Generation of a New Root Directory for SCIEX OS Software Called C:\ClearCore Data

Date: 12/13/2021
Categories: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

Some users have reported receiving an error when opening and attempting to use the SCIEX OS software. An error message "The Default project in the installed root directory will be used because: Access to the path 'D:\SCIEX OS Data' is denied.: 'D:\SCIEX OS Data'."

At or around the same time that the user receives this error, a new root directory on the C: drive is created, and the software changes the root to this new directory called ClearCore Data, an example is shown below:



This software issue is caused when a user is added to the SCIEX OS security database and is given a user role but is not granted windows permissions to the SCIEX OS root directory. Access to the D:\ SCIEX OS Data folder will need to be granted at the Windows level from the system administrator. If the user is not given permission to access the D:\SCIEX OS Data folder, then the software will be unable to access any files or folders present in the root directory. This issue can be resolved by having the user's IT support correct the Windows permissions levels for the SCIEX OS Data root directory after consulting the SCEIX OS Laboratory Director's Guide.

The permissions on the newly created C:\ClearCore Data appear to be inherited from the Windows permissions that are currently set up for that particular user on the C: drive.

Posted: Oct 07, 2024

We checked and everything is according to your "Resolution" and still doesn't work.