Save screen layout in SCIEX OS Analytics for easy retrieval of previous workspace settings.

When reviewing a results table in Analytics, it is common to: open the results table with specific columns visible, a cal curve pane, and the peak review pane beside it. Each lab, or assay, or step in reviewing a table, has a different preferred layout of these panels. It would be preferrable to save these layouts and be able to quickly switch between these layouts. Current workaorund is to open a column settings saved file, and then manually open and arrange each panel as required.
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  • In Progress

    2 Comments Apr 07, 2019 3 Views Product: SCIEX OS Software

    Posted: 2019-04-08

    This would be a huge way to save time and quickly change the layouts for different workflows or different types of data review. There is currently no way to save the layouts of chromatograms, cal curves, metric plots, or statistical pane.

    Posted: 2020-01-09

    This would be a great solution for just using SciexOS for complete data evaluation of complex workflows. This "basic feature" would enable different layouts for the same datasets, thus checking all aspects of an assay in short time without additional programs.
    Some detail: Please enable also an automated y-axis normalization for multiple peak review columns/rows based on the max. intensity of one specific sample (e.g. calibration maximum or kinetic/sample maximum)