How to Activate the Molecule Profiler Software Module in SCIEX OS Software

Date: 06/17/2022
Categories: Academia Omics , Forensics , Pharma CRO , MetabolitePilot software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The Molecule Profiler software is a processing-only software module within the SCIEX OS software suite that can identify and characterize parent molecules and their metabolites. Activating the Molecule Profiler software version 1.1 simply requires the installation of an additional license when installed with SCIEX OS 2.2; however, activation of version 1.0.1 requires an additional software download as well as license installation when installed with SCIEX OS software 2.1.6.

The Molecule Profiler software processes accurate mass data from small molecule, peptide, oligonucleotide, and antibody drug conjugate (ADC) workflows that were acquired on the following systems:

  • TripleTOF systems using the Analyst TF software, version 1.5 or later
  • X500 QTOF and ZenoTOF systems using the SCIEX OS software.
To get started with data processing, the Molecule Profiler software user guide can be consulted in the Windows Start menu: All Programs > SCIEX > SCIEX OS > Documentation.

To activate Molecule Profiler software 1.1, the license file must be installed to the directory C:\Program Files\SCIEX\SCIEX OS, and then SCIEX OS software must be closed and the PC rebooted or ClearCore2 services restarted. Upon opening SCIEX OS software again, the Molecule Profiler can be viewed as an additional tile in SCIEX OS software home screen (see below). To install Molecule Profiler software 1.0.1 with SCIEX OS software version 2.1.6, a separate installer for Molecule Profiler must be downloaded and then licensed.

Sciex os tiles.JPG