Packaging Compliance in Norway

Collection and Recycling Arrangements in Norway

Norway is a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member and has to comply with the EC Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive under the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement. At the time of writing, there are no statutory producer collection and recycling obligations for packaging in Norway, but packaging producers are expected to finance the take-back and recycling of packaging waste through the implementation of Voluntary Environmental Agreements. Furthermore, statutory requirements have been proposed and will come into force.

SCIEX fulfils this requirement (currently voluntary, but future statutory) as a member of the Grønt Punkt Norge (GPN) packaging compliance scheme. SCIEX pays packaging recycling fees to the scheme in proportion to the amount of packaging SCIEX places on the Norwegian market, to finance the collection and recycling of this packaging when it becomes waste.

GPN manages all aspects of waste packaging collection and recycling in Norway on behalf of SCIEX. For further information, please contact GPN (+47 22 12 15 00,,

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