How to backup mass spectrum databases with LibraryView when it is impossible to export as an lbp file due to a software issue ?

Date: 01/10/2025
Categories: LibraryView software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Procedure to rebuild a database in an lbp file depending on the version of LibraryView :


Until version 1.6 of LibraryView:

1) Make a backup of the "LibraryView.mdf" and "LibraryView_log.ldf" files located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA folder or in the C:\Program Files folder \Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA folder (This depends on your software version).
2) Open a SciexNow case by sending these files to SCIEXNow will attempt to reconstruct the lbp file with the original databases. This is undertaken at the customers own risk and is not guaranteed to be successful, and may take longer to resolve.


From version 1.7 of LibraryView:

1) Make a backup of the "PgData" folder located in the C:\Program Files\SCIEX\PgData.

2) Open a SciexNow case by sending these files to SCIEXNow will attempt to reconstruct the lbp file with the original databases. This is undertaken at the customers own risk and is not guaranteed to be successful, and may take longer to resolve.