Can I obtain statistics information for internal standards in SCIEX OS software 3.4?

Date: 09/26/2024
Categories: Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Yes, users can generate statistics for internal standards in SCIEX OS software 3.4. To display the Statistics pane for internal standards in a results table, highlight the section All Internal Standards in the Components and Groups tab, and then select the Statistics pane option in the Views drop-down menu to display statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, and percent CV for internal standards values (area, peak height, and retention time). Follow these steps to display the statistics pane:

  1. Open a results table
  2. Highlight All Internal Standards in the Components and Groups tab in the left window (see first image)
  3. In the Views drop-down menu, select the Statistics pane option to obtain statistics information (see second image)
  4. Explore the statistics window that appears below the results table.
is view

  view stats