Dr. James C. Ritchie

Emory University School of Medicine
Doctor James C Ritchie headshot

The challenges

  • Need a robust multiplex alternative to immunoassay and the chemistry analyzer
  • Fast and efficient transition for non-mass spec users

The requirements

  • Easy to program
  • Simple and fast sample extraction
  • High throughput
  • High specificity and sensitivity
  • Rugged Method
  • Open channel

The solution

Adopting a robust technology that offers the automation, specificity and sensitivity of a chemistry analyzer but can be easily adopted and operated by a med tech with no mass spec expertise.

The capabilities

  • Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D for primary care physicians
  • Open channel for method development

The Outcomes

  • The multiplex nature of the mass spec makes it very economical for the lab.
  • It has the power to manage complicated workflows, with enhanced sensitivity and specificity for more reliable results.
  • Intuitive software is the most user-friendly, compared to other mass specs on the market.
  • Users can master the system’s advanced functionality, after just two days of training.
  • It is both more straightforward and more rewarding for people to do their job.

Type of Organization

Educational Institution, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

  • “I can’t say enough about how well the SCIEX Topaz™ System meets the needs of the clinical lab. It is incredibly easy to implement, the ‘point and click’ interface makes it easy to set up a run, and the LC-MS delivers incredibly reliable and robust results - this mass spec has made complex clinical analysis easier than ever before”


A key focus is simplicity, high specificity and sensitivity as well as user friendly.

SCIEX Products

  • Topaz System
  • The FDA-Cleared (via the de novo pathway) LC-MS based Vitamin D 200M Assay kit
  • ClearCore™ MD software
  • “The SCIEX mass spec (Topaz System) is one of the biggest breakthroughs for the clinical laboratory”