A Solution for the Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds(PFCs) in Drinking Water by Direct Injection with Triple QuadTM 3500


Analysis of 56 Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Compounds in Drinking Water by LC-MS/MS






A Solution for the Determination of Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water, Ground Water and Surface Water by Direct Injection with SCIEX Triple QuadT 3500 System


Simultaneous Determination of Microcystins in Water by LC-MS MS

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统快速定量测定饮用水中5种微囊藻毒素



Determination of Acrylamide in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry



SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统同时检测人血清中更昔洛韦、万古霉素、去甲万古霉素、卡泊芬净和替考拉宁

Determination of catecholamines and their metabolites in human urine using 3200MD LC-MS/MS

基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血浆中多粘菌素E1和E2检测

SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱系统同时检测人血清中阿维巴坦和头孢他啶

SCIEX LC-MS/MS检测血清样本中6种抗精神病药物及其4种代谢产物

基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血浆中游离睾酮检测

SCIEX Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Quantification of Chondroitin Sulfate and Dermatan Sulfate by Methanolysis Derivatization

SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血清中6种维生素D及代谢产物检测

Simultaneous Determination of Plasma Aldosterone, Renin Activity and Angiotensin II from Human Plasma Using LC-MS/MS



基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血浆中鼠药氟乙酰胺和氟乙酸检测

基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血浆中13种水溶性维生素检测



基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血清中3种雌激素定量检测

基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血清中4种神经酰胺的检测

Determination of OPEs in human plasma with LC-MS/MS system

SCIEX 液相色谱串联质谱系统同时检测人血浆中20种氨基酸


Quantification of Arginine, Homoarginine, Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine and Symmetric Dimethylarginine in Human Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统建立血浆中7-酮胆固醇的检测方法

Protein G 富集联合 LC-MS/MS 同时测定人血清中三种抗体类生 物药

Protein G富集联合LC-MS/MS同时测定人血清中八种抗体类生物药

SCIEX液相色谱串联质谱系统助力PCOS及CAH相关类固醇激素 的快速检测

Simultaneous Determination of Linezolid, Voriconazole, Imatinib, Dasatinib, Nilotinib, Dabigatran Etexilate and Rivaroxaban in Plasma by SCIEX LC-MS/MS



SCIEX 液质联用结合两步沉淀法检测血浆中曲妥珠单抗




SCIEX液相色谱串联质谱法同时测定人血清中1-磷酸鞘氨醇, 鞘氨醇和二氢神经鞘氨醇

基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血清中11-脱氢皮质酮和前列腺素A2的检测

SCIEX Triple Quad™液质联用系统用于人血浆中脂蛋白的检测



基于SCIEX LC-MS/MS系统对血浆中同型半胱氨酸、甲基丙二 酸、叶酸及其代谢物检测

Determination of trace angiotensin II in plasma with SCIEX Triple Quad 4500 LC-MS/MS system (ZH)

Determination of 13 Bile Acids in Serum by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination of 8 Polar Pesticides and metabolites in Plasma and Urine Without Derivatization (ZH)

Simultaneous Determination of Aldosterone and Angiotensin I from Human Plasma Using LC-MS/MS (ZH)

Simultaneous Determination of 4 Kinds of Chemical Medicines Illegally Added in Slimming Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry


LC-MS/MS快速分析减肥食品中番泻苷 A、番泻苷 B 及大黄素甲醚




SCIEX Triple Quad™液质联用系统对植物源性食品中36种全氟和多氟化合物的测定

应用SCIEX中国本土化产品Triple Quad™ 6500+ LC-MS/MS系统建立518种农药及其代谢物的快速测定方法


Quantitative Analysis of 12 Halogenated carboxylic acids in Tap Water by Triple QuadTM 3500

SCIEX Triple Quad™液质联用系统对动物源性食品中36种全氟和多氟化合物的测定


SCIEX QTRAP Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Detection of Seven Sweeteners in Liquor

Simultaneous Determination of 8 Kinds of Chemical Medicines Illegally Added in Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health Care Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry







Analysis Procymidone in Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng by LC-MS/MS


应用中国本土化产品Triple Quad™ 6500+系统建立67种真菌毒素的快速定量方法





The Application of Analysis 13 Haloamides in Drinking Water by LC-MS-MS

Determination of Aflatoxins B&G in Grain

The Application Solution for Determination of Fluconazole and other 8 Kinds of Components in Cosmetics by LC-MS-MS Method

Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotic Residues in Animal-derived Food

Quantitation of 8 Fat Soluble Vitamins in Formula Infant Milk

Determination of NMDA in Ranitidine Hydrochloride by LC-MS-MS

Simultaneous Determination of 14 Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Seafood using LC-MS-MS

Determination of Nitrofuran Metabolites in Animal-derived Food

Determination of 20 Steroid Hormones in Human Serum Samples by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Analysis 106 Compounds in Cell Supernatant by Using LC-MS-MS

Determination of Caspofungin Posaconazole Voriconazole N-Oxide and Voriconazole in Plasma by SCIEX Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Determination Trace Residues of Whey Protein in Lactose by LC-MS-MS

The power of SCIEX Triple Quad liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to detect polycystic ovarian syndrome related androgen (ZH)

Determination of Chloramphenicol Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Fish

Determination of seven Antineoplastic and antibacterial drugs in Serum by SCIEX LC-MS/MS

Simultaneous Determination of 7 Kinds of Local Anesthetics in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (ZH)

SCIEX LC-MS-MS Application Technology on Quantitation of Lactoferrin in Dairy Products

Simultaneous quantitative analysis of metronidazole and chloramphenicol in chicken by SCIEX LC MS-MS

Simultaneous determination of five cytarabine metabolites and analogs with SelexION Ion mobility Mass Spectrum (ZH)

Detection of Methylmalonic Aciduria by Ion Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ZH)

Determination of Quinolone Residues in Animal-derived Food

Spectrapalooza WOD - Expect the unexpected – Climate change and emerging mycotoxins (Julie Brunkhorst)

基于中国本土产品 SCIEX TripleQuad™ 6500+系统测定纺织品中115种农药残留量


Spectrapalooza WOD - A World’s Fair of contaminant detection (Sarah O’Brien)

本土化SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+系统定量血浆中的寡核苷酸

SCIEX Online SPE-Triple Quad 系统测定水质中75种全氟及多氟 烷基化合物

SCIEX Triple Quad系统测定血液和尿液中的河豚毒素 Determination of Tetrodotoxin in Blood and Urine by SCIEX Triple Quad System


Chemical Standards
Part NumberKit Name/InstrumentDescription
4406127MS Chemical Kit 1, Low-High Conc. PPGsStandards chemical kit with low/high concentrations of polypropylene glycol polymers (PPGs). This kit includes all solutions necessary for installation and calibration for all SCIEX Triple Quads, excluding the API 2000™ and API 3000™ instruments.
4412399MS Chemical Kit2, Higher Conc. PPGsStandards chemical kit with High Concentrations PPGs. This kit includes all solutions necessary for installation and calibration for all API 2000 and 3000 instruments.
4465788SelexION® Calibration SolutionInstallation and Calibration Solution for SelexION Ion Mobility Source.
5056819Essential LCMS Performance Kit EnvironmentalCertified QC kits for use on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP® 4500, 5500, 6500 and 6500+ systems, coupled with high flow LC systems, to test performance in both positive and negative modes for Environmental applications.
5056822Essential LCMS Performance Kit ToxicologyCertified QC kits for use on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP 4500, 5500, 6500 and 6500+ systems, coupled with high flow LC systems, to test performance in both positive and negative modes for Toxicology applications.
5056816Essential LCMS Performance Kit Small Molecule PharmaCertified QC kits for use on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP 4500, 5500, 6500 and 6500+ systems, coupled with high flow LC systems, to test performance in both positive and negative modes for Pharma (Small Molecule) applications.
5056815Essential LCMS Performance Kit - Peptide

Certified QC kits for use on SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP 4500, 5500, 6500 and 6500+ systems, coupled with high flow LC systems, to test performance in positive mode for Peptide applications.