Peng Yu

Head of Technology, EpiQMAx
Peng Yu headshot

Project Goal

To accomplish our customers' small molecule and biologics characterization tasks in a cost-effective and resource-efficient manner, while maintaining the highest data quality DCs) in terms of amino acid sequence, drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) and post-translational modifications.

The Challenges

  • Ever-evolving therapeutic concepts and modalities require constant analytical method innovation
  • Enormous expertise required to develop and validate bioassays for different compound classes
  • Multiple software pieces are often required for data analysis and reporting, which is costly to maintain

The solution

  • Robust and versatile LC-MS platform to allow small molecule assays, as well as biologics workflows
  • Multiple-attribute methodologies (MAM) offer streamlined single methods to complement or replace multiple assays needed for biologics product characterization and process control
  • Fully integrated solution and unified user interface from SCIEX OS Software and BPV Flex Software that allow easy implementation

The outcome

  • Quickly develop and execute small molecule and biologics characterization assays
  • Client's ability to quickly iterate through various experimental conditions and make evidence-based decisions
  • "The ease of use and intuitiveness of SCIEX OS Software is absolutely delightful"


A contract research organization (CRO) that specializes in epigenetic modification profiling as well as contract analytical development.


To leverage the latest mass spectrometry technologies in order to help our customers advance their small molecule and biologics programs

SCIEX products

  • X500B QTOF System
  • TripleTOF® 6600 LC-MS/MS System
  • SCIEX OS Software
  • BPV Flex Software
  • "LC-MS is a powerful yet sophisticated technique. Robustness, ease of use and full integration will greatly reduce the cost of implementation and unleash its full potential."

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