Birgit Schilling, PhD

Associate Professor
Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Director of the Mass Spectrometry Center
Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Birgit is interested in complex biological systems and applying modern mass spectrometry methods in the field of biomedical research and proteomics, uncovering how protein pathways are implicated in aging and disease.

Birgit works at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging as the Director of the Mass Spectrometry Center. She is directly involved in a range of projects, using advanced mass spectrometry technology to advance basic biology and biomedical research related to aging.

The Schilling lab develops and implements advanced, innovative, protein analytical technologies (including quantitative proteomics, post-translational modifications, protein dynamics and biomarker discovery) taking advantage of high-resolution, data-independent acquisitions (SWATH) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM). Birgit has co-developed several different bioinformatics workflows and algorithms for mass spectrometry data processing, such as for Skyline.

  • “The Schilling lab engages in many collaborative projects and is engaged in worldwide mass spectrometric studies, as well as software development. Collaborations with other proteomics and mass spectrometry laboratories keep our cutting edge workflows and our approach at the forefront of analytical technology.”

    Birgit Schilling
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