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Cost Free
Duration 20 minutes
Language Chinese
Type Premium
Course Level Intermediate
Rating Not rated yet

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使用 SCIEX X500B QTOF 系统 和 BioPharmaView软件进行完整生物制剂分析(intact biologics analysis)

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This course is only available if you are logged in to your account, and you have a registered instrument under warranty or you have a current support or you are an active subscriber to Learning Manager. Please to your account.

在本课程中,我们将介绍SCIEX X500B QTOF系统和BioPharmaView软件,并演示完整生物制剂分析的工作流程。

- 了解完整生物分析的基础知识
- 熟悉硬件和软件特性
- 在SCIEX OS中创建LC和 MS 采集方法
- 提交Batch
- 使用 BioPharmaView 软件处理完成生物制剂数据

章节: 1
证书类别: 结课