A quantitative leap

Break free from limitations with AI Quantitation software

In collaboration with Mass Analytica, SCIEX presents AI Quantitation software, a ground-breaking solution that revolutionizes method optimization and workflow efficiency while elevating data processing to improved levels of automation.

Leveraging state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, AI Quantitation software empowers users to effortlessly transform compatible datasets obtained from SCIEX Triple Quad, high-resolution accurate mass and Echo® MS+ systems into clear and actionable insights.

This robust software streamlines time-consuming steps in workflows and method development, resulting in heightened productivity and faster time to results. By enabling users to allocate their resources more effectively, AI Quantitation software drives projects further, faster, and more efficiently.

Actionable insights with AI Quantitation software

Relative quant

AI Quantitation software implements a new level of automation to streamline quantitation workflows. Whether it's relative quantitation or absolute quantitation, this software efficiently handles vast amounts of data and provides valuable insights for metabolic, chemical, and label-free approaches.

Absolute quant

In absolute quantitation workflows​, AI Quantitation software quickly processes the large-scale multi-dimensional data acquired and offers valuable insights. It provides the best data processing conditions which are within the constraints set by the user resulting in maximum productivity and reduced time to answer.

MRM prediction

One area where AI Quantitation software truly revolutionizes is in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transition selection and method development. Using artificial intelligence, it predicts the most suitable fragments based on the molecular structure of the compound of interest. This feature leverages machine learning to continuously enhance the model that users can construct using their chemical entities.

Chemical monitoring

With AI Quantitation software, chemical monitoring becomes automated and effortless. As vast quantities of high-throughput data are generated from Echo® MS+ workflows, this software harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze multiple compounds. It not only processes the data but also provides an interactive view of the trending data, enabling you to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

Automate and streamline

Predicting the fragments

The software solution offers automation of HR-MSMS quantification through an intelligent fragment selection algorithm. It has the capability to predict fragments automatically and then optimize combinations through empirical methods. The software also automatically assesses the best combination against background noise and refines extracted ion chromatogram (XIC) width to achieve the optimal signal-to-noise ratio.

A new way of selecting MRM transitions

AI Quantitation software incorporates a machine learning-trained algorithm that can predict MRM conditions based on the chemical structure of the analyte. This allows for more accurate and efficient method development reducing the demands on compound infusion workflows to attain your next transitions.

Calculate and reporting flexibility

AI Quantitation software provides advanced reporting capabilities, allowing for calculations such as pharmacokinetics (pK) and pharmacodynamics (pD) within the software itself. This streamlines the analysis process and provides comprehensive results directly within the software interface.

Be the first to take a quantitative leap

Register here to be amongst the first scientists to discover how AI Quantitation software will serve your lab and smash data processing bottlenecks. By signing up you will be able to receive advanced notice of AI quant software availability and demonstrations.