Date: | 05/31/2018 |
Categories: | Analyst Software |
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Information about the hours of instrument usage can be obtained from the Analyst® software Audit Trail.
The Audit Trail data can be retrieved using IQuantAuditTrail interface methods NumEntries & GetEntry (see example below).
A Sample of VB Code:
Public Class Form1
Dim m_analyst As Analyst.Application ' main application object Dim m_quantAuditTrail As QuantAuditTrailLib.IQuantAuditTrail ' Audit Trail object Dim m_IRTContents As QuantRTLib.IRTContents 'Results Table RT Contents object
Private Sub GetAuditTrailData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GetAuditTrailData.Click Dim numEntries As Long = 0 ' No of Audit trail entries Dim strUserName As String = "" ' User Name Dim lDateTime As Long ' Date Time Dim strChangeType As String = "" ' Change Type Dim strReason As String = "" ' Reason Dim strDetails As String = "" ' Details
m_analyst = GetObject(, "Analyst.Application")
'Active control (Open the Results table in Analyst) m_IRTContents = m_analyst.ActiveControl
' Audit trail data pointer
m_quantAuditTrail = m_IRTContents.GetAuditTrail
' No of entries in Audit Trail
numEntries = m_quantAuditTrail.NumEntries
' Loop through the entries to retrieve UserName, DateTime, ChangeType, Reason and Details For lIdx As Integer = 1 To numEntries Call m_quantAuditTrail.GetEntry(lIdx, strUserName, lDateTime, strChangeType, strReason, strDetails)
MessageBox.Show("User Name : " + strUserName + ", DateTime : " + lDateTime.ToString() + ", ChangeType :" + strChangeType + ", Reason :" + strReason + ", Details :" + strDetails) Next
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
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