A single instrument solution for an efficient return-on-investment
Example chromatograms of imazalil, spiromesifen, and bifenazate are shown here to demonstrate the sensitivity using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) on the SCIEX QTRAP 6500+ system. Cyfluthrin isomers are shown to demonstrate the sensitivity and selectivity of MS/MS/MS using the QTRAP 6500+ system.
Figure 1. Unfortified cannabis flower (top left in each set) followed by five replicate extractions of fortified cannabis flower.
Figure 1. Unfortified cannabis flower (top left in each set) followed by five replicate extractions of fortified cannabis flower (continued). # cyfluthrin isomers are summed for a total concentration.
Table 1. The SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system can help meet or exceed all the Massachusetts pesticide1 and mycotoxin testing limits (µg/g or ppm) in cannabis flower summarized below.
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