Which Molecule Profiler Software Version Can Process EAD Fragmentation Data?

Date: 09/01/2023
Categories: Academia Omics , Pharma CRO , Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The Molecular Profiler software 1.3 is embedded in the SCIEX OS software version 3.1.6. The Molecule Profiler software version 1.3 contains more functionality in its workflows for molecule profiling, identification and characterization than any of the previous versions of Molecule Profiler software.

The Molecule Profiler software can assign structures by using fragments from both electron-activated dissociation (EAD) and collision-induced dissociation (CID) techniques. The software also automates the workflow for identification and comparative analysis of EAD versus CID fragmentation techniques and offers better capabilities for the identifications of unknown structures.