Our modern society feeds as a source of environmental pollution around the globe. From the chemicals used in the industrial processes that make modern lifestyles possible, to the chemicals we flush down our household drains, industrial chemicals can make their way into our water supply and can pose a threat to our health.
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are a common class of industrial chemicals used in building materials, household goods, and textiles, while perfluorinated organic compounds (PFCs) are in packaging materials, stains, and textiles to make them water resistant. Many industrial chemical compounds can be found in water, soil, and dust samples, which are highly toxic, and some are classified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Many are also included as endocrine disruptors due to their adverse health effects on the human endocrine system.
LC/MS/MS is proven to monitor many industrial chemical pollutants in the environment:
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