Course Detail

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 will be required to enroll into a course in SCIEX Now Learning Manager.


Cost Free
Duration 20 minutes
Language Chinese
Type Premium
Course Level Advanced

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SCIEX 三重四极杆/QTRAP系统快速维护视频 (quick maintenance how to videos for SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems)

Premium Access

This course is only available if you are logged in to your account, and you have a registered instrument under warranty or you have a current support or you are an active subscriber to Learning Manager. Please to your account.

本系列视频课程为SCIEX 三重四极杆/QTRAP维护相关内容,包含五个离子源相关维护操作。在视频学习之后,即可更加了解并掌握仪器系统的简单维护工作。


- 拆卸和安装Probe
- 拆卸和安装离子源
- 拆卸和安装 IonDrive Turbo V离子源的保护罩
- 更换Turbo V离子源上的金属Turbo加热器
- 更换IonDrive Turbo V离子源上的Turbo加热器
