Option to disable the automatic calibration between different MS Methods

Due to the automatic calibration between different MS methods in the same batch (SWATH and IDA) an auto-calibration is performed after two samples instead of after every fourth sample as defined in the settings (our sample layout consists of one SWATH, two IDA and another SWATH acquisition for each sample). This leads to a highly increased consumption of the calibration solution and longer acquisition times. Manually removing the unnecessary auto-calibrations or only submitting the first of the four samples with the auto-calibration enabled is an option but very time consuming and error-prone for larger batches. On TripleTOF instruments the automatic calibration is strictly performed after the defined sample count (e.g. after every fourth sample regardless of the used MS methods). Therefore to match the auto-calibration sequence of TripleTOF instruments please add an option to disable the automatic calibration between different MS Methods.

1 Comments Jul 28, 2019 2 Views Product: SCIEX OS Software

Posted: 2024-10-21

This issue is still occuring in Sciex 3.3/3.4 and its an issue that still prevents us from using the CDS autocalibration option just because we switch too often the MS method name in a single batch. It introduces an autocal everytime the MS method name is different and increase way too much the acquisition time. We would like also to have the option to incorporate the CDS autocalibration at a fix number of samples regardless of the MS method name. Thumbs up for this feature pls.