For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
The computer ID, also known as the physical or MAC address, is a number used when activating a software license on and contains a series of 12 characters followed by a space and then another 12 characters. The series can contain only 1 set of numbers or up to 3 sets of numbers; characters are hexadecimal (0-9 and A-F) and not case-sensitive. Dashes and colons are not required when entering the number (e.g., 00-FF-3E-82-8C-99 or 00ff3e828c99 will both work). To find the computer ID on a Windows 10 system, follow the steps outlined below:
- In the search field (lower left), type in CMD to bring up the command prompt (black DOS screen).
- Enter the command getmac after the prompt to view only the physical addresses.
- Alternatively, type ipconfig/all at at the prompt to create a list that includes IP addresses as well as physical addresses. Be sure to scroll through the entire screen and record all the physical addresses found, except for those belonging to the tunnel adapters. There can be multiple physical addresses for a workstation.
- The computer ID can also be generated in the software activation window that launches after clicking on the software's desktop icon prior to license installation. Add the license key in step 1 and then select Copy ID to Clipboard to capture the computer ID.
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