Packaging Compliance in Luxembourg

Collection and Recycling Arrangements in Luxembourg

Under the Luxembourg packaging regulations, producers must finance the collection and recycling of packaging they first place on the market in Luxembourg when this packaging becomes waste, to meet the national recovery and recycling targets. The producer normally achieves this by joining a local packaging compliance scheme and paying a packaging recycling fee.

Due to the way in which SCIEX sells packaged products in Luxembourg, SCIEX is not classed as a packaging producer in Luxembourg for any of the packaging included with SCIEX products. SCIEX is therefore not legally required to join a packaging compliance scheme and pay for the collection and recycling of this packaging when it becomes waste.

SCIEX customers in Luxembourg can ensure the recovery of their packaging waste by working with a local packaging waste contractor. You may already have arrangements established with a local waste contractor to handle other types of waste. Please contact your existing contractor through whom you may be able to arrange disposal of your packaging waste, or contact your local authority for details of other commercial and industrial waste packaging collection and recycling provisions close to you.

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