Food authenticity testing

Experience cutting-edge solutions for accurate screening, identification and quantitation of impurities to ensure authentic and safe food products.

Enhance your lab's capabilities and solve the complex puzzles of food authenticity testing

As manufacturing processes around the world diversify, the need to ensure food authenticity is more important than ever. Our mission is to provide value by offering comprehensive solutions that address the challenges of food fraud, adulteration, and ingredient authentication. These challenges include:

  • Detection and reporting of contaminants and adulterants that have substantial potential health risks if unmonitored
  • Identification and quantitation of synthetic chemicals and analytes that present unknown side effects to the human body

Food fraud analysis includes testing for food adulterants and dyes, covering a wide range of products, from spices, meats, and plant-based foods to infant formula. 

SCIEX offers food speciation testing applications that address the changing needs of meat, fish, and halal categories. Our workflows and advanced hardware, along with SCIEX OS software, allow for precise testing and profiling. 

Food safety applications

Food fraud analysis

The list of foodstuffs that have been fraudulently produced for commercial gain is terrifying: milk, honey, olive oil, fish, coffee, spices and the list goes on.  Never has the need for food fraud identification been more prudent. 

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Food adulterant testing

Whether intentional or due to negligence, food adulteration poses a significant risk to public health by compromising food quality. Rapid and accurate identification and quantitation of adulterants is essential to ensure food safety, from production and regulatory surveillance to consumption.

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Food dye testing

An effective way to attract consumers is through the visual presentation of food products, often achieved through the use of food dyes or color additives. As a result, the consumption of these artificial substances is becoming a concern for consumers and is leading to increased regulation by government agencies.

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Food speciation testing

The general public is increasingly scrutinizing the origins and manufacturing processes of food products, including meat, fish, Halal foods, and plant-based products. Consumers want to understand food speciation in more detail and are demanding clarity and information from food manufacturing companies to ensure quality and safety.

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