SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 system
Jia Yanbo, Cheng Haiyan, Yang Zong, Liu Huafen
SCIEX, China
To ensure public health and safety, many government agencies establish routine monitoring systems for pesticide residues in agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits. Many of these residues are amenable to LC-MS/MS analysis. The method developed here can be used to simultaneously analyze 51 pesticide residues that are routinely monitored by many health agencies.
Figure 1. Representative chromatogram of 51 pesticides spiked into leek extracts at 0.01 mg/kg.
Figure 2. Quantitative performance for ten representative pesticides. Recoveries, precision and linearity coefficients for spiked leek extracts at 0.01, 0.02 and 0.05 mg/kg.
Figure 3. Relative peak areas for ten representative pesticides over 15 hours of continuous analysis.