Keep MRMs from same compound beside each other in table when sorting

When sorting quantitation analytes in a table, have the option to keep multiple fragments from same compound next to each other in the table. Additional Detail: For Quantitation the Analytes are grouped for 2 fragments at least (for example Triazine-1 & Triazine-2 is grouped as Triazine) 2 MRMs in 1 group.  But on results table I would like to arrange the samples from high to low area/calculated concentration.  When the data sorted as stated above the groups get separated and other Analytes fills in between Triazine-1 & Triazine-2. If we can arrange the sorting algorithm in a way where it doesn’t separate the groups while sorting it would be awesome!  Most of the users wants to see groups together even after they sort by area or calculated concentration because it will make the processing for them a lot easier and they use the first ion (most intense one) to quantitate and second one for confirmation. While sorting it should only sort it for the first MRM between groups and the rest should be sorted inside each group separately.

0 Comments Sep 18, 2019 3 Views Product: SCIEX OS Software