Secrets of the Norwegian lake

PFAS fireside chats

Researchers discovered that a seemingly pristine reference lake in Norway is contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from a paper factory.

09 / 17 / 2021 | Craig Butt

When a lake in Norway was unexpectedly found to be contaminated with PFAS, researchers went looking for the source of the chemical, and found a paper factory. PFAS, known for their use in nonstick cookware and fire-fighting foams, are also used in manufacturing as a coating for paper that needs to repel oils and fats, such as microwave popcorn bags and fast-food wrappers.

  • “But then they found that this lake was as contaminated as a lake located next to an airport, and nobody knew why.”

    Håkon Langberg

Craig Butt, PhD

Senior Staff Scientist, Food/Environmental, Global Technical Marketing

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Håkon Langberg, PhD

Researcher and Environmental Consultant
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)

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