
iMethod™ Application for AA45/20 1.0 including Cliquid® AA 3.2.1 SW License

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

This method is for the routine analysis of 45 amino acids in urine, serum, and plasma samples. Included with this iMethod Application is Cliquid AA45/20 Software 3.2.1. Please note that the HPLC column and either the AA45/32 or AA20/20 Starter Kit will need to be purchased separately.


To learn more, please view this flyer: A Rapid iMethod™ Application for the Analysis of 45 Amino Acids in Physiological Fluids


Status: Available Item status information

iMethod Application for AA45/20 1.0 including Cliquid AA 3.2.1 SW License



Just download a method, add your sample, and you're ready to go

iMethod Applications for clinical research provide instant LC/MS/MS methods, enabling you to generate accurate and precise results faster. Simply download a lab-proven method from the web or a CD into Cliquid Software and run your sample. All the instrument parameters are downloaded upon installation. Everything you need to start running a test immediately is included: sample preparation protocols, optimized MS and LC parameters, integration parameters, reporting templates, and documentation.

Higher throughput protein biomarker discovery

The iMethod Application for the routine analysis of 45 amino acids in human serum and plasma samples uses unique iTRAQ Reagent chemistry to separate isomeric and isobaric amino acids. Calibration is performed using an internal standard for each amino acid to compensate for any instrument variability. Samples are prepared by protein precipitation and derivitization with iTRAQ Reagents. The total analytical run time is less than 25 minutes. Cliquid AA45 Software 3.2.1 is included as part of the test and provides workflow, methods, and report templates for relative and absolute amino acid quantitation of 45 amino acids from protein hydrolysate samples.

Please note that to install the method a HPLC column and either the AA45/32 or AA20/20 Starter Kit will need to be purchased separately. Both the AA45/32 and AA20/20 Starter Kits include iTRAQ Reagents, internal standards, control plasma, user's guide, and start-up guide. Each starter kit supports the analysis of up to 50 samples.

The SCIEX iMethod Application for amino acid analysis with Cliquid AA45 Software 3.2.1 is configured for use on both the SCIEX 3200 and 4000 Series instruments. The list of available iMethod Applications located in the iMethod Store is continually updated with the newest user-contributed and SCIEX lab-proven methods, so you can take immediate advantage of the latest advances. All iMethod Applications are available for individual purchase or as part of one of our complete starter packs for clinical research.

Reduce development time

ActivityUsing an iMethod ApplicationTraditional Method Development
Complete Test Protocol DocumentationIncludedWeeks–Months
Sample Prep TechniquesIncluded, with examples and referencesWeeks–Months
Optimized MS/MS Acquisition ParametersIncludedWeeks–Months
LC Instrument Parameters with Retention TimesIncludedDays–Weeks
Integration (Quantitation) ParametersIncludedDays
Reporting TemplatesIncludedDays
LC/MS/MS Library SpectraMay be included. Stand-alone libraries are also available.Weeks–Months
Staff Training – SoftwareSimple Cliquid® Software interface, no additional trainingTraditional MS Software and review procedures – Days
Method ValidationWeeks. Validation templates and support availableWeeks–Months
Complete Test Development and DeploymentWeeks6–12 months