Packaging Compliance in Netherlands

Collection and Recycling Arrangements in Netherlands

Under the Dutch packaging regulations, packaging producers are required to finance the collection and recycling of packaging they supply to the Dutch market when it becomes waste. This is achieved by paying a ‘Waste Management Contribution’ to the Packaging Waste Fund, Stichting Afvalfonds Verpakking (SAV), who distribute the funds to the recycling industry accordingly. However, packaging producers are exempt from paying the Waste Management Contribution, if they place less than 50 tonnes of packaging on the Dutch market per year.

SCIEX monitors the weight of packaging supplied to the Dutch market, and when SCIEX places more than 50 tonnes of packaging on the Dutch market in a year, SCIEX meets its responsibility to finance the collection and recycling of waste packaging by paying the Waste Management Contribution to SAV. For further information, please contact SAV (+31 (0)85 401 26 60,,

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