The Proteome Universe

Talk Precision Medicine

Proteomics big data can help solve decision-making problems related to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

03 / 01 / 2020 | Tiannan Guo

The most common cancer in men is often over-diagnosed and over-treated. The scientists at Westlake University have developed a mass spectrometry-based approach to fully characterize the proteome of tumor tissues, all in a single data record. Machine learning analysis can then clearly stratify cancer patients by survival probability using a protocol that can potentially be applied to various other diseases.

  • “Over the past 7 years, we have developed a protocol called PCT SWATH [acquisition]—pressure cycling technology coupled with SWATH [acquisition] mass spectrometry—which enables us to immortalize clinical samples.”

    Tiannan Guo

Tiannan Guo, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator
Guomics Laboratory for Proteomic Big Data, Westlake University

iMarker lab, Westlake Laboratory

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