LC Pressure data

Hi all. Sciex OS is a really good software, but there are some features that  #Waters  has and that we should implement into our software. Currently we are able to see in the Exion Screen live information like system pressure, %A, %B, room temperature, flow, column oven temperature, Autosampler temperature, etc. I think that if we are able to see all this information in the screen, it should be easy to be able to collect them in charts, and the customer should be able to customize which charts are they interested in and since when they want to see them (for instance since the last 48 hr). And if we are able to do this, means that we also should be able to customice which chart we also want to keep for each chromatogram (for instance the system pressure). 
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    2 Comments Nov 26, 2018 4 Views Product: SCIEX OS Software

    Posted: 2019-01-21

    Agreed. LC-pressure data can be very helpful and should be stored with the data file allowing access in case needed.

    Posted: 2021-07-28

    May I know how to see the pressure chart for the already acquired data in Sciex OS? Thanking you in advance. -Dhaval